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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/2009 in all sections

  1. back on the water after that hr long break.. some parts were way shallow, had to get out and drag the canoe. hand me my beer! docked. again. pee break. done peeing.. kind of drunk.. lol me finishing off a beer to start the next and on the river again. passed out in the sun on the canoe. ended up getting sun burnt/sick super bad. called it a day. camera fell into water right afterwards.. next day took it back and exchanged it..
    3 points
  2. good looks on the tip namean . but did u put the hole in the popcorn bucket?
    2 points
  3. http://www.watch-movies-links.net/movies/the_hurt_locker/ for those who dont want to dl - stream it here.
    2 points
  4. i proved what i look like.. keep up..
    2 points
  5. "YOU WON OK?! ITS JUST A GAME!" "Not anymore."
    2 points
  6. oh wow. i can't believe i forgot this one. you've already seen her in the nudes i've posted of her (the one with the hugely gigantic tits). She used to come over and fuck all the time, but liked to be slapped and shit. one night she tells me to straight up start punching her. so. i do. she keeps telling me to punch her harder, harder harder, until i broke her jaw. she left. end of story.
    2 points
  7. How do i fix it? I've got work today FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
    1 point
  8. I went to a hardcore show tonight, it was the first one I had been to in a long time. It was at a venue I had not been to in almost a year. some of the bands playing were We came as romans, carry the wounded and like 3 others. I bring a date, because apparently shes heard of one of the bands and wanted to go. So I walk in, and immediately I noticed something was not quite right. there were alot of kids, and alot of parents. there were alot of jesus shirts. Now this struck me as odd because the last time i had been to that venue i left with beer all over me and a couple of glass shards in my arm from a miller high life bottle. The band started to play, sounded pretty good and i figured a mosh would start soon. and it did. sorta. these kids were spinning around like fucking helicopters and kicking all over the place and pulling front flips and all kinds of insane crap. so these 5 kids basically took up the entire floor and forced everyone against the wall. and THEN one of these fuckers was doing his spin around like your on fire and the floor is also made of lava bullshit and smacks my date across the face by accident. well that set me off, i hit the kid in the jaw and caught him off balance i guess cus he fell so i got down and started punching him, then the band stops playing as the bouncers broke us up and starts talking about how "people like me" need to stay home and stay away from "law abiding christians" so they throw me out, they dont call the cops because i hadnt been a problem with them in the past blah blah blah. while im sitting outside waiting for my ride, one of the fuckers from the band comes up to me and starts trying to talk to me about how i need to let jesus into my heart and all this bullshit. what im amazed at is how the fuck did this happen??? what happened to NORMAL mosh pits and what happened to church staying at church?? why did all you tight pants wearing, vans slipon steppin parent bringing bitches have to come ruin everything??
    1 point
    1 point
  10. use a certain brand of toilet bowl cleaner in a mop and it will really do the works on stainless steel; it makes a never ending rust tag. it can be buffed, but then it just rusts again.... oh yeah, wear gloves... and a cock-sheath of some sort if the mop is riding shotgun in your front pocket.
    1 point
  11. i hate strange computers
    1 point
  12. your a beaner, I am not sending you shit but my landscaping.
    1 point
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugk37TvIR8E http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCtz4trJr_g&feature=related
    1 point
  14. I went to a job interview with a black eye and got a job at zellers, which in turn gave me lots of free cans of rust paint.. Dont be a pussy mayn!
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. So dope, I had to see it again!!!
    1 point
  17. lol good someone banned that asshat again
    1 point
  18. Wear an eye patch and say you just got surgery and it cant be exposed to light.
    1 point
  19. Met up with a bunch of my fellow graveyard co-workers to head out to the river for the day he hella stole my camera, but this pic is cool. dudes bein hella homo, as always. not allowd to have bottles on the river so me and my girl were chuggin them down real quick. hide the evidence. i made him go get me some beer for my canoe. getting ready to leave. you dont need to see my chink eyes. shes better @ it so she can go in the front (: nature shot. passing up some friends.. shes trying to be sexy? hes getting ready to flash me :0 no. somehow we tipped and im sitting in the middle still, drinking away. finally made it back in the canoe. she hella stole the camera to take flicks of herself............ her chillin, getting sum rays of sunshine. are boys suppose to be afraid of green goo and water?? hes fuckin around on the water.. getting ready to go back out. the boys mixin up some more drink more...
    1 point
  20. critical mass ftl. in other news.. im getting ready to go on a 10-day bike tour around wisconsin/minnesota but i'll be on my fixed gear rather than my cargo bike. i am not sufficiently confident in my roadside repair skill when it comes to gearing stuff. besides, finances dictate i "stealth camP" i.e. go 10-15 feet off the road, hide my shit and hang my hammock setup. quick, easy, portable, stealthy. also why i opted for the smaller rig. http://www.crazyguyonabike.com has some good stories and pictures. i'll probably post some journal stuff there after the ride. might post pictures too if i decide to take my camera along. anyone else do the touring bidniss ?
    1 point
  21. here's a picture of my uncle with my dad's old 74 and if i'm not mistaken this was circa 1978. the motor was a 74 cubic inch knucklehead and he ran it with a jockey shit and no front break.
    1 point
  22. yup, or ones like them, nothing too gnarly.
    1 point
  23. rather see this shit than some gay shit
    1 point
  24. if mr horse still posted ... "No sir, I don't like it"
    1 point
    1 point
  26. And here is a pic of my dog at a porn shoot. I win.
    1 point
    1 point
  28. this is all i see when you talk. http://i29.tinypic.com/f02fd1.jpg
    1 point
  29. Re: You know what sucks. You know what sucks? Only being able to get ahold of acid every couple years.
    1 point
  30. Re: You know what sucks. You should at least stop sucking them when you're trying to type
    1 point
  31. this thread is hella funny on the first page there are two members of the dirty dozens society talking shyt to each other classic
    1 point
  32. Well then thats what happens when you hang out with people that do. Last show I went to I was covered in beer, cigarette smoke, and the smell of crust punks.
    1 point
  33. Re: You know what sucks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G77oMKDIWUY
    1 point
  34. yea homie. ill have new ish posted tommaz
    1 point
  35. it says "SAD" its a "HEARD WICKED" stop while your ahead.
    1 point
  36. Chechen President Kadyrov Idi Amin Genghis Khan
    1 point
  37. I always liked it, but was never nerd-obsessed with it. In other words I only own the DVD's... no action-figures, posters, nor did I camp outside the theaters a week before opening night dressed as Boba Fett. As far as the prequels go, I think the first two sucked, but the third one was on par with the original 3. People tend to say Empire Strikes Back was the best of them all.
    1 point
  38. fight mediocrity. shoot a hipster.
    1 point
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