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The Photography Thread


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photography? mommy n daddy got you all hooked up... rich kid thread


Is that directed towards me? Go fuck yourself buddy, I've worked a job every day since I turned 16 for my camera equipment, which isn't nearly as expensive as others that post in here, I just know how to work my gear to get the best out of it.


Oh, and if your saying it because you see a big ole' house in the background, that's not even my house:lol:


a/s/l congrats man, early this year I was contracted by a paintball league to photograph their entire season, 5 events in all. You feel so accomplished when shit like this happens.

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I find the rich kid thing funny... I've never made more than 10,000 a year and my parents never gave me shit until this past few months when it got so desperate trying to find a job that it was either homelessness or moving back in with my dad for a while.


I bought my first Digi for $200 with money from work.

The next one was a Sony F707 that I bought for $400 under retail through a price match scam that people were running on sears through a dodgy NY website.


Then my first DSLR was a $1500 Sigma SD9 that I got for free thanks to a bug I found in Paypal back in the day: If you had a zero balance on the linked credit card, and a zero balance bank account linked, Paypal would not check the balance of either before allowing you to make up to $2000 in purchases. It would credit the seller, so they got all their money fine, then start bouncing back and forth trying to charge the bank then the credit card. By the time it stopped going through I already had the camera, and since Paypal was not a lending institution at the time and there was no agreement to pay money which they had essentially given to me, I never even received a bill from them. It was nice, one of my friends tried it recently and it doesn't work anymore.


Finally my current camera, bought with Pell Grant money (then I ate ramen for 2 months) and the whole host of <$30 lenses from the 60s and 70s.


Yeah, we ballin up in heeeya.

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i didn't assume that was your house at all... you posted fliks of your bedroom man, that room wouldn't even fit in that little house!:lol:

i thought the photo choices were the total, 'hey my parents got money!' variety..'i got a good camera from the job my dad got me, but i can't pan a mini bike before it's crappy blurred past me.. or set the shutter speed to make a good blurr..' ,and i spend so much $ at this paint ball course that they let me flik it real cheap for them after i was bragging about my dope camera',:lol: :lol: :lol: i feel like i know you as well as my own son.. go fuck YOURSELF whitehat

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speaking of getting paid for gigs, i've been doing a lot of bullshit stuff at a local bar/club. it's by no means good photography, but everyone has been flipping their shit about the photos because no one has done it here before. but, because of my shit being up on facebook a sorority emailed me and asked me to shoot their party on saturday. getting 250 and free drinks to take pictures of sorority sluts dancing, win.


also, only been living here since october, and i'm falling in love with the place because of all the stuff on the outskirts of town, ie. (the lake, sunset, and nature stuff. not the girl, haha.)






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haha, cool, i will.. i take fliks from a little 'nikon cool pix'.. they're nothing flashy..but it's got some hella zoom for something that fits in your pocket!! quality isn't so great and the colors and flash don't work well together.. can't use the no-flash op w/o a tripod,lol but it catches train fliks well from a distance and that's what counts!!

and no one's mad,i stole em back because i needed the posting space.. and my fliks don't really belong in this 'serious photographer thread' they're more like, 'your day in pics' thread.. but i don't like seeing them next to piles coke or beer bottles with leftover pizza.. so no fliks for this thread til i'm a saleout.. but i'm work'n on it..

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