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LED throwies


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a friend of mine was wanting me to do this with him about a month ago, I think it seems like an interesting concept, its not exactly graffiti but I do think its something good to break to monotony of city dwelling. Something to leave a mark is all it is. Quit trying to put it down because it was referred to as graffiti, take it for what it is, someone being creative.

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I think all this shit originated on livejournal.com. I saw some thing on TV where a whole bunch of kids go longboarding; their idea of messing with the system or some shit.

There's also this cellular network ad that has all these trendy teenager kids climbing buildings in huge flocks and there is this horrible music that I guess half of you people would like.


I say book 'em all for mischief and phonebook 'em one by one. Fuck, I'm sick and tired of democracy/beaurocracy.

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