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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Grave robbing? That's fucking nuts!
  2. mr.yuck


  3. mr.yuck


  4. Gonna really want to watch out for those types. Lol. Scumbag energy
  5. People get big mad about stolen valor around here.
  6. 6ac2cf8de654311941ac6ff24e66362b.mp4
  7. mr.yuck


    Gotta know your worth in 2022 761c8b405bf07aa2208e40dca502042a.mp4
  8. mr.yuck


    Adam Sandler exposed 8f6395af468d6a2e811fb37751d92610.mp4
  9. Lol. I just watched the video of me cutting down this tree and when I noticed that hoe was about to fall over on me, these old bones activated into hustle shuffle mode.
  10. Getting my Paul Bunyan on. This was a major achievement in physics. The tree was leaning towards my neighbors house and through a series of ratchet straps, I was able to make it twist and fall into our yard. Total luck. I had no idea if that was gonna work or not.
  11. @EGGZI hear you. I never had back to back letters be the same but one of my old monikers had an IT and a RB back to back. I thought I could be slick and swap out the I for and E and then ended up with RBE back to back. What a pain in the ass.
  12. I don't want to tell you what to do, or how to be, but that double G is fucking psycho. If you like the letters have you thought about rearranging them to flow better. EGOZ GOEZ GOZE( GOOZE EGGZ)
  13. This is the truth. I was seriously active for about 10 years before I hung up my spurs and I never really stepped out farther than 3 or 4 colors per piece, fill to forcefield. Everyone wants to roll straight into burners lol
  14. mr.yuck

    Current View

    Whew. Everything is all bad my way right now so I'm glad to hear it's just some regular ass bullshit.
  15. Lol. This is accurate. The Ukrainian homie has always looked a little methish. Or at least sleep deprived.
  16. mr.yuck

    Current View

    Gotta keep the riff raff out. Need some big dogs in the front so they don't even make it to the gate.
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