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The Skateboard Thread


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Learned smith grinds on down rails today. Bruised heels. Awesome.


Ugene some of those clips I liked but seriously dont even use any ollies down stairs or drops...


haha nigga thats all throwaway gotta bunch of haters in here why would i want to waste all of the bangers i filmed and put them in my promo when i save em for my video.


and to the dude who said dont bother. where are your pictures/footage at least i contribute

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god im so bored watching skating lately. flip video really didnt do much for me. claymation was uber gay.


rowley killed it

as douchey as he is, burnquist killed it

lance killed it



everyone else, im sure it was all switch and super tech and im an idiot for not being blown away but i was bored. i gotta quit watching videos.


you should just stay outta the scene, pack up your knee pads and your vision skateboard and stay out. watch out for the new comers

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the point of a teaser is to make people want to watch your video, and 12 year olds doing ollies is prolly not a good way to do that. if youve got all this "dope footage of bangers" (which i highly doubt.) you might want to give a tease of that in your teaser....also, keep complaining about haters in channel zero, thatll get you real far.


as far as posting in this thread, i i think youll find ive posted tons of links for years in this thread. so fall back faggot.

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Wait, are you seriously saying give penny a couple years to "grow out of his steeze"? do you have any idea who tom penny is?


granted, his part in the new flip video wasn't my favorite, but dude is getting older and hasn't gave a fuck about getting coverage for ages. His part from sorry will forever be one of my favorites and all of his old stuff, even as a little kid in giant green hammer pants, is killer. You're out of your mind if you think he needs to grow out of his style at all, or change it in the least.





If you somehow don't know about penny:

Transworld Anthology (2000):

Sorry: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZtoCnsyad0


You can go hunt down some more ancient footage of him as a little kid tearing shit up if you're so inclined

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^^ ripper.... give him another couple years to grow out of the hints of grom steez he's got and i bet we'll be seeing more of him.


i really really really hope you're not talking about Tom Penny.


dude doesn't need to grow out of shit, his steez is established as one of the dopest things to get done on a skateboard.

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Wait, are you seriously saying give penny a couple years to "grow out of his steeze"? do you have any idea who tom penny is?


granted, his part in the new flip video wasn't my favorite, but dude is getting older and hasn't gave a fuck about getting coverage for ages. His part from sorry will forever be one of my favorites and all of his old stuff, even as a little kid in giant green hammer pants, is killer. You're out of your mind if you think he needs to grow out of his style at all, or change it in the least.





If you somehow don't know about penny:

Transworld Anthology (2000):

Sorry: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZtoCnsyad0


You can go hunt down some more ancient footage of him as a little kid tearing shit up if you're so inclined




didn't realize i wasn't on the most recent page. i was refering to to that clip of that youngster a page or two back. i know whats up with penny, believe me.



edit:this kid... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiM1hE-7bz8&feature=player_embedded

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the point of a teaser is to make people want to watch your video, and 12 year olds doing ollies is prolly not a good way to do that. if youve got all this "dope footage of bangers" (which i highly doubt.) you might want to give a tease of that in your teaser....also, keep complaining about haters in channel zero, thatll get you real far.


as far as posting in this thread, i i think youll find ive posted tons of links for years in this thread. so fall back faggot.


its actually erik. yeah man i feel you 100 % but that was the only footage i could have used for my promo strictly to the fact that i had to film wayyyyy more and i didnt have enough footy to put in there. haha im just screwin with you man relax


edit: witty pm your aim screen name and ill show you a couple secret clipzz hehe

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DOA'S Skate part



This is not only bad because the skating is awful, I dont care about that as long as you're having fun, but I'd like to punch to second "dude" in the face for dressing like the emperor of assgrab. Seriously, those shorts were a no-go for self respect even back in the 80's.

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Bog Dog's skate video... what... wow really, worst video ever. I don't know what the fuck kind of poobutt ass grinds those were; ya' boy needs to man up and get on top of that fucking coping. Those rock and rolls about as stylish as dudes clothes. And I loved how they showed him dropping into a six foot easy-tranny like four times + slow motion. I could go on about this - What in the fuck.


You are out of your fucking element Donnie.


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