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Everything posted by morton

  1. That photo is trash, how can you not show the full bottle? They must have done something really wrong to go under with that one.
  2. hotdog with some potato chips andbutter beans on the side.
  3. Just a little more mellow, less quick to judge and more thoughtful and deliberate in my interactions.
  4. I am going to try and be more mellow.
  5. Up early, for no good reason, as usual. Planning the day and drinking coffee.
  6. keep up the efforts fellas, this is my only meme source and I don't want to be shunned from society for being out of touch
  7. is this a screen time sharing thread
  8. I woke up sleeping on my hands, they were in pain and in the transition to waking I thought I had developed some sort of rapid onset arthritis.
  9. They will put enough air in to get you home but yea, getting to 70 psi is not practical with the standard slime brand pump. I smoked one filling up a work truck tire, read the manual after, like a dumbass.
  10. For regular tires they work great, if you need higher psi for some reason or need to do a lot of tires be aware not to overheat the unit by running it straight for ten minutes or whatever the manual says.
  11. 30 bucks buys an air pump that is powered from your cars cigarette lighter. I have not accomplished it yet but am on the verge of having my apartment in tip top shape, lots of donation runs, organizing and reorganizing.
  12. I have developed some shoulder problem, swimming half the workout seems to be about right. Part of the challenge is that nothing hurts while actually swimming only later, some sort of impinged nerve thing I think. I wish I had some doctor or clinician I trusted to provide some guidance. That said I asked a mate and she provided what is probably good advice that I have not taken in terms of stengthening up the area surrounding the injury. Typing this out has made clear that I need to try that, or something beyond just reducing the number of rotations my arm goes thooug.
  13. Does anyone use a grill basket? did some kebab and veg tonight and was thinking that a basket would be easier than kebab.
  14. Mo, but i need to buy a brush I think, there is not one provided with the tongs, spatula, fork combo. I believe they want people to use the stupid aluminum tray with holes in the picture left side.
  15. Here I am at the apartment pool grill. Closes at eight and is closed all day on Mondays.
  16. thanks for the input guys, I am going to try and get my rent monies worth back in propane from these guys
  17. I have not fired up a proper grill for many years. During my last move I got rid of my trusty Webber charcoal kettle due to lack of use. My current apartment does not allow grills but does have a propane number down by the pool. It is not much but this year I have been making pretty good use of is since the pool opened on Memorial Day. It is about a 500 foot walk there and there is no sink or counter there but I am a little fascinated with making the most of it. So far I have done steaks, teriyaki chicken wings and Lebanese wings. Tonight I am going to do steaks again. Does anyone have suggestions for something more ambitious for a propane grill, can I throw some wood chips in there to make some smoke and do something indirect with smoke maybe? I am also thinking of some sort of beer can chicken or piri piri chicken. That wood fire grill that titties for me posted looks like too much fun.
  18. If you start looking at the ingredients in your food for anything that you would not have in your kitchen on its own you may be surprised to find how much UPF there is, it is not just budget choices but up and down the market. I suspect that when it all comes out in the wash we will find that the food companies behave in manners similar to the tobacco and pharmaceutical companies, developing and marketing addictive and harmful products for people. As expected I did not rank very well in the race on Sunday, actually has me a little bummed but I will get over it.
  19. I just wanted to second what I hear NOES saying, which is that life is a struggle and to pursue positive activities both major and minor. Physical fitness as part of a team or group has been a real revelation for me and my well being. I consider that to be major, a minor source of peace in my life is that I load and run the dish washer every night and unload it in the morning. At other times in my life taking care of a chore like the dishes would be a major challenge, and at others I had no dishes or kitchen so there are stages to all of this as well.
  20. I have continued abstinence from UPF, "ultra processed foods", which is basically any product that comes wrapped in plastic and has ingredients that you would not find in a kitchen. Doing so has been at the instigation of my wife who has made it really easy for me by making condiments from scratch and doing all sorts of sourcing, cooking and baking using UPF free foods. Her efforts have made it a really easy change and tasty also. I have greatly reduced the number of restaurant meal that I eat although when I do go out I do not worry too much about the UPF component. It would be impractical to be too concerned but I do try to pick options that may have less UPF. Doing so has caused my cholesterol to go to optimal levels and I am now in the "normal" BMI index, which is a funny index, how the hell are women and men judged by the same ratio. Still swimming, doing a open water one mile race on Sunday, I will probably land in the middle of the pack, or trailing a little. I do not expect that I will ever be as fast as the folks I swim with but it is really one of the most positive things I got going none the less. * I wonder if Bruce Lee wrote that workout himself or if a coach did it. It would be cool if you could show at the gym and they just gave you a ticket for what to do. Having workouts written and directed by a coach really helps me push a little. I would be a lazy ass on my own.
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