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I Just Got Paid


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Ok so my boy hits me up like "Yo you wanna make 20 bucks?" So he tells me to write him a retarded ass story about whatever the fuck I want and it doesn't have to make sense since his teacher is a burnout. I asked him if I could write it about Herman Balboa and the Gucci Condom Scheme. He approved.


And without further ado, I present to you, the most retarded story ever that someone actually paid $20 for.


Nah man it gets better. Just picture a teacher reading this,



Herman Balboa and the Gucci Scheme


Herman Balboa was a wild character. He grew up in the Queensbridge Projects in New York. He lived there all his life. At about the age of 12 Herman decided that he wanted to be a transvestite. After about 8 years he decided that he was tired of thongs chafing his buttox.Over the following years he started killing people for peanut butter sandwiches just to survive. Herman was not a rich man, which brings us to the tale of Herman and the Gucci scheme.


In about '92 Herman was dating this fly honey named Funglow Beanstriker the Third a.k.a Sock. Now, in Herman's mind, this was the sexiest female he had ever encountered. He knew he was lucky to own such a fine piece of meat. He really liked to video tape his intimate situations with Funglow. This went on for about 2 years until Funglow turned into a fashion junky and turned him down one night. Funglow stated with intense furiosity "Herman! I will not get in bed with you anymore until you are sporting a Gucci Platinum Edition Re-Usable Neo-Fiber condom!" It was these few words that sent Herman into a downward spiral of crack selling and robbing abortion clinics.


Herman knew that he did not have the $400,000 to cover the price tag of a Gucci condom. He knew that he could not risk losing his beloved Funglow, so actions were taken. He sat down and brainstormed a list of things in which he could get up the sum to cover this ticket to the promise land. He figured that if he knocked off a few abortion clinics and sold the fetuses on Ebay he would have most of the money. To cover the other half, Herman decided he would get his youngins' to hustle some rock for him.


For the first month it was gravy, he robbed two clinics and he was selling so much rock that he would have to re-up atleast 4 times a day. He had just about enough money by this time but needed to pull off one more robbery. This was no easy task, as it was at the Scrilla Abortion Clinic of the Gold Front Mafia. Now, he knew this would be hard so he saved it for last, but he failed to estimate just how hard it would be.


He figured that he would just case it one night and hit it the next. When he got to the scene he saw that there were armed guards with ak-47s and teleporter transformation devices. Once spotted, he would be tortured and thrown into an incinerator. After checking out the surroundings for about an hour he knew that he was not going to be able to enter on foot, but rather with a jet pack.


Herman went out to the dollar store and copped himself a sick jetpack. The brand was called "Transfusion 20/20." He read the owners manual 73.5 times and knew everything about it. He knew that tonight was the night and there was no turning back. At around 12 pm he climbed to his roof and sparked a Newport 100 for good luck. He then let the starter cord rip for his jet pack and was on his way. As he neared the roof he noticed something very odd. The roof looked like there were white and red things all over it. As he neared even closer he realized that they were thousands upon thousands of discarded tampons. How they would have gotten there, he didn't know. All he knew was that his Timberland XP 95's with Pump Action were not touching that disgusting roof. He headed away and called it a night.


He flew around downtown Manhatten for a while until he passed a penthouse window and saw Oprah Winfrey inside. He knocked on the glass and she opened. He sat down and talked for a while with her, she was really turned on by his jet pack. After a few bottles if Cristal they got down to doing the deed, and wouldn't you know, Oprah pulls out an XXL Platinum Edition Re-Usable Neo-Fiber Gucci Condom. Herman jumped with joy and smacked Oprah in the face. He snatched the condom, let his jet pack rumble, and headed off into the night. He arrived home that night with an unmistakable grin of victory on his face and his wife knew that he retrieved the well saught after item. After that night, Herman and Fungalow never got more than 3 hours of sleep every night due to the uncomprehensable power of the Gucci name, and Herman went down in the history books with one of the wild tales ever.

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