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Everything posted by morton

  1. morton


    The last console I owned was a super nes, I had a pc that I gamed on a bit but never too much. Now the pc is not in play as I just use this stupid lap top. I enjoy the open world type stuff but am pretty shitty at the online fps stuff like battlefield I am wanting to buy something and am torn between nintendo switch and ps5. Thoughts? Should I even get anything I wonder, funny situation where if I buy it and don't use it there is waste of money and if I buy and use too much there is waste of time.
  2. Chocolate and espresso at three in the morning because I have been waking up bright eyed and bushy tailed well before the asscrack of day. T4M looks like they might be experiencing that spice, twice.
  3. I got bored and skipped ahead, thought they had gone full GTA and grabbed switched rides.
  4. I have nay heard a squeak boot the vid fer some time now. How's the time passing for you guys out there, feels like a bit of an acceleration lately, I can hardly believe that we are halfway thought the year.
  5. i wanna get one of those"home" stickers but instead of a state it is just some random shadow that looks like it might be a state. Or one with the state I am in that says Homo instead of home.
  6. Lol, I am talking about furniture and the like, no fucking working on the unit, lol
  7. I skip all that bullshit by not having a dog in the first place. I spend so much time and money making little improvements to the form and function of my apartment. Will it ever end? It is like every little step up either makes some new problem appear or makes some other aspect look shabby in comparison.
  8. A friend of mine made up a story about being a secret male prostitute heroin addict (the heroin part was true) known as the cock rocker who wanted to reveal his secret to his girlfriend on air in an attempt to get on the show. For him it was a chance to get a free flight, the few thousand cash and to be on TV. I think he made past the initial screening but his girlfriend did not want to play along or something else scuttled the works. RIP Adam "If it's rock hard rocker cock you want, call the cock rocker!"
  9. I was just this week talking to my kid about getting too wasted to remember concerts, lol, I went to but sure as hell do not remember some pretty great acts. Both Cleveland and Pittsburgh know how to get excited for the summer. The Blast Master should put his concert info on his website so I don't need to go to some punk ass ticketmaster just to get some idea. How is it that ticketmaster is still a going concern, I went to the fucking opera a couple weekends back and somehow they get a cut of that. It seems to me that a non profit org should be able to develop a ticketing system for a fraction of the cost, it is not like there is threat of counterfeit tickets or some need of aggressive surge pricing algorithm. An email with a pdf of ticket and qr code is all that is needed. I would much prefer my money go to support the orginazation. At the same show they made a big deal of enforcing bag size and metal detectors which was a big performative waste of money and slowed up the entrance so much they had to delay the start of the show by like 20 minutes. Then at intermission there was no screening on re-entry just another waste of money to make some other motherfucker money for nothing beyond being a pain in my ass. The PSO puts on a good show, in season the cheap seats are like 20 bucks and the sound is fine. Another nice thing about their shows is that they have little mini concerts before and after so you can learn something and really make a day out if it if you want.
  10. Boomers get a bad wrap by folks that do not have the education or curiosity to look any further back in the timeline. Children now a days are whining about their grandparents not saving the world while the only thing I really see them doing is what, tweeting or ticktoking or somethings? They had the momentum with the George Floyd moment and what did they do with it, absolutely nothing as a far as I can tell. Hashtag no crossfire This chinrock thing might have legs though, last weekend some dude about my age was bumping temple of boom from the speakers on his Harley, which sounds way better than the old speakers in trunk bumpin from cruising days of old. As an aside I bet that both the cruising in the gay sense and the cruising in the rolling up and down the strip sense have been killed by the cell phone.
  11. Does anyone have a pizza steel? https://www.davidlebovitz.com/manoushe-zaatar-lebanese-flatbread-recipe/ https://www.seriouseats.com/baking-steel-griddle-has-arrived I am considering one, by oven is a landlord special and I am hoping to level the field a little.
  12. Last week I weighed in at 178 and then 173.5 a few days later. For me that is a pretty big swing, a range of 3 pounds is pretty typical. I have had similar things happen with my weight, most noticeably a few years back when I started bicycle commuting for a while. I went from no miles on the bike to 24 Monday to Friday, my appetite went through the roof and I consumed accordingly; weight stayed the same and then started to drop after four months or so. The number on the scale still matters, and you cant outrun a bad diet. It is not the only thing that matters but is an easily measured number that does have significance in health outcomes. I have more or less accepted that diversifying my workouts is not going to happen right now. In the pool we have been increasing distance lately to get ready for open water season which starts next month I will be swimming in a 3K and 5K this summer.
  13. it would be neat if toilets had an app that would text you the weight of your turds
  14. @Schnitzel I have been there before. I lost my job in the 08 recession and went a couple years without secure employment. The emotional turmoil was tougher than the financial hardship. Do try to not let it get you down or feel that it is a reflection of your worth, people get and loose jobs all the time with no regard for actual merit. You are a dad all the time, on holidays or otherwise. Learning to navigate this hardship will set for them just as good or better an example of how to live as anything else.
  15. Woke up today to a busted water heater, called the maintenance people and now some dude is fixing it up 15 minutes later. Glad to be renting.
  16. Getting Venezuelan take out, resisting the urge to try perveract shot of kitchen helper.
  17. do you guys throw away got sauce when it is past expiry? what about when it turns brown?
  18. Foam roller helped me resolve similar issues, but not definitively, it could have been time doing most of the work. That shit lingered for sure. Knock on wood that I have seen the last of it, been a good while since. I have not been able to get any traction on diversifying my routine, but have been keeping up with the swim group and making progress on diet. Incremental, progressive and sustained is the key for me.
  19. Endeavor Doing a full re-watch, the portrayal of alcoholism rings true to me in a way that most shows miss.
  20. What effect would wearing a slayer shirt have on the outcome. I suspect it would pretty much override the gay. Why cant they make lightbulbs dim and warm? I purchased a lamp for my nightstand and the bulb it comes with lights that shit like an operating table, trying to determine the options online is a pain and I am beginning to think I will have to return the lamp because they do not make a warm low light bulb in led format for a g9 base bulb.
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