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Movie Recommendation Thread

H. Lecter

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that's.. neither of those movies. speaking for myself, thought the grey

was entertaining, had me on the edge of my seat through most of it.



this film was also pretty exciting, the cinematography was gorgeous, a few

shots really look like classical paintings, great production value and performances.

the one thing that really killed this for me was.. the story. nick cave wrote this

and did the music for it: the score was great, but i think his flick could have

benefited from a somewhat better script.. definitely worth a viewing.

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decided to buy this for a dollar on my apple tv last night. it was pretty good despite my skepticism. the writing could have been a little better imo but i plan to watch again to figure shit out.






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saw "the Thing"(new one) last night, was pretty ok. Nothing really special about it. Not worth a rewatch...Since this is the movie recommendation thread I recommend The Warriors Way, Pretty solid movie on netflix


they did a great job of recreating the look of its predecessor, which was kind of it's

downfall since it lacked any of the real thrills, surprises or mystery. john carpenters

the thing is one of my favorite films, and the new one just falls in its shadow.

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fuck the brits


its funny I can watch all kinds of sappy movies and they have no effect on me.


but this shit right here really got too me, i broke down and cried at parts because if my great grandfather hadn't left the country when he did this would have been my families reality.


fuck the crown.


and if you got any republican blood in ya its worth the watch.

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..i think it could also be called "modern warfare: THE MOVIE"

i won't see it for the plot or fine acting: ill see it because its going to kick ass.



a harrowing vision of a potential future, this film was originally

a student project by george lucas that warner bros. decided to

give him a budget to remake it officially with. had a special edition

with cut scenes, CGI ala star wars, but this film has more originality

and realistic vision than star wars could ever come close to.


say what u will about george lucas, i'm not nuts about him either,

but this film is certainly worth a viewing.

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