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Everything posted by ndv

  1. I just picked up these 2. Nishane NEFS and
  2. I am thinking about doing something with ai and see what happens. I may end up using some Palestinian crap in the mix to see if I can get an entire generation of broccoli tops to buye a house and range rover.
  3. Non of these are mine. My Girl's grandmother's perfume collection as the bottles are when she passed. Not sure how old the perfume in the bottles are not do I know what they smell like. But there's a Givenchy with original tags, and a Lanvin in there amongst Lalique. I am very curious to know what they all smell like though.
  4. Wow! So Macy's and the city of New York have now infiltrated a holiday parade. Wow!
  5. @KILZ FILLZ but this is kinda what I am talking about in some areas of ai results as a small example of many. What you typed is from real world exsperience in the past for a lot of peope. As for surveiling that info, it's nothing new to the government about soilders action in the battle field, they gain nothing loose nothing. Now if you were to say, type in some details about top secret operative case going on trying to get suggestions or whatever. I bet it would be flagged immediately because ai doesn't understand the difference of real or fake at this time hence the generic response it gave you. Or I could be wrong. So with that being said, if ai is giving suggestions like medical advise or advise about a situation that is far more severe and the subject following that advise and makes things worse then where's the codification when things go wrong. We all know in the court of law, ignorance is not an excuse. So what this tells me about ai and humanity in the sense of ai, is that ignorance is an excuse to use ai. Legally, there is an issue with this the way our laws in the US work. For example in Texas it is prefered to stop and render aid if possible, but we can also be cited if we don't. People who know cpr and not keeping up with their certification can administer cpr when someone is in need. But if that person is brought back to life and later had medical problems caused by cpr or died during the process of cpr, then the victim or victims family can sue. Basically they were not licensed (currently certified). It's a wishy-washy wierd law here. But if humanity wasn't ignorant then we wouldn't need ai so to speak. Dont get me wrong it's a great tool. I am trying to find ways to implement it in my business so I can use it on a daily basis for marketing and sales. I conclusion, I don't have an issue with ai but I do have an issues with whom may use ai. What's far more disturbing is when people in the wrong or easily manipulated band together ((bundle of sticks) *prohomo*) and start to invade people's rights with ai when it has no place in certain human aspects.
  6. Yeah, I seen that too. It kinda makes me wonder about how ai processes/generates (thinks) the images. My thing is, when media reports stories on gpt tech I have noticed the common denominator behind the spokesperson speaking on the behalf of the tech always states ai is still learning, working the kinks out. I am sure there are some as ai I guess is learn as it goes, for what it is and the ability ai has at this stage, it's kinda hard for me to agree. I think that is said to hold settings back when in reality it's probably far more advanced than what we get to see or use. One concern I have with this over the internet ai stuff, is the data collecting. For example, I typed up Bush Jr hanging from a noose and it wouldn't generate an image other than a smiling head shot like a LinkedIn photo. Don't get me wrong, I did think about nsa surveiling what people type, and I am sure that was an immediate red flag, but did it anyways. Which raised another very important concern. The psychology of the surveilling people thoughts which some fbi profiler is probably building a psychological profile to categorize low, medium, to high potential threats. But that's a lot of man power, so you know the fbi uses ai to build these profiles faster. And for these tinfoil thoughts, do not doubt governments are not collecting enormous emounts of data with the generators. These generators I believe tell alot more how an individual thinks from multiple compilers at work. Surveillance and data collection is a lucrative business. So anyhow, going back to Bush on a noose. I believe the tech companies regulate what is generated and anything extreme is flagged. As ai becomes more and more widely used on a daily basis, not that anonymity should become more important than yesterday, but I am now understanding how important it is and will become for most in the near future to run VMs via QubesOS or other specialized full anonymity OSs. Specially runny Tails via killbus just for conducting work using ai programs. So the other important thing is. Metadata, these ai images, PDFs, papers, code, or what ever, is definitely placing Metadata identifiers to the outcomes. This is a topic most will not even fathom. Unfortunate, but makes sense they don't think this way, go8ng to the polls already tells me where most peoles minds are at in the first place. Sad. But for these reasons, I think it's very important if not now than tomorrow ai awareness and how to use it properly is very important.
  7. Appreciate this. I try my best.
  8. Looks like a photo straight off of OnlyMethHeads
  9. Lol and the saga continues.
  10. Customer: How long do you think this will take? I am in no hurry. Me: I can have it ready by the first week of December. Customer: Oh! That's a little out, I was hoping I could get it before then. This is why I stay away from Consumer Personalization for the most part.
  11. Don't get me wrong, that there probably took a quite of bit of time to figure out. If you were a business trying to impress people at a trade show, then this would probably be a hit, no pun intended. As for setting up a job to make music as well while laying, all your profit went out the door half way through set up. The simplest way to explain what's going on there, is it's basically density and timing of the squares and rectangles.
  12. Not sure. Could be, I mean, I've never seen Rosie O'Donnell's nipples. Edit: my bad, just realized wrong thread
  13. I am no longer going to judge people by their content of personality or color of their skin. From now on, I am judging them by whether they vote or not. This will immediately determine what mindframe they are in and what degree of intellect the convos will cap.
  14. I mean, this is kinda oxymoron when you think about it but mainly just shows how full of bs Trump truly is. ^^ if most people truly understood economics from a elitist point of view, I'd say 140% is huge profits. ^^ the oxymoron. Of couse it is, what part of moron do you not understand? This is what i dont get about tye poeple, like how are people so easily duped in beliving both sides, all sides or any politics?
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