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Oh, a few things here and there. Light blue Pro Race 3's, Thomson stem after I get a fit (if I need one, still going back and forth on that), SRAM Red BB30 cranks (cuz Campy don't make 'em), Planet X brakes (they're really, really light), some white Hudz, maybe get the new style Campy shifters if Hudz don't work out on the ergonomic tip. I dunno, it's a work in progress. Gotta lighten it up a bit more and than hopefully do well in some uphill time trials coming up...

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plans for an easy day went out the window real quick.

about 10miles in I stopped for water and saw a friend from the races.

he talked me into riding with his group of the local collegiate team.

60 miles and a summit later i'm cramping like all hell due to last nights alcoholic session.



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my day:

take the snow tires off the funbike.

ride to the cafe my ex works at and get

an omelette and these killer donuts they make.

ride back home, got some stuff together.

ride to the el. ride the el into the city.

ride up to daley plaza and wait for a friend.

meet friend and wait for another.

ride with friends down to northerly island to meet a fourth.

chill along the edge of northerly.

ride up to the aquarium to meet a fifth.

ride back to northerly for a few beers along the lake.

split ways with two and ride into bridgeport with the remainder.

after hanging in bridgeport ride up to ukranian village.

meet up with a few other people.

spin down western back to the blue line home.


when the sun shines in chicago you gotta take advantage.

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Alleycat in the snow? Good stuff. How many times did you crash on ice/sharp corners?


I raced during Portland's "Arctic Blast" shit a year back and it was one of the most fun alleycats I've done. Almost more like a checkpointed cross race more than a traditional alleycat because there was nearly zero traffic and bike handling/staying upright (in addition to speed of course) was crucial in determining who won.


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blew an innertube pumping it up to only 85psi. i pump all my other innertubes up to about 95, i guess there was a very small hole in the innertube causing it to blow at a lower pressure? it was the first time i ever blew anb innertube pumping it up and it scared the shit out of me. i didnt even notice the tire coming off the rim and the big bulge growing.. no homo.

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Yeah, usually when it blows, it's either because it's not seated on the rim properly, or there's a tiny defect in the rim/tape. I agree, shits traumatizing because it sounds like a gun shot point black...


probly the damn rim, ive had innertube issues in the same area on the same wheel before.

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Sunday's race was a brutal one, for me.


Same course as last weekend but in the opposite direction, plus one more lap. I have no idea why I did the race because I knew it was going to be harder than the week prior. Why? Because the "climbs" are more difficult in the opposite direction, especially the "dam" climb. It's the climb just after crossing the dam. And each time I got dropped and had to chase to get back in. The hard part about chasing back on was that when the climb crested it didn't flatten out or give you the chance to recover in a descent... it was a false-flat uphill. It zapped my legs for sure. I tried to lead my team mate out for the final uphill finish sprint but I had nothing to give, literally. I was spent. I'm hoping next weekend is a good race. Same course but back to the clockwise route... and more geared toward my style of riding.


Rubbish, did you do BB#2? I don't know if there were many of the same racers from the week before! It seemed like it was all completely different riders. Kinda odd. Team O had a bunch of riders, as did P. Velo and Ironclad. Lots of breaks went off and got sizable gaps but all came back. Kind of a weird race, though.

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Joker, I wasn't there but heard about the race. I heard a few teammates were in the break but they got caught up evidently. Our team didn't do that well results wise. I had other obligations so couldn't go to race Sunday morning so I just did my best to push the pace and attack on the local Saturday morning fast guy ride. I'm trying to make it next week as long as I can get a ride though; definitely been waiting around for a good sprint finish race.


That guy who won the 3's this week has been winning 3's races since last summer and beating the hell out of the B's in CX last fall... he's a nice guy but it's about due time he upgrades to the 1/2's and stops sandbagging.


I'm excited for the first sprint-centric workout of the year tomorrow...

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