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how many of you contemplate suicide?

Guest willy.wonka

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are u guys for euthanasia, or abortion/? just curious....

i agree with gasface in that Life does not have a point.....i would never want to off myself..but do sometimes hope it cud happen..but like in an accidental situation...im actually in the worst situation right now...my gf extremely suicidal and ive just been trying my hardest to keep her another day....really sucks.


Euthanasia's a yes. For vegetables, totally. Not because I hate on them but because I don't believe they're living anyway. People who are suffering and literally helpess, euthanasia could be the only thing that would 'help.' Abortion is iffy. If you want to, your business but I probably could never go through it and I'd rather struggle with a kid I could love(& love me back and remind me how cool it was to BE a kid) than have a scar and think about what could have been. Frienda mine had a baby when she was 16 and says she'd never go back to change a thing. Her kid's dope as hell & she goes to school and works. I know she's happy :) But I don't talk to her anymore cause she's a bitch, haha.


As for suicide, I think about it alot. I think about death just in general. But if we weren't intended to live or to be wanted we wouldn't be here right? If you feel the inclination, tell somebody and they'll tell you to STFU like some of ya'll said, not to do it because you're just being emo, or to do it because you're just being useless and/or emo too. Our purpose isn't to DIE, we do but it's not because we should want it. &Yes, life can get rough but you can still be happy in poor conditions and that's the coolest happy there is. I'm down for the whole killing myself before 80 thing though, having a granny rampage beforehand.


I'm just glad I'm not the only person who thinks of killing other people after checking this.

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I've been really depressed lately. I have been depressed for the last two years straight, I am just noticing how much its taking a toll on my friendships and work. Everything that used to make me happy has slowly getting less and less rewarding through the years I am thinking about going to see someone about it. Shits wack I hate everything according to 90% of my friends I can't even stand to keep girlfriends around they usually do something stupid that isn't a big deal and then I can't stand to be aroudn them at all and stop talking to them...


They say knowing you have a problem is the first step to recovery so I hope it will be better soon. Springs here I started skateboarding again just getting outside and doing stuff rather than sitting at home every single day. Hell I even started catching streaks and marker tags again and as stupid as that sounds it actually makes me feel good and excited to be out. I am making it a point to get out of my house now and do something since i think me being a hermit is the full cause of me being depressed. Oh I cut down on drinking alot which helped too...

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Everyone thinks about it. The past year, up until recently, I was just shitty as fuck. It ruined a lot of friendships and a good relationship. blahblah. I still think about it from time to time, because I theoritically think "if this happened and this happened it would be enough for me to jump in front of a train." I don't know. Fighting through shit does make you a stronger, more educated, and better person, but sometimes certain things can occur that aren't even worth fighting through because it won't make anything better.

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"i don't believe in suicide but i understand it, there comes a time when you're ready to leave this planet, but damn it, ima take it all for granted and ima have to die before i ever try to land it."


for me life is decent. not bad not great. even in the worse moments i still don't ever contimplate offing myself. shits for the weak willed.

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i've thought about what it would be like to kill myself... never thought of actually doing it

shit freaks me out for sure



now if we can talk about how many people thought about killing other people

well shit i could sit here for hours about all the retards i'd love to take off this earth

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"He who killed himself with a steel (weapon) would be the eternal denizen (inmate) of Hell and he would have that weapon in his hand and would be thrusting that in his stomach forever; he who drank poison and killed himself would sip that in the Fire of Hell where he is doomed forever; and he who killed himself by falling from the top of a mountain would constantly fall in the Fire of Hell and would live there forever."

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Who hasn't thought about it? And then immediately after that, who hasn't gone on to think about the millions of people that would kill their grandparents in exchange for most of our (often self-inflicted) 'troubled' little lives.


Even people who are born with serious life-impairing aliments and mental illnesses find the strength and determination to fight through it.. please, step to them and tell them that you're not sure if you want to live anymore cause your life is 'boring'.





most people who talk about killing themselves dont know what real problems are and never had the drive or streinth to overcome adversity

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