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15 hours ago, mr.yuck said:

@One Man BannedI don't do a whole lot on Reddit but r/boomersbeingfools is a great place to start.


I don't reddit much myself and only allowed myself to look at it in recent times.  I did take a closer look at that but I'm still not getting a lot from it.  Lot of complaining and sore feelings.  People getting mad at certain truths.  Also a lot of stuff being posted and attributed to boomers when the webz is full of posts of other gens doing the same type shit, like most road rage is not being perpetrated by 80-year-olds and many of the karens out there are younger than boomer status.

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5 hours ago, One Man Banned said:


I don't reddit much myself and only allowed myself to look at it in recent times.  I did take a closer look at that but I'm still not getting a lot from it.  Lot of complaining and sore feelings.  People getting mad at certain truths.  Also a lot of stuff being posted and attributed to boomers when the webz is full of posts of other gens doing the same type shit, like most road rage is not being perpetrated by 80-year-olds and many of the karens out there are younger than boomer status.


But isn't it fun to perpetuate stereotypes?

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11 minutes ago, mr.yuck said:

But isn't it fun to perpetuate stereotypes?


When they contain truth or accuracy sure.  

There were some generational things that I didn't mention, stuff around communication styles.  Didn't want to go down a whole tech has connected more people but also distanced more people, blah, blah, blah.

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On 4/15/2024 at 10:27 PM, mr.yuck said:

Are anyone else's parents displaying heavy boomerism that the internet has been clowning on recently?  My mom has started talking to people in the service industry like she is doing a Google search and the other day she grabbed some ladies stroller and started to try and wheel their baby somewhere else that was out of her way, without even saying something to the mother. As she grabbed the stroller I heard her mutter something like "I'll just move this," like how dare anyone ever be in her way or like it was an abandoned cart in the parking lot. 


I'm not gonna lie, I secretly hoped for this lady to dress my mother down in public and make a fucking spectacle out of her.

Idfk man. I got weird parents but I mostly fall in line with the it don’t fucking matter what they do it’s all love and respect lane. My old man barely deserves it but I give anyways. Moms is golden but weird af. She’s always saying and doing questionable shit but that’s moms. Way I see it there’s only maybe two lanes that could/should get your makers canceled from your life and we’re all smart enough to know what those things probably are without having to say it. Otherwise idk most of the shitty ones were just doing the best they knew how. All these pussy ass kids today are the fucking worst. My moms a narcissist my dads emotionally abusive to my cat. I wish a couple generations would just disappear. Or go claim a shit state and never speak again. 

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7 hours ago, One Man Banned said:


When they contain truth or accuracy sure.  

There were some generational things that I didn't mention, stuff around communication styles.  Didn't want to go down a whole tech has connected more people but also distanced more people, blah, blah, blah.

pretty sure these new jack broccoli top types would say you don’t get it because you’re a boomer


i definitely don’t get it

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32 minutes ago, Schnitzel said:

@Mauler5150you get the shirt mate?

I've been away for a bit so not sure if you knew it was coming..




Yeah Bro, made a thread about it and everything.


Cheers Man, I am keeping it for special occassions given it's vintage, but may head to My Mums place and give it a wear as I am currently figuring out My options of what to do all weekend given My van can't drive for more than 5 minutes without blowing coolant everywhere once it hits operating temp due to the water pump.

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Lets fucking go - Yeah I ask my girl what I ate for breakfast this morning and how old my kids are......idgaf.


On the serious though, my memory is fucked and I do think it is because of concussive head injuries, mad endo and other extra curricular activities . I am hella sharp about work related shit and witty snaps but I seem to be at a loss in other places at times. 


Gotta be from getting old I guess.

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5 hours ago, fat ralphy said:

Lets fucking go - Yeah I ask my girl what I ate for breakfast this morning and how old my kids are......idgaf.


On the serious though, my memory is fucked and I do think it is because of concussive head injuries, mad endo and other extra curricular activities . I am hella sharp about work related shit and witty snaps but I seem to be at a loss in other places at times. 


Gotta be from getting old I guess.


Me and one of my homies were talking about this forgetfulness shit a few months ago. He was like "just get me a warm cup of milk and put me on my heating pad in my chair in front of the price is right, cuz I'm done."


But back to some boomer shit. How you gonna be mad about everyone in our generation getting participation trophies? You were the ones passing out the participation trophies! Participation trophies was your fucking idea, hoes! And another thing, boomers love to talk about how no one wants to work anymore. These mother fuckers were literally hippies. Just doing mad drugs and spreading AIDS. News flash. No one's ever wanted to work. Lol.



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14 hours ago, fat ralphy said:

@Mauler5150sucks about the water pump good thing thats not a crazy fix

way beyond My level of expertise ans Toyota wants to check over the van to make sure it is just the water pump but they wouldn't give Me a quote to install it so I have to wait until Wednesday ro get it fixed lest I get someone to help Me this weekend.


9 hours ago, nicklesndimes said:

yes. get that vehicle all tuned up and road ready. we're rooting for you on the van life tip @Mauler5150

Cheers Man, I hope to get it fixed so I can FO down south where it is greener and cooler with a lot less of these dog eating city rats as one finds in the CBD.


I am off to the beach to waste the weekend away on the train, given it is free for Me to use public transport til June or something.


Question for the oontz, do I update My Apple billing information or do I stop paying the $15 a month to preserve My 2TB of iCloud storage nothing it is pretty much full with 1.5TB of images and videos and the rest with My writings, emails and suxh.?


I am tired of paying for My digital self to exist in a perfect reality while I am left to deal with sewer rats and other assorted scumbags, as it is like carrying a demon around in My pocket continually reminding Me of what he and she is incapable of reciprocating.

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It's funny to hear some of these boomers talk about how messed up the world is currently.   


All I can think is, if it went for all those policies and y'all implemented it probably wouldn't have been that bad. 


The other thing that gets me the most about boomers is the mentality, "it's y'alls generation to figure it out".  


Our generation, y'all were the generation that caused the problem!   


My response is this, "well we better call Germany and tell them get the ovens ready, because we are about to figure out the problem by first getting rid of who caused the problem. 


Boomers hate to hear that.  Lolz


My other issue with some od these boomers is when they try to give you advice on life.  


HELLO!  Have you seen the current state of the world, what would you know what's good for someone else?   You're the one who caused all of this crap.  How you gonna tell me you know whats good for me. 




Wanna wind up a boomer like toy, just throw out a based topic and that will get them Karen's going. 


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16 minutes ago, ndv said:

It's funny to hear some of these boomers talk about how messed up the world is currently.   


All I can think is, if it went for all those policies and y'all implemented it probably wouldn't have been that bad. 


The other thing that gets me the most about boomers is the mentality, "it's y'alls generation to figure it out".  


Our generation, y'all were the generation that caused the problem!   


My response is this, "well we better call Germany and tell them get the ovens ready, because we are about to figure out the problem by first getting rid of who caused the problem. 


Boomers hate to hear that.  Lolz


My other issue with some od these boomers is when they try to give you advice on life.  


HELLO!  Have you seen the current state of the world, what would you know what's good for someone else?   You're the one who caused all of this crap.  How you gonna tell me you know whats good for me. 




Wanna wind up a boomer like toy, just throw out a based topic and that will get them Karen's going. 


I understand how Boomers fucked it all up for the present and future generations, but most of the ones guilty for causing the issues have their heads in the sand pretending there is nothing wrong with the fact that people are now forced into living with other people due to the issues they caused.


I really don't care as I am insulating Myself from said issues as best I can, yet My kssues with society nobody I encounter is even able to dispute them as their denial of "ultimate truth" sees them cling to a false paradigm  with their only retort being they criticise My acknowledgement of the issues by saying I am "too negative".


Well truth is that I am positively over dealing with fuckhead retards who are in denial that money is a false construct of numbers on a screen and as such is ultimately binary code on a bank server.

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I thought by current definition of the modern day broccoli’s tops, we are the boomers…?


@ndvSounds like you are talking about legit baby boomers.


@Mauler5150Tough call on the digital storage, I hoarded a bunch of stuff like that and I can’t even bring myself to look at it but I don’t get rid of it. One thing to remember if you get rid of it, it probably makes no difference to your daily life and you will be just fine without it.

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1 hour ago, LUGR said:



I thought by current definition of the modern day broccoli’s tops, we are the boomers…?


@ndvSounds like you are talking about legit baby boomers.


@Mauler5150Tough call on the digital storage, I hoarded a bunch of stuff like that and I can’t even bring myself to look at it but I don’t get rid of it. One thing to remember if you get rid of it, it probably makes no difference to your daily life and you will be just fine without it.

Can one trust the broccoli tops opinion on anything though? I mean, we knew mullets were retarded in the late 80s and early 90s and gave out shit to the people who had them.


And if by their definition I am classified as a boomer, then I am happy to be given I wish to have this world have a nuke drop so that it can start all over again

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2 hours ago, Mauler5150 said:

Can one trust the broccoli tops opinion on anything though? I mean, we knew mullets were retarded in the late 80s and early 90s and gave out shit to the people who had them.


And if by their definition I am classified as a boomer, then I am happy to be given I wish to have this world have a nuke drop so that it can start all over again

my mullet was always dope

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1 minute ago, LUGR said:

my mullet was always dope

Mine just appeared out of My parent's laziness and My reluctance to get a haircut for whatever reason.


My rationale for the nuke is in the hope that in My next cycle I have a Father that actually stays around as opposed to being a selfish prick. I also might stumble into the cigaretteless version of the multiverse and a nuke drop would at least finalise this facade of a reality we exist within and give some definitiveness to it as opposed to it being a sequence of random meaningless events with society being comprised of individuals with no shared common goals or agendas beyond their own.

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9 hours ago, mr.yuck said:

But back to some boomer shit. How you gonna be mad about everyone in our generation getting participation trophies? You were the ones passing out the participation trophies! Participation trophies was your fucking idea, hoes! And another thing, boomers love to talk about how no one wants to work anymore. These mother fuckers were literally hippies. Just doing mad drugs and spreading AIDS. News flash. No one's ever wanted to work. Lol.


9 hours ago, ndv said:

Our generation, y'all were the generation that caused the problem!   

My response is this, "well we better call Germany and tell them get the ovens ready, because we are about to figure out the problem by first getting rid of who caused the problem. 


Um, yeah.  Interesting takes on history here, might be a bit inaccurate.

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1 minute ago, mr.yuck said:

Holy shit y'all. @ndvwants to final solution everyone over 60! Oh my God. I need to calm down. I need some avocado toast and a $9 coffee drink stat.

Well My further take on this is what do people >60 years of age really have left to do in their lives which they have yet to experience in the preceding 60, beyond spreading STDs in a nursing home?


Because I would be happy to drop off at 50 given that by that stage I will have experiened everything a human could have done (finances pending) other than sacrifice an innocent soul in the form of a child to a life of slavery and the pursuit of the dollar.


So @ndv s idea isn't all bad, and yes, while such an outcome would render My parents gone, 1 I have zero contact with and the other only tells Me to shut up in between huffing cigarettes, so think of all the free properties that could solve the housing crisis caused by the past 30 years of the negative gearing boomers as they went about acquiring and hoarding residential properties to where a single person would need to pay $3300 a month on a modern mortgage for an average home based on the current interest rates.


Maybe My analysis here is having just paid $7 for a Gatorade at the movies, or maybe it is due to the above being truth, knowing that any investment property My Mother could have acquired  to pass on to My Brother and I has gone up in literal (cigarette) smoke as She signed away her house to My stepdad and his kids.

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13 hours ago, Mauler5150 said:

Mine just appeared out of My parent's laziness and My reluctance to get a haircut for whatever reason.


My rationale for the nuke is in the hope that in My next cycle I have a Father that actually stays around as opposed to being a selfish prick. I also might stumble into the cigaretteless version of the multiverse and a nuke drop would at least finalise this facade of a reality we exist within and give some definitiveness to it as opposed to it being a sequence of random meaningless events with society being comprised of individuals with no shared common goals or agendas beyond their own.

Have you ever read Kalki by Gore Vildal?

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My chick made me avocado toast this AM - I am fine.


My stepdads dad - only thing we had in common was we repped Irish, and had a mutual love of Carlo Rossi.


Dude used to say "Why don't these kids just buy a house?" fucking guy bought a house for 30k and no joke the thing is worth 3 million today - just because it is in Los Altos, CA. 


The jump the took place in 50 years and the leap between the 80s and 2000s across the board is wild fucked - especially where I live. 

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