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hahaha shes got 360 degrees of fat tits. she keeps sitting down too gettin all winded and shit. thats seriously extrenous activity for a woman of that magnitude


yo fuck the state of ny, i hate this faggoty state. BOSTON MASS STAND UP. im bored as fuck, been posted up all day its nonsense ya mean

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* Geoff Martin

* Top 100 Contributor

* Posts 127



Technology-infused clothing: Practical or idiotic?

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Do you think some clothing companies are taking the explosion of the iPod trend too far by building iPod controls and other conveniences right into their products?

Or do you think that clothing that's designed with all of today's gadgets in mind is simply a practical and helpful solution to tangled wires and dropped digital cameras?


Whats next?

Are wireless mp3 players embedded under our skin the next logical step?

Or do you pine for the days of the simple Sony Walkman?

Tell us what you think!





Thu, Jan 12 2006 8:49 PM replied on


* kait_mitchell

* Top 25 Contributor

* Vancouver

* Posts 1,728



Re: Technology-infused clothing: Practical or idiotic?

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it's dumb to make specialized pockets for the gadgets today - they change too fast and don't last as long as clothes


maybe photographer vests will become trendy - they have lovely big pockets

What Would FSM Do?





Fri, Jan 13 2006 1:15 PM replied on


* spikeness

* Not Ranked

* Posts 1



Re: Technology-infused clothing: Practical or idiotic?

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It's not a horribly bad idea (seriously, the ipod is long from going out of style, and it's hasn't changed shape much. Plus, if you have an ipod, you probably won't buy another mp3 player for a few years, about the same amount of time it will take to wear out these jeans) But these clothes are going to be incredibly expensive, and probably not widely sold. So why the heck are we worrying about it? Of course clothing companies will try to make money off the current big things, it's what they do. If people have the money, and want to buy these jeans, what's stopping them?


On a second note, this article doesn't tell me the most important information....how will you wash the jeans without wrecking the ipod-sepcial features?





Fri, Feb 3 2006 8:22 AM replied on


* test2nick

* Not Ranked

* Posts 1



Re: Technology-infused clothing: Practical or idiotic?

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Here's the tech-clothing I want: a motorcycle jacket with built-in accelerometer and impact sensors that deploys crash protection - air bags or fast-dissolve gel sacks - when it detects a crash.


I know, I swiped the idea from the Final Fantasy movie. Sue me.





Sun, Feb 4 2007 6:23 PM replied on


* one winged angel

* Top 500 Contributor

* Posts 10



Re: Technology-infused clothing: Practical or idiotic?

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i think it could be a good idea but if they do it right. i mean i dont want to

be electroted to death and burst into flames if it rains...





Wed, Feb 21 2007 10:17 AM replied on


* groobie

* Top 50 Contributor

* Saskatchewan

* Posts 514



Re: Technology-infused clothing: Practical or idiotic?

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There have been some pretty good ideas over the years, tying in cell phones, speakers, microphones, cameras, and other gadgets into clothing. There was even a company working on "camouflage" outfits that would display what a camera saw on one side to the surface of the other side.




I can't think of any of those ideas having really succeeded anywhere outside the military, as they're one of the few groups that can afford such techno-gadgets and even need them.




Combine those military gadget clothes with their oft-mentioned microwave cannons and maybe you might have someone in techno-gear going up in a *POOF* of flames some day. But I don't think there is much concern for regular people going up in flames, any more than their cell phones spontaneously combust and explode.





Wed, Feb 21 2007 11:43 AM replied on



* Top 10 Contributor

* Grand Forks

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Re: Technology-infused clothing: Practical or idiotic?

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What we really need is people with an ounce of brains riding motorcycles so crashes don't occur in the first place. That's one of the problems with the world today, too much gadgetry and other things like wonder drugs to save us from our own stupidity. You got to wonder what the average collective I.Q. is on a typical day of people who frequent these shopping malls.





Wed, Feb 21 2007 1:13 PM replied on


* kait_mitchell

* Top 25 Contributor

* Vancouver

* Posts 1,728



Re: Technology-infused clothing: Practical or idiotic?

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I think we'll become Borgs with brain implants


if you want to hear random songs, you shake your head


and tilting right will skip to the next track and tilting left will take you back a track


we'll be wireless connected to the internet 24/7 in our heads and there won't be a point for exams in school anymore

What Would FSM Do?

















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