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Everything posted by ndv

  1. ^^ are the smoking, fruity pebbles?
  2. It's not that I intentionally do it, if their Trans or gay I will refer to them as she. For some reason, they really like that. But as for the master bed room being misapprehended as primary, that's just nonsense. I mean, depends how one looks at it, but single or a couple both (all 3) are the masters of the domain. And quite frankly some dudes like it when the woman is the master of the bedroom. So when I really look at asomething such as a catalyst of a movement or change. I stop and think about it deeper than most, understand where they are coming from, but also have my own assessments and go from there. We all have the right to choose how we want to interact with social norms and I always respect someone's choice who they choose to cope with this type of topic. Most of it I do not agree with but to me it's their right and I don't wanna be the commie stepping on their parade. I don't know, most of this social morn stuff I'd just nonsense to me so I typically poke fun at it to a certain degree.
  3. I don't think you are, although, I am with the dude on these they/them crap.
  4. Lol, is that what major news outlets ask people these days?
  5. When 2 children fighting over a toy, you take the toy away. When 2 parties are fighting over power...
  6. Sup y'all! Ya boy Ens&Dees here Nverr hav I nevr tasted Srpite. My bad for the bad spelling, a bit tidspy, just had my fisrt wine coolr.
  7. Anyone one here have an uphold account, are you able to sign in?
  8. What's the deal with uphold, are they still working on their website? What are they doing, starting from scratch?
  9. Looks like a flag of some sort. Could be a cartel insignia?
  10. I am running Samsung S23 ultra, and S10. S23 Ultra is not Rooted but Unlocked. S10 is Verizon network so I am running on Verizon for both. It really depends on what you do with your phone, lifestyle plays am important roll on what type of phone you opt for e.g. battery life, features, memory, and storage capacity. I think pretty much after that it's either Andriod or iOS. Apple is more stream lined UI is easy to follow, Android is a bit more for the developer or techy for what ever reasons they prefer to opt for Android over iOS. I like some of the security features like locking pdfs, photos, and other files in password protected folders, but the con in this is that you have to use your Samsung profile/account to set it up, which circumvents the while reason for privacy. I imagine this can be by passed in a rooted state. As for service provider, I really cannot say which is better than the other, because I honestly had them all at some point and they all have their connectivity issues at some point. It's pretty much, how much do you want to pay at this point. What ever phone you decide on, I would go through all the security options on the phone that help you protect yourself as much as possible. And if security is your biggest concern. Then my best recommendation would be to obtain a false identity, i.d. and social, to acquire your phone card, get a phone off the street, and set up the phone under absolutely anonymous email and identity. I am not saying you plan to do illegal things, but it will give false info to all the apps they spy on our every existence and all the data they sell.
  11. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/03/03/narco-cat-tattoo-mexican-prison/
  12. You're not missing much. Out of all the things you've never had, I am proud of you.
  13. Quit playing. At first I thought she had back too. But I had too many questions regarding the surrounding content. Like for... 1. Why is she the only one wearing a thing? 2. How come the depth reception? 3. What am I really looking at? 4. Again, why is she acting like she's at the beach, but it's on the glass at night somewhere? 5. Something ain't right. I need to zoom in on this.
  14. Bro, the depth reception is off too that's why it looks like a massive booty.
  15. That's actually pretty funny. At first I thought is was a horrible photochop, but I realized I was looking at someone sitting cross leg with their hand resting on their calve area.
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