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*gross* found this under Rants and Raves...




what should i do about my sister?


Reply to: pers-413533388@craigslist.org

Date: 2007-09-04, 8:27AM PDT


we were all at a family reunion in so cal last weekend, and both my sister (she's 24) and me (male, 27) stayed at my mom's. my sister and i used to be really close but we live far apart and it's been harder to stay in touch lately. we both had marriages that didn't work out, mine a year ago, hers a little before that. the last night we were all there, i was taking a shower before going to bed. i thought i heard the bathroom door open, then close, but decided it was nothing. then suddenly the shower curtain pulled back and there was my sister, naked as a jaybird, getting into the shower with me with this little smile on her face. i was really startled - but i could not help feeling a jolt as i saw her, a very cute little body, gorgeous breasts, larger than i would have imagined, that look on her face. she put her finger to her mouth, as if to say, shhhhh, then she soaped up a washrag and started scrubbing me off. within seconds i was hard as a rock. finally she turned me around to face her, said 'brother..." (she always called me that) "brother, that looks so hard and delicious...' she hung up the washrag, put her arms around me, slowly slithered down, down, down until my aching cock was in her face, and then she proceeded to give me a blowjob like i have never had in my life. it was so incredible, it seemed so screwed-up but so outrageously exciting. when i ouldn't stand it anymore, i said, 'baby... baby... i'm gonna... gonna...' i didn't even know how to talk about this with my own sister. she just nodded up and down, said, mmmmm hmmmmmmmm, and the excitement and the vibrations of her voice just set me off and i exploded into her mouth, more cum that i could even imagine. when every drop was gone, she stood up, kissed me, whispered into my ear, brother, i have to go, my plane is very early, and she ran out. when i got up the next morning, still wondering if it had really happened, she was gone. it's all i can think about. so the question is, what should i do about her now?



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My plan to become FAT

Reply to: pers-414438978@craigslist.org

Date: 2007-09-05, 7:57AM PDT



I just want to gain weight till I'm like 300 lbs. First of all, who wouldnt love eating pizza and grease burgers 3x day ? but then once I put a bunch of weight on, when I got bored I'd just crash through doors of houses or in various hallways just to see what's inside. Kinda like Mario 3, I could go around the neighborhood and each house would be like a level. So Id just run 4 steps and slam my ass up against the door and break through just about any door. I wouldn't necesarily steal stuff, but it would just be cool to have superhuman strength and then compare the differences of peoples houses in the neighborhood. Yeah I might kipe some souvenirs, but I wouldnt make a business out of it, thats wrong.



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i am looking for a sexual partner who I can have more than one encounter with and someone who I can go out and do things with (Dancing, Movies etc). I want the good parts of a sexual relationship, the good parts of a so-called "regular" relationship but with none of the emotional baggage or drama. Basically I want someone who is okay with sex but who is also okay with going out on the town and having fun in addition to sex.







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Don't you want us White man??


You can't have us. You think that you have power over us. You only can get the F.O.B. girls looking for green card.








definately written by some little bitch ass asian dude with a 4 inch dick sad because all the finest asian girls love REAL men.....and i dont pull fob girls buddy i went out with a korean import model for a few years and i loved seein all you jealous little asian nerds jockin!

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yea...them asian boys might have nice brand new EVOs and STIs that their parents bought them....but i pull their girls allll day!



alot of asian girls i know hate asian guys....more than half of them are on another hype..they think asian guys are corny, metro sexual, insecure, spoiled...etc


i knew alot of asian girls who were dating mexicans and blacks too....aint that some shit!

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dont even get me started about tokyo...i feel like a fuckin super model walkin through there



and dont get me twisted im not hating on asian dudes.....i got alot of friends who are asian and pull beezies too. my asian homie actually just pulled this really cute white girl who has a thing for "fob guys"...aint that some shit!

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