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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Jesus's tits, my man. If you can find a cheaper option than USPS, let me know. You can bounce shipping off me through another carrier if that makes more sense than $100 added to a Tshirt. Shipping to me then shipping to you might be just as bad though. @Schnitzel
  2. @NightmareOnElmStreet The only movie I have seen on that list is Pink Flamingos.
  3. I might give it another go. It's been what over 20 years since the last time I watched it.
  4. Imagine getting the taste slapped out your mouth by Captain Cuck Man on live TV.
  5. Personally, I hope this turns into a 90s style East/West Coast rivalry.
  6. Lol. I like to think Will Smith has just had enough of people talking shit about his old lady and is setting a precedence for all of hollywood that you too can talk shit and get hit!
  7. Not gonna lie... I watched that a lot.
  8. I can't believe I didn't jump on a bunch of those back in the day at $20 a pop
  9. Tom Selleck is a flying pizza gangster.
  10. This movie was explained to me as an example of "Classic American Existentialism" and I believe this whole cinematic encounter ruined movies for me for several years.
  11. @LUGRyou have to call me Star Baron. The Honorable Star Baron, Lord of light and Intergalactic gentleman of leisure at your service.
  12. I'm gonna buy a bunch of stars and then monetize them. Make the aliens pay light rent and shit!
  13. So I just stumbled across this dope ass site where you can buy your way into royalty. It's not expensive either for that lower tier nobleman life. @One Man Bannedmaybe you'd like to be knighted and claim the title Sir. https://sealandgov.org/shop/
  14. @One Man Banneddo barons wear any kind of particular hat? I'd like to work that into my repertoire.
  15. bb57c0e701905807e0b20b6415de4764.mp4
  16. Whoopi and Steve O have the same voice.
  17. I'm going to see if I can get people to refer to me as "The Honorable" The Honorable Doctor M.Y. Drugsgalore
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