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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  2. boooo. You on a balcony or they just don’t want the smell offending non meat eaters? also. Damn man. I’m really just trying to find a way to get lamb for cheaper than an average of like $20 + per pound. Oops just did some googlin and found whole lambs for $380. I’m not sure if that’s broken down but that only comes out to $9 an lb.
  3. you gonna show us some footage of you slapping your sausage? Tiiiiight!
  4. That’s good to know. I had been toying with the idea of buying whole animals and butchering them myself at home for deep freeze.
  5. Every time I log in I start with the serenity prayer.
  6. This shit was outrageous, man. This dude was doing that shit where you speed up and close the gap so someone can’t merge into traffic from a lane that’s ending. This shit went on for 1000 feet. Finally the lady in front of the rager stopped completely and let him in. This infuriated the rager that this person got in front of him that he swung out into the ending lane so he was half in a lane and half in the emergency pull off. He smashed the gas to try and speed past the guy that was just let in. He miscalculated and smoked into the front of his shit. Then got out of his car and belligerently started telling dude that the accident was his fault because he had miles to get in the lane he needed to be in instead of riding the ending lane all the way to the end. Lol.
  7. Why they ever stopped with that jazzy ass brush stroke accent sticker that used to come on the side of cars in the 90s, I’ll never know.
  8. Today I did some way out of character shit. I straight up got involved in some one else’s road rage that ended in an accident right in front of me. This redneck that was the rager got out of his whip and started berating these poor people dropping Ns and acting like they were in the wrong. I don’t put up with that kind of shit and I was watching what looked like was gonna be a roadside beat down, so I called the black dude and his wife over to my van. I told him I had his back if he needed a witness. I gave him my name and number and drove off. Less than 5 minutes later I had a state trooper calling me asking what happened and I straight snitched this fucking hillbilly out. It felt fucking powerful. Now I get to go to court and smoke this bitch as a material witness if it comes to it.
  9. Jump out on em and yell “THATS MY GLIZZY, I DONT KNOW YOU!”
  10. I’m sure you could do some googling and find out how to rig a package that explodes liquid shit when tampered with.
  11. When there was down time we would go into these little mail sheds on wheels that were full of mail and eat good out of the holiday baskets we found. Not me, but other people. I just watched them eat good.
  12. The bags would be non stop sometimes for hours. I had 3 airport codes. So I had to look at every single tag that came by. Sometimes I’d be pushing every other bag sometimes a few mins would go by before I saw one of my tags. It was mind numbing but it paid $20 an hour.
  13. when I worked for the post office I had one job. I worked at the airport and I stood at the top of a conveyor belt. These big ass bags of mail would come by with airport codes on them. If my airport code came up, I pushed the bag down a chute. I did this every day for 12 hours a day. Even after a couple weeks of this shit, I completely understood why postal workers back in the day were coming into work and gunning the whole crew down.
  14. For real, though, sometimes I regret not going full time with the post office after being a temp for the holiday season. I’d be retired a few years ago.
  15. what is it with these old houses? My downstairs gets 0 natural light cuz of how it’s set up. The kitchen window gets sun blazing through it after 6 pm in the summer. That’s it.
  16. Takes pictures and video in 4,000,000k
  17. Thanks everyone. You all have motivated me to go get a new phone. I never realized how shitty that front facing camera is.
  18. These southern girls are something else bro. She helped me hang all the drywall in this house too.
  19. @NightmareOnElmStreet yeah buddy. We have a certain feel for this house and it’s coming together. Since we decided we aren’t going to sell the house we figured we are gonna put whatever finishes we want in this place. When I get started on the downstairs, I’ll give you a shout. You can roll on down here and I’ll show you what ever you wanna learn man.
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