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The Skateboard Thread


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Iv'e seen every good video to come out since Streets on Fire back in the day and it's just a progression of the sport.

All the new shit reflects is street skating's progression and the fact that more kids do it now, so the chances of a freak of nature getting into it are higher.

Imagine seeing the Zboys doing grinds and little airs in pools then fast forwarding to vert in the late 80's with people landing 900's.

It's just progression, as soon as I see a white barry bonds looking ass kid kickflip up 30 I'll agree, but it isn't strength, it's all coordination and balls.




So then by this logic people will be nollie double flipping over two story buildings a decade from now?




C'mon son.

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The wiki article doesn't refute what I'm saying here even slightly.


The other article is written by someone with absolutely no medical understanding of how steroids work.

The guys statistics that show that the person hit the ball about the same percentage of times but got more runs during his steroid season.

That indicates a higher percentage of home runs, which is exactly what happened, not a reduction in strike outs on steroids.


Read the last sentence I wrote carefully, you'll see I stated that if kids were doing kick flips up 30 I'd believe it.

Again, skating has nothing to do with how hard you tap the tail of your board down to do an ollie, it's how you tap it and your co ordination.

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I just think people are now approaching skateboarding differently, even professionals back in the day neverr really earned any money through it, now there is such a market that people are really pushing to improve, don't neeed to work to provide a living and literally skate all the time and constantly improve and expand, it will reach a level though where advancement in skating will slow becausee of physical limits. There is so much money in skating now that people are really coming out and appraoching it like a true professional sport.


No one thought that 20 years ago you would be doing backflips on a motorbike it is all just progression.

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Nigga you're like 23.


If that.




oh to be 23 again.


I guess maybe a youthful appearance aint that bad but pushin 30 is definitely a reality now.



im in love with this big ass deathwish board.

been pushin it around like the kid that was scared to change in the gym locker room :lol: :lol:

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I just think people are now approaching skateboarding differently, even professionals back in the day neverr really earned any money through it, now there is such a market that people are really pushing to improve, don't neeed to work to provide a living and literally skate all the time and constantly improve and expand, it will reach a level though where advancement in skating will slow becausee of physical limits. There is so much money in skating now that people are really coming out and appraoching it like a true professional sport.



I don't know about in England, but here in the states skaters have always full blown lived skateboarding.

Any skateboarder who ever made anything of themselves always lived, ate and breathed skateboarding and skated every day that they could.

And there's a lot more skateboarders who never made shit of themselves, yet still lived, ate and breathed skateboarding every day of their lives, not because they had to but just because they could.

Even before serious money was ever involved, it's always been that way.


Also, skateboard technology and design hasn't really changed much in the past 15-17 years, but somehow there's kids who are skating like "Tony Hawk pro skater" video games.


Like I said earlier, I'm just putting my personal theory out there so that I can say "I told you so" later.

Feel free to dispute or disregard all you want.

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skating always will come down to how much of your self your willing to give, its just like having a daily workout routine but it hurts more.




That's my point exactly.

There's a serious amount of skate rats who would be willing to give an arm and possibly even a leg to be able to do shit like this:


^Yet this jock basically grew up focusing the majority of his attention on his MTV image.


Like I already said, I'm really not interested in arguing with people in England about this subject.


I'm just calling shotgun on when the truth actually does comes out.

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As somebody who's skated in and even won contests (pro or not, it doesn't matter) that are based on your run being flawless and consistent, I can personally tell you that nobody takes risks like this.

In this contest format, people just do what they have on lock because if you miss even one or two tricks you miss one or two placings at minimal.

Contests like this are not like the Maloof where you can miss a million tricks, but still place on the one or two that you did land.

Therefore this is a prime example of exactly what the fuck I'm talking about.


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That's my point exactly.

There's a serious amount of skate rats who would be willing to give an arm and possibly even a leg to be able to do shit like this:


^Yet this jock basically grew up focusing the majority of his attention on his MTV image.


Like I already said, I'm really not interested in arguing with people in England about this subject.


I'm just calling shotgun on when the truth actually does comes out.


mate I wasnt arguing with you, I agree people do live skateboarding, I know plenty of people over here that do as well. What I meant more was the people at the top of their game arent just living skateboarding anymore, they are living as professional athetes.


Putting in mad work in gyms, probably gymnastic type shit to get them flexible, just rather than skating none stop all day they now train around their skating as well. They have training regimes etc.


I mean pro skaters now arent like how it was in the 80s/90s it is more professional now, I'm not saying peoples passion towards it is any different, just the way they approach it and the money involved means it is takenmore professionally and serious.


Also a lot of the younger pros have literally had a deck at their feet since they could walk, I remember this little kid about 4 back in Bristol I would see skating, saw him not long ago he is now 18 and still skating and was doing more than I would imagine most of us on here could do.


I wouldnt be surprised if someone has taken drugs to help boost recovery from injury, I dunno quite what other performance enhancers there are that could help a skateboarder apart from injury recovery. Im not denying it could happen, and I wouldnt be surprised if it did at some point, but at the moment I dunno what benefit there is.

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aint got shit on the skate park from the teenage mutant ninja turtles movie!




Welcome to skateboarding in the city in the summer heat.

That "rubbery substance" is what they use to pave streets with, and it tends to melt and get so soft in the summer that you can literally grind the "waves" that are made from the weight of buses.


Or at least that's what I grew up with in Philly. No idea where you're at.



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I've come to the conclusion that professional skateboarders today are taking performance enhancing drugs.

I'm being serious.

Not that I'm necessarily knocking them for doing so.

Or saying that Skateboarding is even the type of sport that should be testing for that shit.

Just saying though.


Anybody else hear me on this?


You say the stupidest things. I'm not even talking about JUST this post either.

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You say the stupidest things. I'm not even talking about JUST this post either.


There's nothing stupid about what I said at all.

I'm sure if this was the 90's and I said Mark McGuire was juicing, or a few years ago if somebody said that Lance Armstrong was "doping", you would have called them an idiot.



All's I know is that when it does come out that certain pro's are "doping" then I'm going to quote your post with size 7 red AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA'S.


Until then that's all I have to say on this topic. End topic.

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not even 5 mins into skating today i slipped back, and the inside of my knee hit the ground and the outside got sat on, heard and felt a few pops.. felt horrible, and is sore as shit.

10 minutes later my buddy gets hip checked by a 2 ft tall ledge. 10 minutes after that the other friend snapped his deck.. not our day.

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