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17 Good
  1. whats good you degenerates? headin up from newfoundland da once too waist a few brain cells and a few cans of paint. any of you mooks down to let me bait out your spots haha? hipsters and kids need not apply.. (self promo/context) http://www.streetfiles.org/friedchicken
  2. casing places with scrap metal on instinct looking at beer bottles as money hustling everything from bikes too smokes throwing rocks throwing bottles picking locks eating baloney smokin weed till the last possible puff savin the last draw of a smoke for your mook friends shoplifting
  3. its funny I can watch all kinds of sappy movies and they have no effect on me. but this shit right here really got too me, i broke down and cried at parts because if my great grandfather hadn't left the country when he did this would have been my families reality. fuck the crown. and if you got any republican blood in ya its worth the watch.
  4. this man knows what he's talking about!! its like a picture of the whole world and everything you could ever want in it. its dat nice home grown from your stacked grow room, its the flyest kicks, the best suits, an e class benz, a room full of paint, and all the high tech tools you could ever want... all the while this is playing in the background
  5. its a grizzly 8.5' its a 870 clone, its a piece of crap gun actually hahaha. but its not considered sawed off, up here in canada the legality of a gun is based on its over all length. with the buttstock its 26' which makes it totally unrestricted, so all you need is a regular gun permit too have one. and in a few months we won't even have too tell the government we have them haha i got the money for one of these bad boys with a pistol grip for when that law gets changed too hahaha
  6. dude in a few months we will be able too cop short barrel pumps and as many SKS or CZ-858's as we want without registering them. i don't care what anyone says about our gun laws up here thats not that strict haha and if you need a handgun up here its not like you want one that comes with a receipt...
  7. this !! i've lived on a farm my whole life, every animal we keep we treat like a pet. anyone who has kept farm animals knows that even chickens have personalities. i personally have only slaughtered and butchered a few, because it truly is hard too look your pet in the eye's when you kill it. but fuck if i'm gona stop eating em. they lived a good life until they hit the grill so i don't feel bad.
  8. bump graffiti that isn't trying too sell you something
  9. thehaze

    obey fail

    graffiti is for doing, not selling.
  10. why can't we all be so lucky. i'd fuck that mom for free, but for an 1/8th and smokes everytime i'd smash it for years.
  11. hard work and expert skill in at least one trade means you can always eat. being good at real world networking helps too...
  12. thehaze

    Paris Grime

    ummm no... http://www.juxtapoz.com/Current/in-graffiti-the-work-of-jamer
  13. i feel you shouldn't snitch for any reason even on your worst enemy, if you got a problem with someone deal with it like a man or shut the fuck up about it. i wouldn't tell that too whitey though... a person like that doesn't get any less dangerous with age.
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