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What do you remember most from high school?


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i didn't realise till like a year after high school but i was the hell bully. i was thinkin about this time i went to school drunk and one of the girls asked me why i was being hell nice, i thought i was being my usual obnoxious and rudeboy status. i ended up fucking her the night after.


the only tips i can say for any one who might be still in school and reading this; fuck alot of women, insult the shit out of anyone who thinks hes a swish cunt and get remembered as the guy who got away with doing the worst stuff.

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-stealing as much stuff as possible from the school

-skipping class

-ruining a few kids lives

-eating weed brownies in class


-dumb sluts

i was pretty much untouchable in high school since no one fucked with my click of friends.



wish i could do it all over again T____T

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calling my science teacher donnie, and refusing to call him by his last name.


throwing desks


blowing up electronic equipment and saying 'it was an accident, and the power supply isn't tuned'


getting 5 days worth of work done in 3 hours and then playing counter strike for the remainder of the time.

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We had this dude who worked in the cafeteria named Alonzo, he used to hide chicken nuggets under the fries so we only had to pay for fries and save a dollar at the checkout. It was "the alonzo special" and when we got back to the table there would be bragging rights to whoever got the most nuggets.


I also remember getting in trouble during social studies and having to sit in the corner against the wall behind the pull down wall map of the world. It was covering me like a curtain. I guess the teacher figured if they couldn't see me, I was less capable of causing a ruckus.

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- Ditching school and painting for the first time at the LA River

- Two-tone mean streaks. Man, those were really gay.

- Crushed downtown LA buses. Now they have flat screen TVs with news and weather reports. Crazy!

- Video Graff and Can Control magazine

- Espo's "The Art of Getting Over" being released when I was a senior

- Everyone talking about the Saber river piece... Looks like things haven't changed that much.

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This thread is really making me reconsider my career choice.



But, we fucked shit up in highschool too....



The time my dude left class by leaving through the window.

Launching coke cans across the cafeteria.

Fucking with the band- post drumline years.

Senior pranks.

Some dude took a shit in the hallway once and i remember teachers diverting hallway traffic around the terd- this was a priceless memory i'll never forget.

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man i didn't have half as much fun as everyone else did. probably cause the high school i went to was filled with kids whose parents bought them a brand new BMW when they turned 16. i think half of them are heroin addicts now.

i didn't drink or party but i did paint alot, steal alot, and play in a grind band. and i tried to poison kids by putting ipecac in the lunch room condiments and keeping milk cartons in my locker for 6 months and then sneaking them back into the lunch room for kids to drink.

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highschool was shitty for me compared to most of you assholes.


i didnt have sex until i was 17.

i barely even showed up to school due to drugs and graffiti.

junkie uncle stealing shit from me.

all day rack missions.

any time i would go to school i'd get in a fight or get put on suspension.



sophomore year i did make out with the hottest girl in the school though, i saw her recently and she looks kinda tore up. makes me sad that she once was prime real estate and now shes just the open lot next to the liquor store.

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i didnt have sex until i was 17. .


I remember i played a girl just so i could fuck her a few days before i turned 17, that way i would be normal and have sex at 16, like everyone else...


I had to go to an all dude school until i was 15, having sex there really wasn't an option.


When i arrived at my new school i was such a bitch, the dudes i met up with were fucking girls at school, drinking and smoking all the time and i had never even been drunk until i met them...public schools are definately a good way to grow up quickly.

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selling 20 bags of coke and watching dudes sniff in the bathroom.

fucking a korean bitch in my car before school.

my car stero system setting of car alarms in the parking lot.

taking a girls virginity in the back seat of my car.

robbing niggas for quaters and o's

bombing on school nights becuz its more chill.

throwing ups your hood next to your throwie

paying security gaurds to not search my locker. and to let me drive off campus anytime.

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taking dxm before school and swimming in phy. ed



the water looked so amazing


cough syrup? haha never had the balls for that at school.


i do remember getting caught smoking a bong on my school oval, and the principal telling my mother that it was meticulously made when it was a bottle, hose and al foil for a cone piece...


i also remember painting my school for our leavers thing, got seen on several different cameras which i never noticed and still havent been able to find, luckily in both of those cases the school was cool enough not to involve the cops or pursue charges against me/us.


i also remember being the only kid at school not in uniform all year round and having one of the worst attendance records for two years...


i bet my teachers thought i was the biggest faggot, god knows i embarrased myself when i looked back on my antics.

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i remember going through four years of being know as that quiet guy who beatboxes and draws in class and never does work.


Probably why i graduated second from last in my class.


never saw the point in going to school anyway.


EDIT: I also remember all the girls being undercover hoes, due to us going to the school for "intelligent black kids" the girls that weren't giving it up thought we didn't know dudes who went to the other high schools in the hood. silly bitches they were, because we all knew about how 10+ niggas were running trains on these hoes.


shit was funny, i hated pretty much everyone there except a few of my niggas.


also remember teachers trying to help me because i had "so much potential"


it's kind of funny how they tell you to do well in high school because that's how you get into college...BULL FUCKING SHIT YO. im at a local community college now getting accepted to all the same school's motherfuckers were crying over, sweating that they might not get in because their GPA was 3.5 and not 4.0.


My best high school memories were mostly spent chilling with convicted fellons and ex gangbangers smoking weed and writing graff.

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