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  1. AlwaysBombin


    Didn't know they modded ps2's...I have a friend who mods Xbox's and PSP's but yeah Pointless post First
  2. AlwaysBombin


    I can't fuck with video games, although I do still bust out some Sonic once in awhile The Godfather game does look crazy dope
  3. So for some reason I decided to go see what the Bombing Science forum is like...oh god, what a mistake. My faith in humanity has been shaken and for the first time in my life I'm wondering if I should quit writing just to avoid being associated with those clowns over there in any way, shape, or form
  4. Porkchop commits incest whether rain or shine
  5. Quoted post [/b] Bumpin it to a new page cuz it's damn funny
  6. My parents have kicked me out for numerous things, droppin out wasn't one of em. It must bother them that I can do fine without em though, cuz everytime after a few days they call me demanding I come home
  7. Only time I ever had that happen was when I got stung by mad jellyfish in VA...those lil fucks her me puking up everything that touched my stomach for a day straight
  8. I went to get the ID today, they wouldn't give it to me without my social security card which my mother lost. I went to the social security office, they wouldn't give me a replacement card without an ID. Finally after like a half hour of explaining the situation I got the bitch to give me a temporary thing verifying my ss number (no hitler), but the DMV was closed so I hafta go back tomorrow for the ID. All this fuckin bullshit just to get my GED, jesus
  9. Does anyone else on here watch Beautiful People? I seriously don't know a sigle other person who does, but that show's excellent
  10. And speakin of the assistant..I just clicked it and now I'm the #1 poster. I feel like I need a day off from the internet or somethin
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