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Everything posted by ndv

  1. Lol I don't think I am gonna be buying any more crypto soon. If I had legit insider information, then I'd probably all over like ants on sugar. For now I am just gonna hold my doo
  2. I really never have set resolutions and do not get into as much although I probably should.
  3. @fat ralphy Potentially revealing identity but here is my girl's uncle's sound system. I haven't met the guy just yet, but if Ido, there may be a possibility I will get to hear this system which I will be pretty excited as I am curious to know what a million dollars sound like. The guy in the video, is jot her uncle btw.
  4. Sonos are not bad. But for that kinda money you might wanna check out Sonance. We did an outdoor job one year and I was blown away by the sound quality in an outdoor setting. Sonos are not bad, a lot of people and business purchase them due to quality and budget. I would look around first and see if you can get the best bang for your buck by calling around to audio shops and ask them if they have any floor models they want to get rid of. They all do! Also compare ebay as well. There are a lot great deals you can get listed on there, if they are local, see if you can schedule a demo. Most reputable people will be more than happy because they love sound. Focal, not their reference, but entry level sound very good for the price even at used equipment. Can get expensive but still budget friendly with some lines like Access. The plus side of demo equipment is that the speakers have been professionally installed and pared with the right amplifiers and such. So the speakers shouldn't be blown. But also already broken in too.
  5. Woah, bro! Car accident?
  6. To add to this, but not taking away from my buddies industry or trying to make it look bad. But highend audio is crazy priced too. Which follows the same principles as any other product to consumer price structure but similar to the diamond price multiplication. He was telling me when he was working with a speaker manufacturer, it cost the company $7,700 to produce one speaker. The owner would sell a pair to a wholesaler for 15k to make profit. The wholesaler then would sale them to a distributor for around 35k, then the dealer would sale them for 70k to make profit. Manufacturers couldn't sell them for that price becuase nobody would buy them for that price direct, becuase of sales tactics, publications that write articles you gotta shake hands with. Which is where most of the pricing comes from is the talk it up bull crap reader believe. The audio industry is a very high cut throat world. One main reason what drives this practice is the inflated price and scarcity of how many people can actually afford a 300k system and 300k is just considered entry level to most audiophiles. My buddy was telling me all kinds of crazy stories about how other companies where paying writers of audio magazines to do anything he could to discredit his cables without getting into legal issues. This stuff happens all the time. The other thing he was telling me, is that his boss at the time he used to work for making the aforementioned speakers. The highend audio industry is so small that his boss used his background in intelligence and found out my buddy was trying to sell his personal speaker to raise some capital, his boss contacted the buyer and told him he will sell brand new speakers for the cheaper. My buddy further explained, this practice is not uncommon becuase when someone pops up on the scene shopping around for a 500k system the industry takes notice pretty quick. This stuff is all made to order. In some cases it takes months to plan for manufacturing and or calibration and alarm bells go off with the distributor and wholesalers which in return contact the manufacturer.
  7. One of the reasons for the big push for Lab Grown, is becuase there is really no difference in lab vs Natural. The only difference is lab is quicker. The other, is De Beers doesn't have control over the lab grown, but their parent company is trying to figure out how they can control this side of lab grown. Basically, a lot of independent jewlers are pushing lab grown becuase it gets them out from under Anglo American PLC control. This is what was explained to me with out going into deep conversation about the industry. My guy has a bracelet exactly the same as this Cartier running $48,200 for $19,500. Basically, people who buy the carier are paying double + tax on 48k just for the world Catier laser etched on the inside. What's crazy is when you compare the MSRP prices at dealerships for automobiles and almost any other product priced on the shelf. Jewlery is the most over inflated products. This industry is nuts. As for time prices, those are over priced too as I was told, but there is some explanation to the pricing due to manufacturing and assembly.
  8. @Mauler5150. I am sorry to hear that brother. That's cold what they did. Never kick someone whenctheor down, it will show every one around how weak someone is.
  9. Hit them up with ai
  10. Cool but for 66k I could find buy something that will make 66k.
  11. So the next big thing in mobile phones is going to be Ai enabled services? Is this going to be an add-on, paid subscription, paid apps?
  12. Metaphorically yes.
  13. I think, possibly this is where music should go. Artists covering other artists songs in their own way. Let's see who does it best.
  14. I'd like to here 3 6 Mafia cover Queen and vise versa.
  15. ndv

    Current View

    That's when I finish up with a couple shake weights for a intense 5min circle jerk. Your forearms will feel it the next day.
  16. ndv

    Current View

    That se ball you have. I'd say 60bls dumbells each are pushing it. After that. You gonna need a bench. Edit: I think the ball is rated for 250lbs max, but I wouldn't trust that. Factor in, aging of the material and possibly the surfaces the ball touches. Any micro fracturing can easily accelerate to a lower max load. Like I said, I have noticed about 120lbs,I can feel the ball begining to stress.
  17. I was talking with my jeweler yesterday and learned the Diamond Industry is ridiculously way overpriced. He was explaining to me how De Beers owns the market and manipulates prices so much we the consumer pays way more than what diamonds are actually worth. The conversation started because I had mentioned all the other jewelry stores I went to, regardless of place rather it be Cartier, Newman's, or a well known local jeweler in your city all say the same things. "Diamonds are becoming more rare, it takes so much time and money to extract diamonds." I also mentioned, non of the jewlers could really never give a solid reason why things cost so much and how prices are determined with out giving away details of inflation, it is always some generic reason. Lol. He basically explained to me this and how jewlers set prices. Basically their all fixed by DE Beers as he went on to open an app all jewlers use Rapaport. Rapaport is a spreadsheet up dated regularly with pricing for stones. https://www.diamonds.net/Prices/ A 2010 example of a spreadsheet below. So basically, he explained to me this is how the jewlers come up with the price tag for natural stones. Diamond grade and size. Multiply the price by carat, add 2 zeros to the total. Then Multiply that total by 2. So a 1ct VS1 Grade G $82.00 x 1 = 82.00 add 2 00 = $8,200 x 2 = $16,400.00 sale price. He also went on to further explain the buy back or resale of the same diamond which is pretty simple. Jewlers will only offer half of what you paid if you can get one to do that which a good jewler would. But most low ball you and lie to you to tell you it's worth a little less than $8,200. So going back to what I was told by a jewler a while back wich I began to notice other jewlers were saying as well. Which was, "the earth isn't producing many diamonds as much as it used to decades ago." Again, my jewler laughed and explained this. That's a lie! Botswana produces so many diamonds, the country doesn't have to necessarily dig for them. The diamonds can be found in rivers and streams pretty easily. This is why Botswana is the world's leading diamond producer in the world. Unfortunately, De Beers owns the mines there as well, with the Botswana government on their payroll. There are plenty of other places in the world that produce diamonds like crazy as well, but nothing like Botswana. There are so many diamonds in the world that everybody in the world could have plenty in their hand. So back to pricing. So let's say Cartier and Harry Winston for example. 4.2 ct Emerald cut diamond being Grade F VVS1 is gonna have a price tag of $378,000.00 then add whatever their percentage of paying for their name is, so it's safe to say add another 30k. $408,000.00 for a diamond engagement ring. Which has to be correct because the prices my girl and I were being quoted and the price tags one jewlery are ridiculously priced. We had one quote us a 5ct Emerald diamond over 500k. After he explained all of this to me from running real numbers from Rapaport's 12/1/23 price list. That explained the silence of the untold prices and how they come about. I am all for people making money and having a good life but, when a 5ct diamond is purchased for $3,750 @ $750/ct, 500k sale price is far beyond price gouging. I'd say this inflated mathematics puts most jewlers somewhere in between Bankers and Pedosphiles. Or perhaps maybe jewlers are off spring of a pedo and banker. Anyhow, I hope this post helps give you better insight to an industry that is so heavily manipulated so you have better buying power for whatever you will end up purchasing in the future. @fat ralphy I know you recetly purchased a ring, not knowing what you paid and it's none of my business but I hope you got a good deal. Plus I wish I would have known this info early for a better timed posting. Congrats by-the-way!!
  18. ndv

    Current View

    But if you use the ball for many exercise routines, like bench press, shoulder press, butterflys and such. It will help you with balance, and core strength. The close you put your legs together, the tougher it is to find balance, so try to increase your center of balance by slowly bringing your legs together. But I agree, using a ball inplace of a bench is not something I would recommend for everyone due to high risk of someone hurting themselves.
  19. ndv

    Current View

    @nicklesndimes I was just thinking, we have the sake palates ball, so if you use it as a bench press, just check it from time to time. You don't want it to bust when your bench pressing. I always go in with the mind that it may bust so if it does, perhaps I may be able to have a sudden reflex to make sure my dumbells do not hit my face and take my teeth out. Nice setup by the way
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