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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/2010 in Posts

  1. I hope you guys remember me cuz I remember you, and hope you still like my pics, cuz I like yours. Later :)
    5 points
  2. Westbrook is a monster. That whole OKC team is gonna be scary in a year or two
    4 points
  3. 3 points
  4. camera is fuckkedd now...
    3 points
  5. get to house party.. more laptop hooked to speaker status.. makeshift swimming pool..lol.. dirty swimming pool.. beer pong table made from 2 chairs, a door, and some weights to hold it down.. unfortunately, this is where my battery died, so .. THE END. i hope you enjoyed.
    2 points
  6. car with horns.. perveract pic i took for the photohunt thread.. stopped by at a pizza place to meet up with friends and arrived just in time to see the score change.. friend taking a break from all the walking and posting up on the skateboard bench.. bamboo bike.. these girls looked good from far but were far from good (they looked gross from up close) more..
    2 points
  7. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD I would put muh wiener in Kristen Wiig, and then I thrust accordingly.
    2 points
  8. But seriously, you've got 9000+ posts and i estimate 8000+ of them are about yourself. And they're not even new stories, you seem to repeat the same drivel every few months, like clockwork.
    2 points
  9. yo verse, drop that swirl before your v, and you should work on that s... maybe try just like a bars piece..
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. I think the idea behind it is neat. Neat in the fact that it could have been done by U2 or black eyed peas or some other bullshit artist. However, they would have pussed out and done it all wrong. It's the content and the way the idea was executed that gives it strength. I think both the video and the song are great individually, and they are incredible when they are put together. It's nice to see someone on the cusp of fortune and fame do what they want and not come out with the same old shit. It's commendable. I can guarantee you that this song wont be on your little sister's ipod.
    1 point
  12. Biter why are you posting pictures of your 4-chinned girlfriend?
    1 point
  13. i enjoy her music. i'm hoping the new album will be at least at good as her other stuff. sure, not for everyone. but it's good we have some female artists putting out some attention grabbing shit that has meaning behind it, instead of just flashing her cooter. meh, i'm sure i'm in the minority.
    1 point
  14. Your mom never taught you the difference between there/their.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. mo crap damn Important... those sketches are on point!
    1 point
  17. yo i spilled on that street. because im an ass and i love hills ..just taught id prove that 4x4's do nothing but hurt !! :L:L peace out
    1 point
  18. I made this sculpture: More pictures
    1 point
  19. That graff is here in Mexicali, I was there but my camera was hidden waiting for the cool down. Stunt from Mexico D.F. Rans and Enco from Mexicali are GAW. Moz always comes to town. He sometimes brings Duce, Jerk, Plantree and Bas (Just talking: I don't know, but I feel that Mexicali is a nice city, if you know how to play it. Some good writers have come to write here, and is just a little shitty town, you know. Sever-Saber-Buket-Koze-Jel-Meek-Tlok-Soker-Soke-Ohde-Kenr-Illz-Colt45-Claw-Plantree-Jerk-Bas-Moz-Duce-Hael-Zerk-Chorboogie-Gufe... and I bet a lot more but I don't remember, or they didn't tag the city... oh... WST, BAMC...) Mexicali appears in Infamy The movie and War 3 and 4. I already wrote down the 14 things for the photo hunt. I'm a man. I told my friend Ylenia to hold down the cards for a shoot. I don't know, but I feel a negative aura from RC. May 9th. 1 year with my girl. I've been working for 1 week at this job and I already got like... 800 Dlls in free stuff. So... Haiti, Chile, China And Mexicali, earthquakes in this year, you know... 7.2 is a good one. Saw the videos?
    1 point
  20. naw COS lars is the old school homey and lars if i divorce my wife and you break up with your girlfriend we can trade ok
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. That's prety much how US cops treat US citizens in the US.
    1 point
  23. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** last minute bump for potential late bloomers: New List For April 21st - May 1 1 -- Broken 2 -- Reflection 3 -- Happy 4 -- Filth --Before 5 --After 6 -- Repetition 7 -- Rust 8 -- Music 9 -- Refurbished 10 - Sport 11 - Motorized 12 - Drip(s) 13 - Irony - No hipsterisms and must be natural to the setting of whatever you found. IE: your not allowed to set it up Bonerus - Underground
    1 point
  24. you are putting little to no insight into the issue of homelessness. thumbs down.
    1 point
  25. ^I think its time we start putting watermarks in our photos, IOU.
    1 point
  26. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
    1 point
  27. April 27th, Tuesday. Hello, so... how have you guys been doing? I'm fine. New camera, free of course, not taking it to the pawn shop this time. I quit studying, now I'm legally working, and I already made the exam/test to enroll to Architecture/Graphic Design university. Let me show you... Desarrollo Humano= Human Development.
    1 point
  28. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
    1 point
  29. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** no.
    1 point
    1 point
  31. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** 1. Broken 2. Reflection 3. Happy my roommate drunkenly said he'll give this to me when we move out. alex ross uncle sam! 4. Filth jersey from battery park 5. Before After 6. Repetition my roommate is crazy 7.Rust 8. Music 9. Refurbished i got it but im too drunk to find it... 10. Sport 11. motorized 12. Drips 13. Irony didnt work out * Underground i float aboveground sooooo i had a couple other things but thats a wrap
    1 point
  32. Are you her fuckin P.R. agent?
    1 point
  33. br0 whaddya g0nna do dis summA before y0u g0 2 high skool?
    1 point
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