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Everything posted by morton

  1. The Symphony does not play enough where I am to count for much. If there were more performances or if I were baller enough to travel every few weeks to other East Coast cities for watching live performances I could see counting it. Live music is great, I miss Cleveland too much sometimes.
  2. I don't really have this problem. The only things that a person could consider hobbies in my life are really pretty integrated into my lifestyle; fitness, cooking and travel. I think it would be a good idea to throw hiking, reading and socializing on the list but have been having a hard time finishing a book and have had a hard time being social for most of my adult life, especially since I quit drinking.
  3. Its a rewatch, the last time we spoke about it here I defended it to Fist on our agreed assessment of breasts (2) features.
  4. Had to do a double take on Lugr's post, thought that was my tray on the scrol down
  5. Really, why is the mascot of a laxative wearing cleaning gloves, is this really going to be that bad........Bowel Prep for colonoscopy tonight fellas
  6. If however you plan on going on a bender where you loose your job and spend every dime you can lay your hands on then front end loading your bills may be a winner.
  7. Food Truck Seafood Basket. Good fish and shitty fries, which pretty much sums up the regional cuisine.
  8. Listen to more Frank Zappa and less Jerry Garcia.
  9. I watched this a couple days back, I recommend it.
  10. I really wish that the reaction shot in videos about cooking and eating food was not a thing. I want to know what side dishes to have with the Lechon I plan on picking up tomorrow from the Filipino joint, not watch some blogger fake an orgasm.
  11. After not putting up a tree for years we got a fake one. Then we put a bookshelf in the corner where the tree would go. A bit of a conundrum.
  12. To go along with the walkability index, cost of living, school quality and so on there really ought to be a index of how likely you are to see attractive women when you are out and about on regular business. It is a quality of life thing that I assume ties into all sorts of other factors, and would be helpful to know when making decisions about where to travel and live.
  13. Not sure what the protocol is around here for suicidal ideation. Call a crisis line and get some help would be my input. Seems to me that the opportunity to be alive and listen to even the most simple song of a bird is worth more any material possessions regardless of sentiment.
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