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Herbivore last won the day on October 13 2004

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1 Neutral
  1. Vista looks cool, but the minimum requirements just to have the Aero GUI make it sound like games are going to run like shit unless your computer is bananas.
  2. It's a place where people share login IDs and passwords for sites.
  3. Re: Mounting ISO's If this is for a game, and you haven't already solved the problem, you can try getting a no-cd crack from either http://www.gamecopyworld.com or http://www.gameburnworld.com ... but you should use both sites at your own risk.
  4. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> I'm not really familiar with the internals of a laptop, but if there's a way to check and make sure that everything is properly plugged in, then you should do that. You could reinstall Windows, which would be a bitch, but might fix a hardware issue like that as long as everything is plugged in/not broken.
  5. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Wasn't there an article posted not too long ago that was titled "20 Things That You're Going To Hate About Vista"... or something to that effect? Now all of a sudden we're going to love it?
  6. Looks like you need a USB authorization key in order to use it (?)
  7. If you don't see an error of any kind, then you probably just aren't able to connect to any of the people downloading/uploading. A firewall hinders the ability to connect to people, including firewalls built into routers.
  8. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> That wouldn't happen. And it wouldn't make much sense to pay for XP Professional now, considering Vista is coming out soon (sort of).
  9. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> I wouldn't say my copy is pirated, but it's not "authentic"... my friend gave me a copy of his CD. It sucks, though, because I can't even get the latest version of DirectX without an authentic version of Windows (I'm sure I could get it somewhere, but still...). Anyway, when I got my new hard drive I decided to upgrade Windows to Service Pack 2, and it's been pissing me off ever since. Whenever I try to run anything or download anything, I have to confirm it. When I'm viewing videos embedded in web pages, I'll have to click on the video to "activate the control" in order to change the volume or anything. Windows will automatically block any program that tries to access the internet. The list goes on and on when it comes to annoyances with Service Pack 2. Should I just roll back to SP 1?
  10. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> I just bought this hard drive: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16822144701 My first SATA.
  11. Herbivore


    If you haven't played Rome: Total War, do yourself a favor and buy it/download it. Medieval Total War sucks balls compared to it.
  12. Herbivore


    I've started playing this game again recently: PS1 style.
  13. Get Spywareblaster... it blocks Active X scripts and other spyware pre-emptively. Quoted post just use the ones i posted pick what one you like most and stick with it the more you got the slower the computer is going to run because you will have like 50 operations running in the background i recommend adaware used with adwatch Quoted post [/b] That's the beauty of Spywareblaster, though. It protects without running... you just set it to block everything bad, close the program, and you're set. The only time you run it is to check for updates.
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