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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. It's very interesting. Like a self fulfilling prophecy. Putin has been portraying Russia as a victim to it's people for decades. I think the thought process is to squeeze the people into turning on him, but all it's doing is proving him correct. They are actually being victimized by the west.
  2. Cancel culture has corporations so shook, McDonalds has decided to close all of its locations in Russia, leaving over 60,000 innocent people without an income and millions more with less options for food.
  3. Your plug got that A1 raw and uncut buffalo.
  4. I haven't watched F1 since I moved back here from Germany like 27 years ago. It's way more entertaining of a race than Indy cars but Indy cars have the more entertaining to watch fan base.
  5. I've never been to Boston
  6. mr.yuck

    Current View

    Those are the secret exotic glizzlers.
  7. Pop a wheelie, tell the judge to akinyele Middle finger out the ghost yellin makaveli Hail Mary, the scale fairy Two sides to every coin so we bail ready
  8. Last time I went fishing was trout fishing in the mountains a few years ago. Having to trek down into these super steep valleys to even get to the good spots... It was just too much man. Caught some decent rainbow and Brookies and ate them over a camp fire that night.
  9. Oh shit. That movie was great. I just couldn't put it together.
  10. I never got the appeal of fishing.
  11. mr.yuck

    Current View

    Yo. Pick me up 5 #3s bout to get paid son!
  12. My man. You should get a heavy flake raspberry brain bucket to go with that ride. The kind you find at a second hand store.
  13. I'll get it on the way home tonight!
  14. I need to go kick over that white thing that's in my way
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