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Everything posted by morton

  1. Last time I put in one week they asked that I stay for two, so I did.
  2. one week notice is the new two week notice,
  3. In true crossfire style I skipped reading anything and assumed they had somehow diverted the comodity from the recycle pipeline in AZ. Buying scrap and collecting the refund is much more likely now that I see it spelled out. In Mexico the system is to re-use the bottles and the deposit is significant, much better imo.
  4. With their hands on that much aluminum they could have made good cash just scrapping it.
  5. While shopping today i did a price check on a 40 Oz of Colt 45. It was $2.79, when I was drinking 40's back in the 90's they were $1.99.
  6. https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1021333-roasted-tomato-and-corn-pie-with-cheddar-crust?action=click&module=RecipeBox&pgType=recipebox-page&region=collection&rank=15 it was this one
  7. A savory galette is the easier and more streamlined cousin of a classic quiche. It has a buttery pastry filled with any combination of vegetables, cheeses and meats, but without the need to make a custard to anchor it all. https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1016759-summer-vegetable-galette?algo=identity&fellback=false&imp_id=7512424643148461&req_id=1159436138377991&surface=cooking-search-web&variant=0_control My wife made it and I think she used a different recipe or modified from this one a fair bit but similar to. I thought about asking the recipe she used and putting it and this pic in the home cooking thread but feel that since I am not doing the cooking featuring her cooking would be weird. Although typing it out I suppose I could just pass credit in the post. She has been going buck in the kitchen the past few months.
  8. throat noun the passage which leads from the back of the mouth of a person or animal. "her throat was parched with thirst" the front part of a person's or animal's neck, behind which the esophagus, trachea, and blood vessels serving the head are situated. "a gold pendant gleamed at her throat" LITERARY a voice of a person or a songbird. "from a hundred throats came the cry “Vive l'Empereur!”"
  9. I saw Heat in the theatre and could not finish no country without falling asleep, don't get the hype on that one. Bet Heat held up though, did it come off as corny?
  10. I do not think the throat is a sphincter. Nobody writes rap songs about what life is like when you have been married for over a decade, work too much and look forward to vacations.
  11. lol Marlon Brando plays a Japanese character in this 1956 comedy.
  12. Swam a 3K open water race yesterday. Next month 5K.
  13. The target picture really speaks to me.
  14. Solid choice^ I just looked at his wikipedia with the idea of making joke about the time he got picked up with a tranny pro, never knew how rough his early life was and now I can't come up with any joke. I have been watching a bunch of the Paul Newman movies and have fallen asleep to "The Hustler" twice now, will finish it tonight.
  15. Made shrimp scampi last night but it did not turn out as great as the last time I made it.
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