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Everything posted by ndv

  1. ndv

    News Not Fit to Print

    so his son is goth tranny. got it!
  2. ndv

    The Babble

    I was interested in the seeing how deep the black is in person, as well as how durable the paint is when cured for industrial purposes for a competitive edge. 3.0 is acrylic based, flakes off so it bad for indoor/outdoor use. But cool non-the-less. It is blacker than all current blacks on the market and great for art, specifically if the artist is looking for a true black. Vanta, isn't so much of a paint process. It's similar to the processes practiced electrostatic coating like powder coating. Vanta is also on a toxic level that isn't safe for consumer handling. I still have the bottle as I do not do much with it at all.
  3. Is there a law that requires dogs to be microchipped? If not, I think you know the answer to this one.
  4. I was wondering when shutting down stores across the US was going to make them realize it's economic suicide by a thousand cuts
  5. Keep your cell phone away from your keyboard. Smartphone sensors: Researchers have demonstrated that it is possible to capture the keystrokes of nearby computer keyboards using only the commodity accelerometer found in smartphones.[34] The attack is made possible by placing a smartphone near a keyboard on the same desk. The smartphone's accelerometer can then detect the vibrations created by typing on the keyboard and then translate this raw accelerometer signal into readable sentences with as much as 80 percent accuracy. The technique involves working through probability by detecting pairs of keystrokes, rather than individual keys. It models "keyboard events" in pairs and then works out whether the pair of keys pressed is on the left or the right side of the keyboard and whether they are close together or far apart on the QWERTY keyboard. Once it has worked this out, it compares the results to a preloaded dictionary where each word has been broken down in the same way.[35] Similar techniques have also been shown to be effective at capturing keystrokes on touchscreen keyboards[36][37][38] while in some cases, in combination with gyroscope[39][40] or with the ambient-light sensor
  6. Not sure where to put this, but Walmart.com got hacked. Yall may wanna change your passwords and remove payment activity.
  7. What I am really after is a mobile OS like Qubes OS. I am trying to figure out how to encrypt my mobile number to cell towers. But more importantly I would like to qube each app so it cannot leak info to other apps or and cell towers. I know this software exists but I haven't stumbled on the info yet.
  8. ndv

    The Babble

    @nicklesndimes I went down the rabbit hole to see if Vantablack was offer on the consumer market. Unfortunately, it isn't but I found an equivalent called Black 3.0 which I purchased amd it is surprisingly black as black can get. This when I also discovered a ridiculous fued between Anish Kapoor and Stewart Simple that is still ongoing to this day. Anish got ahold of some and replied...
  9. From what the company advertises,is that it's an encrypted mobile telecomputists provider for high net worth individuals or security concerned CEOs. I am considering jumping ship, as it appears they encrypt their communications that circumvent government ease dropping. I believe it also encrypts ISMI number.
  10. You got the 18" Cerwin Vegas hitting real low?
  11. She's still stunned. She's is in that state of mind where she's having an out of body experience confirming she isn't dead they way her body movements and look on her face double checking her surroundings to make sure she no in the after life. She's very lucky.
  12. @MOOGLE? meant to ask, any paticular reason you choose not to use tor? Do you know of another broswer that is better as in more anonymous and secure? All I can think of is I2P but, this is very limited.
  13. They need to lay off the Fast & Furious movies.
  14. Thats a nice horse. I like what they did with the room too!
  15. Blew through the stop sign as he's filming, eyes all over the road.
  16. I am sure there are programmers already writing or updating their ad blockers.
  17. @MOOGLE? sounds like Google has sealed the deal on advertising and seized an exploit that they say as loosing money and patched it up quick as possible. That's unfortunate, because I still run videos and most of my hour long music through YouTube throughout my work day on a daily basis but, I am not getting g the ads. I mean, don't get me wrong, every once in a while, if I click on something it will have an ad that I can't go around it no matter what. But I just always chalked it up as the person who uploaded it is making sure they get paid for it or whatever deal they have with Google. Not sure it it helps, but I also have my history turned off. Other than that, I don't know why?
  18. I have been educating myself with anonymity via deep/dark web for counter surveillance measures. Really interesting what's out there to keep you safe from data collection of all sorts. Now I am thinking of ways to circumvent facial recognition in public places as well as shopping stores without having some goofy looking mask covering my face. Perhaps a black light emitting device in a small concept used to circumvent license plate readers/cams. I'd like to attend a tech show for law enforcement and or defense contractors to see what tech is out there so I can better understand methods and equipment.
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