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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2010 in Posts

  1. Your screen name is based off some gamer nerd D&D type shit.
    5 points
  2. Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious.
    5 points
  3. meet fleetwood. hes a 3 month old mini potbelly pig. hes smart as fuck, and full of energy. he figured out recently how to open my hairless rat's cage and let them out. i suspect a love affair with one of the rats, named pajamas. they cuddle up next to the heater and make out every time he lets her out. He loves Common, and Tribe...and any time i put them on, he grabs his rope toy...runs through the house wagging his tail / squealing. He also loves weed, and grapes. probably the most cuddly, loyal, sweet pet i've ever had.
    4 points
  4. 3.1.3 And my iTunes wont let me downgrade. Lovin the wallpaper, original pic?
    3 points
  5. In california, the weathers gone from shitty cold and rain to HOT in only like 2 days. But camping here I come :D
    3 points
  6. Chilled with my vicious dog (she doesnt bark at least, thank god) painting unsuccessful painted more go downtown messing around with shutter speeds gross donairs homie needed a deco, i came thru coffee pot buckets did this, sent it to the west coast old ass fatso chill ass night Wu tang ! homegirl sent me these, i put them in the wrong order due to retardation made a marker Puts and Vandal Finished the night off with some anal And now the authorities have my camera, awesomeeee
    3 points
  7. even though i have a phone that tells me every game.. still need a pocket schedule...
    2 points
  8. if i could neg you, i would. corn on the cob is the shit. hella butter and salt... .word.
    2 points
  9. There was a DVS advert I remember seeing, he did a whole bunch of dope lines just in socks
    2 points
  10. I fucking hate text messages man. When my friends text me "Dude, whats the plan tonight?" it makes my fucking blood boil. I'd rather spend 1 minute on the phone talking to someone figuring shit out instead of going back and forth on my piece of shit phone over text messages for an hour. I don't have a miniature type writer like everyone else, fuck you if I'm going to write out some abbreviated 140 character response just to have my phone erase it instead of sending it. Anyways, I pretty much do the same thing too, get a text and look like an asshole for not responding to it.
    2 points
  11. started the day with a glass of crown royal, bad idea.
    2 points
  12. Interesting read hard for me to imagine some of the marines I work with being able to do this stuff they're civilian now with beer bellies but still have massive shoulders and forearms can't def tell kicking ass used to be their job. Also, don't be that stereotypical marine douche when you go out to the bar if you end up in San Diego. I hate those guys. We can spot marines from a mile away, if yer chill most of the time you'll be bought a beer from a random stranger at the bar. Be cool. Stay Safe and thanks for your service. All of you guys. Thanks.
    2 points
  13. Andrew Bogut been baling!! Just added him to my fantasy team
    1 point
  14. I've got shitloads of work to do around my property. BUILD THAT FUCKIN SHED
    1 point
  15. Theres so many things that can go wrong getting blown on a waterpark ride...
    1 point
  16. i think i gave dnote a lil to much credit lmao
    1 point
  17. and by that logic is *motherfucker* not one word and without a single letter a ? the people who cant wait to prove their high school ged equivalency on here still cant manage not to contradict themselves
    1 point
  18. technically, I'm a hillbilly ass cracker, but anyway... I think the big east is gonna have 6 or 7 in the sweet sixteen, and realistically all 8 could make it. I hate Pitt as much as you hate WVU, but best believe I root for the whole big east come tourney time
    1 point
  19. A friend of a friend was interested in golfing. In looking for clubs found that the sports stores could not sell last years models. Went to every store and purchased the stock they had left over. Became power seller on ebay, got a warehouse and hired people to run it. Around 100 K a year almost hands off the last I heard. On the less profitable trip, if you can cut out the middle man that employers are when selling your labor you make a lot more. Real simple concept but important to remember. When I was a kid I mowed lawns, working directly for the home owner I would make 25 per hour using their equipment, at the time my method of transport was a bike. Working on a crew I would make around ten or twelve before taxes. Come on folks, someone has to have some more ideas to contribute....
    1 point
  20. actually scratch that you mad, the next battle is SATIRE just one color
    1 point
  21. i've pretty much hated lil wayne for a decade now i can fuck with like 1 out of every 50 songs he writes tho and that documentary was quality entertainment nh
    1 point
  22. MORE regulation? we just need regulation, period! we dont have ANY right now... bush 'deregulated' everything!
    1 point
  23. “It is better to lose your pride with someone you love rather than to lose that someone you love with your useless pride.” “No one ever choked to death swallowing his pride”
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. I learned yesterday that my good friend Joey, aka Yme, was killed in a train related accident. In spite of his age, many of you may know him, he was a fixture on the circuit for many years and had been riding freight since he was in middle school. Joey loved the high line and loved Montana, even home bumming it in Grand Rapids for a while. I talked to him a month ago and he seemed happy, I hope he died that way. He was only 20 years old, but rode harder and with more heart than anyone i've ever met. He was a coast to coast cat, and lived a hard knock life. pour a forty for a brother today. rip my friend, ride in peace. I can't stress this enough, I've seen enough friends die because of being drunk and riding freight, watch your ass out there, please.
    1 point
  26. it means that everyone knows your a faggot. that facebook pic of you acouple pages back must have let everyone know! anyways,bumpBATS!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  27. it means that people think you have a shitty personality
    1 point
  28. shit 4 brains i didnt no money came any otha way :D
    1 point
  29. give urselves pats on the back for being extra corny tonight
    1 point
  30. if it wasnt for this, id have never heard of him. in the music biz, any press is good press. win/win.
    1 point
    1 point
  32. :lol: @ that ghost attachment
    1 point
    1 point
  34. fuck wvu...hillbilly ass niggas :lol: naw but seriously tho as much as i hate wvu, your right.... they shoulda have gotten that number 1 seed for sure... especially considering the fact that the big east is by far the best conference
    1 point
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. i think i found tech's digs. missed a couple pieces. this small girls with a nice camera is scared of creepy homeless dudes under bridges.
    1 point
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