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using a bike as a fashion accessory is one of the most obnoxious things that has come about in the last 5 years. its a mode of transportation and a way to get exercise and thats the extent of it. besides, if half of these little biker kids i see were as tough at they think they are they would be running for exercise....pussies.

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i am just putting it out there.

i can also service every part of my bicycle.

riding a bike is one of the few things i live for.

a perfect moment for me would be having some sex

while smoking a vega and painting a fill all while on my bike.

regardless of whether or not you can be down with that i dont care.

people who get wrapped up in hating scenes

are no better than those who buy into scenes.

it all gets pretty tired.

ride the bike.

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to hesh and joker:

so you're above kids on here that ride fixed, period? thats great that you guys ride, and have been riding fixed for a while, but for real--a couple pages back you broke down why being a messenger sucks and it sucks that its been romanticized--now you're saying you're above ALL the new(er) kids? that some real bullshit. i don't ride fixed. i think its gay, but more bikes is a good thing, end of thought, being elitist about what/how/how long/etc you ride is far fucking gayer than the art school faggots with white belts and chrome bags. pulling the "old school" "grandfather" card defines why i don't hang out with bike kids (or hardcore kids for that matter). fuck that shit. ride to ride, if somebody's a faggot, grats to them, but their presence helps all of us--mountain bikers, bmx kids, roadies, and fixed kids.

maybe i'm misinterpreting your statements, but if not, that attitude is more wack than anything else on this board--not to mention that its the internet.......

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Jokes is out like, out out?? Oh man I dig the superficial talks and shit but not without some of the senior members balancing out the overall media. I'll miss the commentary. Hope you come back some time, maybe next Le Tour and drop that insight. Stay up, keep on riding, or whatever it is you do that makes you seem like such a dope character.

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fixed gears are good because rookies usually can't service derailers, or center cantilever brakes. it's trial by fire at 4pm when their rookie legs are tired, the bike won't let them.. haha..


if you are not a messenger, they are great in the end of the winter after weight training, a super small gear on a road bike frame w/ brakes of course.. long slow rides with a high cadence build a good base for the racing season.. my old team mate when i raced once told me the bigger the base of your pyramid, the taller it can be built. good advice i always used.


i like running, but stick to trail running/scrambling when it's raining/too shitty out/snowing to ride.. and also to mix it up cause mental fatigue hurts a training regime worse than physical exhaustion.. if you trail run where you mountain bike (also good to throw in x2 a week in your scedule to keep you brain fresh..) you learn the single track like the back of your hand.. the eastbay hills are some of the best trails i ever ran/rode and broke bones on.


man i miss norcal cycling.. and graf of course.


and i don't care what you say.. rivendell is the shit.

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using a bike as a fashion accessory is one of the most obnoxious things that has come about in the last 5 years. its a mode of transportation and a way to get exercise and thats the extent of it. besides, if half of these little biker kids i see were as tough at they think they are they would be running for exercise....pussies.


as if people don't use cars as fashion statements? as if people don't use skateboards, or anything material for that matter as a fashion statement? i mean you guys talk like this is something new when really it's not. it's been going on forever. you are what you own in our capitalistic society, i don't want to sound all cliche but it's pretty true.








and on that note, i wonder if some messengers / people in the bike "scene" aren't even more pretentious than the hipsters they complain about...

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bandanna scarf? Whoisseuth I'm a buy you a windbreaker dude. $20, water proof, lightweight, works a tad better than a bandanna, and folds up just as small. I got this true-blue colored windbreaker by a "cheap and cheerful" brand called Canari from REI, and as ugly as the thing is, it works like a charm.


I miss the conversations about bicycle messengers with actual bicycle messengers.

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as if people don't use cars as fashion statements? as if people don't use skateboards, or anything material for that matter as a fashion statement? i mean you guys talk like this is something new when really it's not. it's been going on forever. you are what you own in our capitalistic society, i don't want to sound all cliche but it's pretty true.


and on that note, i wonder if some messengers / people in the bike "scene" aren't even more pretentious than the hipsters they complain about...


you know what i'm sayin?

somebody say word.

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hahaha fuckin word!

get a million fuckin bucks as a status symbol!


i love my two fixed gear bicycles.


my parents got me a fuji for xmas.

it's got tons of gears and a couple brakes.

i rode it in to work yesterday and it is a nice bike

but it'll have it's place..on trails, in shit weather, when i'm wearing nice clothes and can't use clips etc.


my fixed's are awesome though

my body has a rythym with the bike, we move together.

it's not sex or anything, but it's good fun.

for me, it has zero to do with a scene

especially since i am not, nor have ever been a messenger, and i don't go to bars, or even out of my house really. i'm fuckin 30 gatdamn years old and beyond givcing a fuck about bikes as a status symbol


people my age have audi's and big houses as status symbols, not bikes.

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#$%@& these dudes will all say the sane thing as you but the fact remains that a month ago they saw some dude as retarded as themselves riding some wack conversion, or cookie cutter jawn and decided that shit was cool. then they went online, got all the 411 and tech info, and then they will pull up on you one day while your locking up and try to be down w/ you and talk all kinds of shit. i hate you fuckers...



ok, im really gone now.

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why does this shit even bother you?

i don't understand why these people are even on your radar?


isn't it enough that they look so ridiculous, not only do you not have to point it out to others

it saves you the trouble of wasting any time on them


let it roll peoples, otherwise, you are wasting energy on dumb asses

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i wish this didnt bother me.

i wish i didnt think hesh was talking about me.

i wish people werent getting all worked up over what someone else does.

im gonna go start a thread about kids who road bikes prior to getting into fixed

but then bought a bike that says bianchi really big and made in taiwan really small.

and i only want kids like that to post in it.

i need a hummer (the truck).

no homo.



sorry i am so insecure but let me get some shit out there

to a bunch of kids spread all over the world whom i will most

likely never meet but still feel the need to try to convince.


i have been riding bikes as a commuter for as long as i can remember.

i used to fall asleep at the handlebars following my dad around the bike trail.

prior to that i chilled in the bugger, the kiddie trailer my dad used to strap to the P15.

i would say i got into bikes though about six or seven years ago.

i started out riding my dads bikes. my dads paramount, my dads stumpjumper.

then i got into chicago schwinns. my dad found me a mint 1972 varsity.

about this time bikes became the chosen mode of getting around.

riding posse deep to fires in the woods or on midnight cruises through the trails.

i rode that for a year and a half. then i went away to school.

the first summer i was there i ordered my pista from the local shop.

the owner had only sold one or two others and had no idea what to do with a track bike.


i got my 411 from my dad who you will find changing tires from knobbie to slick,

and switching up his handlebars back and forth, back and forth on a rainy day

like a barbie doll because bikes are the one thing besides 24s of MGD that he is into.

a piece back he sold his other paramount, a yellow P10. i think it may be his only regret.


and finally,you prolly wont catch me trying to talk you up at the bike rack.

mostly because i dont know you and you dont know me.

i have friends who are into bikes that were friends before we were into bikes.

just like i have friends who were friends before graffiti.

i am not into wanting to shake your hand or swing from your nuts

because you are more hardcore than me.

this is stupid.

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any of yous at that bike art show next to king kog last night?

some kid got caugth catchin a tag on the bar across the street by the dude that runs the bar.

said kid came back into the gallery with the bar owner storming in,

hipsters chase out bar owner,

bar owner and goons wait outside gallery,

kid changes clothes,

cops were about to come, so i left.

didnt know if the kid made it out without being noticed.

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I'm gonna sweat that picture because he looks fucking ridiculous. Helmets like that, the little hats, the fucking clothes and the snooty ass know-it-alls are the sum toto of why I haven't entertained the idea of being some sort of competitive cyclist since my mother forced me to watch Breaking Away (and it was a brand new movie then).


I did have a REALLY short affair with BMX racing. 1 race, broke my gooseneck, had a tantrum and slammed the bike, got back on and rode the final few feet steering with my hands on the forks, got 2nd, quit.

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