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Everything posted by morton

  1. morton


    I got a switch, happy with it. Just finished super mario wonder, it was about my speed.
  2. morton


    Closing out another calendar year sober. Getting ready to turn some fruit in to juice and agua fresca in order to have the makings of some non alcoholic drinks for the evening. Last night I made a drink with rosemary simple syrup, grapefruit juice and seltzer water. Inadvertently drank some liquor at work the other day, someone was pouring shots of a ice-cream based drink and my dumb ass thought that since it was 7 in the morning in a work environment that is was a non alcoholic concoction. When I realized it had liquor I finished it anyway because I did not want to offend or get into a discussion about it. No biggie really. As usual I do have some cravings but have been pretty mellow, it has been over a decade since I went to a meeting. Sometimes I think that my life is too orderly for me to really have a good relapse, just dealing with my wife alone would be such a pain in the ass. I am not sure how I would do alone. As is often the case around the holidays I can not help but reflect on the addicts in my life who still suffer and those who are no longer with us. I hope that all of us that are sober and those who are not survive and thrive in the new year. Here's is to a year without any use related deaths in the 12oz user group.
  3. C is for cookie and cookie is for me.
  4. A great book. The John Wayne version is good, I have been contemplating a rewatch of both and maybe a re-read also. I wonder if there is a good reading of it for audiobook.
  5. You should have busted in with "now your child holds a blood debt to my clan" to the father.
  6. Jeff Bridges True Grit or John Wayne True Grit?
  7. I have been sick as a dog for a week. Went to work because that is the culture of my workplace and we are short staffed atm... went full clown suit by taking covid test and then doing virtual doc visit at my desk.
  8. I would trade the fried chicken in the south for the pizza of the Midwest.
  9. In the year 2000 on my first computer build I picked up a ergo keyboard. That keyboard lasted for 22 years. I now use an ergo keyboard at work which means that anyone else who tries to do some work at my station just gets confused.
  10. The song YMCA is bonkers. What a great legacy, it is like the perfect joke that keeps on giving decades later.
  11. Penthouse Forum is in comparison to today's offerings positively academic and wholesome.
  12. If I still drank I would consider some fancy nog with Makers Mark on ice. But since I do not I doubt I will have any. Some things just need to be cut with booze to shine.
  13. morton

    Tempt One

    Timeless style.
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