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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. When Eric eats a banana, an amazing transformation occurs!
  2. I feel like $3 for a box of Mac n cheese of any kind isn’t a good deal anyway. You double played yourself 😂
  3. but when they finally show up, you’ll be ready.
  4. @MOOGLE?I also take my cheese very seriously!
  5. Bro I never thought about this perspective before. I guess at it’s core racism is the belief of being superior based on race. You don’t need to be outwardly vile towards some one to believe that you are better than them. More often than not, it does come off that way though.
  6. a lot of people aren’t making that distinction anymore. Context is everything and we are living in a world out of context. Ive found the proper place in my life for the N word. If you wanna wreck some ones whole fucking day, you hit a working class white man in his 60s with the hard R. Guaranteed to make his head explode. It’s fucking hilarious. I’ve told the black homies to do this same shit. The general consensus is this shit is a good plan.
  7. lol I have a homie that’s not “allowed” to watch Dave Chappelle or eat Chick-fil-A at his house. Every once in a while I’ll drop a soft N around his wife just to keep her on her toes.
  8. I had a gay roommate when I was in my early 20s. He was super like this. When I had friends come around and blurt out shit like “that’s gay as fuck” or “what a faggot” he would get this twinkle in his eyes and say things like “where” and “I wanna go”
  9. Being called gay as an insult is so absurd I think it’s funny that it makes people mad. I’ve had openly gay people in my life since the day I was born so it’s always been normal to me. Funnily enough I remember when I was in high school I told one of my friends dad he was a lesbian. It was a double whammy of him being gay and a bitch lol.
  10. shit man. We got social security. Maybe one day when you retire and the cost of living is 100 you can get a government check for 50.
  11. He should walk into the day care and snatch the first nerd ass bitch by their collar. Get real close so they can taste the beer on your breath and say something fucking crazy. If you don’t find my preschool money, I’m eating on of these kids feet!
  12. lolz. I wish I remembered how. Speaking of which my at home sleep test just came in the mail last night!
  13. @LUGRThats how it felt. I was so full of liquid shit I could feel my tonsils floating.
  14. I’m glad to know that dominos being shitty is not just an American thing. I could almost imagine Dominos being fire everywhere else in the world and they just ship all the shit that fell on the floor to cook with here in America.
  15. Fucking red lights! Fighting this screaming Taco Bell shit that’s brewin. Two more exits!! edit: YESSSSSSSSS!
  16. Cornbread, ain’t nothing wrong with that!
  17. Funny you should bring that up. I need to do something. Me and my old lady are beefin right now and she was basically like “are you really gonna do this for the rest of your life? What’s your retirement look like?” Jesus Christ. What does my retirement look like? I had this old painter that worked for me that said “I’m gonna work til the day I have a heart attack and fall of this ladder with a brush in my hand just like my old man.” I don’t want that for me. That’s fucking wack.
  18. my cousins are the ones who go hard on the smokers. We do a pig pickin once a year where we smoke a whole ass hog. It’s a pretty big tow behind rig they build. But he also got a smaller unit that is fueled by pellets and hooks to his phone via Bluetooth. Lol for smaller shit he just kicks it and smokes shit all night with technology.
  19. Damn bro. You know the bbq is fire when you drive 2 hours to get it.
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