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Everything posted by ndv

  1. The Isreali accent isn't attractive at all, if it had to describe it, I would say it's sounds like someone with a speech impediment with marbles in the mouth all while as if they need to clear their throught but never do.
  2. I understand what you're saying. It doesn't scare me as I see it can be used a tool of convince if used correctly. However, what scares me about Ai is other people's perception of what Ai produces. I think very few are going to see what you see with Ai now. Think about the early stages of ai when it was parts and pieces released to the masses. Like filters on selfies, the first step in Ai was to achieve acceptance without the user realizing it. No better way to do that with the filters. Everyone wants to look good. As for literature, of course it helps to make ourselves sound not only literate, but smart and articulate. Of all people I am not the best at getting my words out when typing and my grammar is horrible. Some of y'all I am sure have noticed. So I see Ai can help there. There's a lot of positive things Ai is going to help humanity achieve. But for every cause there's an effect, for every action there's going to a reaction. Most people are so easily duped right now, and with all the stress people have been subjected to for the past few years. I wouldn't be surprised if there has been a spike in radicalization in the recent years. As Ai evolves deeper and greater all it will take is a well designed catalyst and someone or several could do something we are all familiar but can't understand, like a mass shooting. While we're on the Ai subject Elon released Gork, Gork is now ChatGPTs competitor. Anyhow, going back, to what you said about not knowing what's going to be true or not. Sometimes I feel even the news agencies don't know what real or not at times. What I mean is, whatever you want the news to know, that's all they know, and that can trickle down. Not to get too deep, but think of it this way. If it's possible to blue pill people, then it's possible to blue pill the media. And if your really good at red pulling someone then you can red pill them so well you actually blue pilled them where you needed them to be. Purple pilled. Think of it like education. We think we are being educated, which we are, but infact we are educated just enough to be a working cog in the machine. Purple pilled. What scares me the most about Ai is the unconditional reliance humanity is going to have with how effortless it will be to generate tasks. It's gonna make more and more people feel comfortable. It's convince, people will give up liberties for convince. This where Ai is going to get creative where people will easily give up their liberates without it even crossing their mind and by the time it does, Ai is already years ahead when they do. The other issue I see with all this stress related (civil unrest) issues the world has been experiencing over the past few years, is radicalization. I think there is going to be more upticks in people letter their stress get the better of them as Ai being the catalyst to them acting out rather it be physical or mental. Like I meantionsled, cause and effect. Could see more mass shootings, murder suicide, pill mill production rises and so forth. Don't get me wrong, honestly I like Ai, I think it ls really cool tech specially if your self employed and need to use it due to cost effective reasons opposed to using a licensed professional. Like say a terms and conditions. As it can also be a quick contract between two neighbors for civil affairs. One really cool thing about Ai is in medical procedures. Ai has been used for numerous years now for may things like operation procedures. Check DaVinci, it's a medical device surgeons use. Basically the doctor assist the device as it learns the movements of surgeries. As it learns the movements, it creates anomalies so it will not go outside of the scope (pattern) of work. For example, if someone in the operating room unintentionally/intentionally bumped the operating surgeons elbow, DaVinci knows that's not right in the procedure and doesn't mimic that anomaly. Pretty cool Ai stuff. Not a cheap machine eighther. Last time I looked, it was a few million. But yeah, the psychology of Ai is bad. But honestly we al ready have been living in a world where all this crap has been taking place long before Ai. Look at Hitler for example, Clown Purple pilled herself right into douchery.
  3. This became an instance classic as soon as the upload finished.
  4. Finally pulled the trigger in completing my uphold account, purchased$150.00 of XRP, now what?
  5. That's pretty funny. I always thought about texting back, but I never did because I thought they were automated texts like those do not reply emails. I wonder if I can text some of out memes back at them, not that I have been getting these texts, just for fun if I do. I thunk I may have stopped getting things from the state because they finally realized I never voted so they may have given up on me entirely. But, yeah, I would have fun with them too.
  6. @mr.yuck is this a text you received? On another note, I thought it was all that money Trump printed to give everyone a couple years ago that inflated prices at the commerce level to offset the value of the dollar, no? I mean, don't get me wrong I am sure the opposing party had their hand in the cookie jar of inflation and corrupt but that's for another text, yeah?
  7. ndv

    is WW3 going on?

    Yo! This is gold ^^ very strong message, I just wish people would take heed to this.
  8. What I don't get is the people who think they have been blued pilled, but when you talk to them on a specific subject, you quickly find out they were red pilled as this goes with a lot of folks. Even vise versa. I stand with you on Point Break.
  9. I know they mean well and have plenty of knowledge, but it's tough taking advice from someone who votes.
  10. Not to take away from the calves, but what is going on with her heel?
  11. So she's got that chewbacca?
  12. It's close to the years end and not even a second page. Not y'alls fault but seems like hip-hop had a bad year.
  13. ...and this right here looks like what the penis would look like from the Dyke who used her forearm muscle in the other post. 🤢🤮
  14. She looks like her dad but if her mom wasn't a junkie. He looks like his dad but probably skates like her moms music career. I see why they are together. It all makes sense now.
  15. Yuh, boy Donnie is about 9.5 miles from me. One of my buddies engraves for the company Trump is visiting me. Guys told my buddy not to come around today. Funny how companies need things done so quickly as they put you on a peddle stoole just to get what they want, but wouldn't include you in anything they would help you get ahead.
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