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Everything posted by ndv

  1. ndv


    at least you tried.
  2. ndv


    God speed, Brother. We are all waiting for you in the thick tread when you do.
  3. Some things you just front click on and take it for face value and move on. Specially Moogle's posts.
  4. No, but I came across their site when you mentioned the coin. I thought you were just messing around. Crypto is beginning to be like pharmaceutical companies, they have a pill for everything. Whatever sells at this point.
  5. @LUGR https://www.pepecoin.io/
  6. Before all of go fund me, there was a guy who set up a website, something like, buymeaferrai.com in the early 2000s. Not sire if he got his Ferrari but it was a legit site no scam. But I am with you on how you feel about people like that.
  7. We kinda already do. But in fiat, i think it's called the IRS.
  8. People still fall for scams?
  9. @KILZ FILLZ that is interesting. Calls, texts, being surveilled by auto makers has crossed my mind when auto makers started offering this tech. But to me it goes on before that with OnStar, I am sure OnStar has been recording convos for decades. My thing is, is the higher up you go, I am sure the more valuable info gets. Say like, someone in a Bentley/Rolls or a Excutive fleet perhaps opposed to a mid level exec rolling around in a 7 Series or S Class may not be as important. Just a thought I always have. But as far as my previous post and what you posted, possibly that's what the person is talking about. But as far as auto makers recoding drivers, driving habits and routs, I incourage this type of recording considering the future of autonomous driving and how important it is to collect all this data for the auto makers to safely produce self driving vehicles. But invading people's privacy isn't acceptable. The only thought I that comes up with me agreeing with the judge is if he considered (considering there are laws governing automakers) the data collected was from people who are currently making payments on a financed vehicle. Because then the argument is that the driver doesn't own the vehicle so it technically not their's. Now this also then brings in the argument of what about phones connected to the car that are not on the lease/finance. Then this could be an argument for illegally invading ones privacy. But that also does ring the argument then who are these people, are they direct decendants (kids) of the leaser/financer? What does the paper work say that the buyer signed when purchasing the vehicle. This I think is where it gets complicated on purpose. Most people never read the entire paper work we sign at dealerships from Henry Ford Model T to next year's Tesla being purchased. I know I never did. Although, I am sure back in the day the paper work for buying a 1970 Charger wasn't as thick as it is today considering so much technology is now involved, specially with telecommunications these days. Now that I said all that, I just thought of something because I am curious why the judge resided with the auto makers and the state laws. It would be cool if judges had to write and post they reason(s) for their judgements. Kinda like how scientists publish their findings or why we have to detail our ideas when filling patents. That would be nice for many reasons and purposes for societies if you know what I mean.
  10. @KILZ FILLZ yeah, coinbase seems more solid with a wider user ability in regard to trading, buying, selling opposed to uphold. I like the graphs they provide as well for each coin. I need to finish the other half of my crypto life and purchase a hard wallet soon. The 2 wallets that attract me the most are Leger Nano X and NGRAVE Zero. As for going all in, I agree, not a wise decision for anything wall street related, unless insider information is at play. I was just joking around, although some of these articles almost male it enticing.
  11. Yo! Don't mess with my anxiety like that. That was really intense the whole way down. I dint feel my anxiety go away until he was safely on the ground. This thread here is a roller coaster.
  12. I was laughing while reading the story and my girl kept looking over asking me, "What's so funny?" I tell here what happened in good, but brief detail and she kept cracking jokes for the rest of the day.
  13. I keep reading articles about Ripple manipulating the price of XRP regardless of how well it has been doing recently, compared to other crypto that would have been in the same issue would have skyrocketed in value. I guessing it has a lot to do with Ripple releasing a ton of tokens (coins) every so often. I should've read up on it more before buying 150 dollars worth, but it was 150 just to get something rolling to understand how things work for a low buy-in just get my mind in the groove. Now I am over here reading articles about Shib potentially hitting a dollar by 2024. But here I am being cucked into some article like everyone else thinking if I put 1000 bucks in this, I may make a 100mil before taxes. Which makes Now think, how many people are thinking the same thing, if that's the case the only one winning are the exchange platforms and irs. But what do I know 🤷‍♂️
  14. Lol I just got what you said about ftx
  15. I haven't. But I just signed up for coinbase. I am gonna probably close my Uphold. I am thinking about dropping a G on Shib Inu and see what happens in the next couple years. If i was a betting man, I would go all in on crypto considering the geopolitacl tensions hemorrhaging WW3. I am a noob at this too, and what I have learned in the past couple weeks. Holding XRP isn't any different than crapping in your hand and holding that.
  16. What's up with Uphold, they seem to always be working on theor site which basically nobody can trade. Uphold is beginning to become trash. Any recommendations on exchange platforms?
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