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I got a raise today fuck my company...


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I'm living fucking broke right now to pay back my debts.

The plan is to have everything paid back in the next 8 months

(which will be fucked if I buy a motorbike) but it's worth it.


Living poor so I can live rich in the future. Sounds like a bad plan.

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Everytime I'm thinkin bout askin for a raise my boss just automatically gives me a small one...it's like he's psychic, fuckin dick


Monthly expenses

Rent: $0, but in a few months that will change to $2-300

Phone: Between my plan, and me and my girl's prepaids its like $160ish

Cable: $0, parents pay it

Internet: $40

Car: $0, haven't broke down and bought one yet

Food: Prolly like $80-100...I work at a restaurant but like to eat out a few times a week still, gets old real fast eatin the same shit over and over

Booze: $0, easy to rack

Fun cash: $150ish

Clothes and shit: Varies from $0 to a few hunded, depends on what kinda month I'm havin I guess

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House Tax $2000ish (every 3 months)

Food $500

Dog Food $50

Gym $62 (me & the girl)

Credit Card Bill $100ish

Website $9

My Girl's Student Loans $200

Gas (car)$160

Cell $65

Work Cell $0

Interweb $45

Cable $60

House Phone $40

gas(home heat) $250(winter) $100(summer)

Water $250-300

Electric $85-200

Fun money $500ish

Car Insurance $1200(yearly)

Child Support $400

Smokes $300

Booze $250-300

Compulsive PC equip purchases $50-500

(2 incomes though n i work like 60hrs/wk and do sidework)

im sure i forgot some things too.... fuck i(we) got a lot of bills



btw Rumy- "Just because you can use microsoft word doesn't make you a writer." is one of the best analogies ive heard in a minute.. Ima use that line man...


Some1: I have a friend with an associates in graphic design... i never went to school for it and i get more work and know more than him... its a good begining but i wouldnt count on buildin a career off it unless you have plans to take it further than that.. I'd go for a trade or a certificate program in massage therapy or xray tech ish or something.. short and cheaper schooling and decent $$.. teach yourself design apps in your free time


and LENS, theres a link to a cell hackin site in the 12oz tech support thread a few pages back, you could prolly unlock it yourself it you got a cable for it...

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Im not knocking what anyone does to eachs own but the job corps is pretty ghetto. if your gonna do that you should just enlist in the military.

if you want to get into trades call a local union hall and look into the programs they have available and see if you like it. if not call another one.

I have been in the union for years and its good but not all its cracked up to be. id rather be one of these jokers that sits in there cubicle and posts on here all day trying to look busy.

whatever you do

try not sucking anycock walking through the parking lot.


Originally posted by NAIVEVILE@Mar 7 2006, 06:52 PM

where i live the job corps offers these trades:

- Facilities Maintenance

- Business and Information technology

- Call Center

- Carpentry

- Cement Masonry

- CISCO Network training

- Culinary Arts

- Heavy Equipment Operator

- Heavy Equipment Mechanics

- Landscape Maintenace

- Health Occopations

- Plastering

- Retail Sales

and Security and Investigations

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hey bro you gat a raise dude i tried and I failed and it's really embarassing to be told n"o we'll consider it in three months."

fuck advertising 7 creative jobs you work long hours every day for minimum wage until you're way experienced.

get a trade my brother is a sparky and he makes so much goddamn cash it's not funny whereas I: for the sake of a career am earning as much as I did as a bartender albeit with more prospects.


chances are if you do a trade you get to work outside during summer too!

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My take on Lens post..

Welcome to the real world


My monthly expenses...


rent $1272 i onll pay half.My lady pays the other halk(638)

Food..my lady buys all the food(200-450) i eat alot

Gas $85-120

Booze $100-200

Cell $60

Fun money $400-$600

Water and power(DWP)..$85-120

Gas $15-50

Car insurance $100

Credit card bills $300-450

TV(Directv) $125-175 every other month

Phone/internet $60-85


i am sure i am leaving something oh well...The real world sucks..

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Originally posted by Frate Raper@Mar 7 2006, 06:59 PM

In my area a Brick layer can make 100 g's a year, if your down to work like a psycho and you like being out doors any trade your into you can make alot of cash. I'm so looking forward to this summers retarded hours.


this is true


very true, but you gotta be on top of your shit cause theres people literally waiting for you to fumble, for them to take your place


i was doing union work, retarded overtime, benefits, i liked it


there are alot of plus sides to working like that

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I've decided to lie my way to the top.

Steal some commercials off a foreign TV channel,

say I was the 'creative director for the marketing agency' (or some bullshit)

and convince people that I'm worth 75G's a year when I cant do shit.


oh wait.... that's what every wank in my city does. assholes.

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Rent - $615

Water and stuff - $40

electric - $50

Cell - $50

Car - $275

Insurance - $100

Cable - Work pays

Insurance - Work pays

Home phone - Work pays

Booze - the rest of my money, fuck food

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My grandpappy and his pops used to be unioned electricions (sp :yuck: ). They both made bank but where super hard workers. I must have missed out on that gene. I like working but am unmotivated unless I enjoy what im doing or am in a work condusive environment.


Plumbers also make serious cash. All these jobs require short training periods and if your motivated and hard working can make you a few dollars.


It beats college. Most of the time ive spent in college is realising I have no clue what I want to do. Maybe graphic design. I like putzing around on a computer.

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Originally posted by leftover crack@Mar 8 2006, 05:10 AM

some of you guys should really get back to drinking forties you'll never spend more than 50 dollars a month on booze.


Sorry, i got tired of bleeding from my eyeballs every morning about five years ago. Nothing but top shelf booze these days for me.


It costs more but it accomplishes two things..


A) I can drink top shelf all night and not feel fucked up the next day


B) It looks more impressive to girls when you say


"Lemme get a Grey Goose with soda"


rather than


"Lemme get whatever engine lubricant you're passing off as vodka with some orange juice."


The 40 ounce route is generally done only once in a blue moon. Sorry, but with age comes a maturation of your taste buds. Take a cue from Pulp Fiction....


"When Bonnie goes shopping, she buys shit. I buy the gourmet expensive stuff because when i drink it I wanna taste it."

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Originally posted by johnny ballbags@Mar 8 2006, 01:56 AM

and LENS, theres a link to a cell hackin site in the 12oz tech support thread a few pages back, you could prolly unlock it yourself it you got a cable for it...

Naw, i paid some shady chinese guy $10 last night to unlock it last night. Thanks anyway

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