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Americas first GRAFF artist spray paint


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non glossy Silver is called Aluminum. Just like how Rusto has Aluminum and Chrome. Chrome is shiney aluminum is not. So far most of you are baggin on this stuff and you haven't even seen or used it yet. If it's as good as euro paint, has as many dope colors as euro paint and costs less then Rustos at Home Depot then what is the problem??? Yeah I know somoene is gonna say well I can't rack it, well that might be true but the debate is if the paint is any good or not, which remains to be seen but you should at least have used it before baggin on it, Ohh and the other big topic...I do agree it should be oz's and not ml's...that is whack if it is made here. just my 2 cents.

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When the site opens I'll order a few cans, test them out on some freights and concrete, and let everyone know how well they cover, etc. I haven't used Montana yet but I'll consider order a few cans of that as well just so that a better comparison can be made with non-american paint.

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this shit will never work in america. american writers are too cheap and rarely support the efforts of other writers.


just look at all the good american graff mags.


not to hate on your idea but before you pour your life saving into this think twice. american writers are a far different breed than those from europe.


but if its as good as rusto id buy some.

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Blubber-Colors Product Characteristics

This is to give you an example of what are product may be compared to.

High Pressure- similar to Montana-Colors and Krylon, If you find the pressure of the spray can too high turn the spray can upside down and release gas out of the spraycan for a few seconds (you will not lose paint) This will reduce the pressure in the can.

New Valve- Functions with every cap on the market, preferred caps are the Banana Skinny, German grey dots, Pink Dots, NY Thins, NY Fats, Rusto Caps,

Coverage- high opacity Similar to Rustoleum’s American Accents and Montana-Colors

Quick Dry time - Similar to Montana-Paint Black

but its cheaper and american USA USA

and made by artist

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Guest CrewJones

i guarantee that all you idiots complaining about this shit will end up painting with it, so drop the "im too cool for fancy paint" shit... that got palyed out when belton first came out... I will use any kind of paint I possibly can

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Originally posted by spectr

anti fade so wait it wont let me fade fuck that shit give me some rusto or krylon .


Thats fucking hilarious. I do hope your joking right?


But yeah it seems like the paint you guys have that isn't aimed at writters is butter anyway. Rusto's for fills and a select few krylon colours for out lines, American accents ect... I wouldn't think there would be that much of a demand there for designer paint.

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Let's put it like this, the US distribution for Montana got a shipment of 40,000 cans and in less then a month they were out of stock of almost everything and are waiting for another shipment. The demand is there, people are buying the Euro paint and they are selling for $5-$6/can if this Blubber stuff turns out to work just as well as Belton and Montana and it's only $2.75/can (which is less then rustos which most of you use) people will buy it. Why would someone buy a belton or montana when they can buy 2 cans of Blubber for the same price??? Now I don't know about you but 2 cans are better then 1 right? Now I know some of you keep talking about not paying for paint and you only rack paint and that's fine but some people do pay for their paint. Don't knock the paint til you try it, if it's good quality it will sell!!!

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Spanish Montana is the best paint out there period and there whole point was to make good paint for cheap. They sell it cheap, the distributors sell it cheap and then the stores jack up the price like its 1995 as if it was super rare to come by. This new brand will only help the price of Montana and Belton go down and eventually the Blubber brand will go under.

I would be suprised if it is actually American.

If its not being made in Mexico I bet its being made by German Montana for them, if it is you know its garbage..

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man... theres way too much bad vibes here.

i mean how can it be a bad decision to make writer's paint for america?? people are already using Montanas that are coming from spain, so why no support a local company instead.

I dont know the cats who are putting this paint on the market , but i support them, because they are writers, and its made for the writers. I already had this idea of starting my own paint company if i had cash.


Having another brand of paint on the market is good for us, for the paint competition and stimulation and the variety of choice of colors and paint that we can have.


And having some real good graffiti paint for writers available for everyone is good for the scene too.

I am from Montreal. We have Montanas, True colorz, Belton since years. But before we had all that, we only had rusto, krylons and cheap paint like any other places. When the True colorz and Montana arrived here, i really saw a change in the graffiti quality in general of the city. It was a major improvement. Better paint, better coverage, more choice of colors.


U can buy paint, u can rack, u can do both, do what u want. But dont complain that theres some good quality paint coming next to your home, made by some writers who putted some efforts. Its all good

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Originally posted by XIII

its coming this summer.


400 ML $2.50

500 ML $5.00

now if it's american...then why the ml's?American's may be giving the paint a name,but what europeans are making the paint ?So who is making the paint..germans ???

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i will buy it at least a couple times to try out different colors.If it is anything like Spanish Montana i will buy it.If it easier to get that will be a plus also.Many times i have goine to order paint and been told we are out of everything but a few colors.So i say bring it on support a graf writer..

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I'll use whatever I can get my hands on..Rusto, Belton, Montanna, Kylon, True Colorz, whatever..Hell I've used brands of paint some of you probably never heard of..I'd like to check this Blubber shit out..They use to call me the Krylon Kid, and to me, if Krylon came back out with the 70's-80's colors again, I'd be in heaven...dazed and confused...:dazed:

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