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This Old Trap House: Wonk Saggin Edition


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Well Soo far I have started an LLC cleaning dryer vent ducts and working on getting everything I need for residential and commercial air ducts.

I was talking to someone last night who details cars and he was telling me he made something like a million dollars before taxes, he may be telling a fib but honestly this area with the right work ethic it seems attainable.

But since I bought this air compressor I was cleaning my car out and was thinking wow I could detail.cars too maybe pressure wash for people as well since I own one as well.

I mean most of my life I've worked for other people mainly construction carpentry, welding, fitting, masonry building pools, dry wall, Soo on and Soo forth but I've taken the steps to start this duct cleaning business Soo far I just do dryer vents as I haven't invested in all the other attachments and tools I need for air duct.

I also am certified with welding and own a Lincoln mig welder and aim to buy a generator Soo I can be mobile on my truck.

But I don't want to get too ahead of myself and bite off more then I can chew with tons of different lines of work Soo right now I'm just focusing on dryer/ hvac duct cleaning.

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@cancelculttouristthat's smart man. You're already headed in the right direction by narrowing your focus of what services you offer. I made that mistake early on doing the jack of all trades shit. I found some stuff I was more proficient in than others. There's a big difference between being able to do something well and being profitable at something. Right now I offer drywall repair, trim carpentry and paint. They all kind of go together. 


I recently within the past year got kicked off of Google. I'm not sure why and there is no way to call and talk to anyone directly. But for a free service of being listed on Google and a free Google page, it made my phone ring a little bit.


Internet advertising was an expensive nightmare for me. The thing with online advertising is in the construction industry you are competing with the advertising budgets of angies list, home advisor, houzz and such. I spent 1000s of dollars a month pissing in the wind. @NightmareOnElmStreethad good results with online advertising though I think.

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Yeah I mean I have landed a handful of jobs Soo far just by door to door buisness cards but this kid was telling me that if u can get 5 star reviews on Yelp and different social media platforms that's the ticket, that he's just been Soo busy that he doesn't even do door to door, just trying to get hip with the times and go for what works. Definitely not going to be throwing any money at the advertising just yet.

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A homey's dad has done very, very well for himself with a duct cleaning business outside Denver. 


Imo, focus on that, like yuck said, jack of all trades isn't the ticket. Once you've got the ability to do the ducts just drive around to new construction projects and introduce yourself. 


Around here, every decent builder cleans their ducts at the end of trim-out. If you can get in with a couple busy builders in your area they can keep you busy. Be better, be cleaner, be more thorough than your competitors, and don't be the cheapest. Maybe an intro rate, but offer a premium product at a premium price. Sell it, own it, and walk it. Don't waste your time with cars unless that's all you want to do. 


SEO and online advertising is a whole black hole to get into. My wife spends a lot per month for her website to come up via a couple key words searched. Hire someone to help you get started advertising once you've already got some steady work, don't spend thousands on it before you've even got your name out there.


If your website looks like a high-school kid made it, some people will assume it's a high-school kid doing the work. You get what you pay for, but, plenty of businesses these days only have an Fb page and do well for themselves. So who knows what's worth it.

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11 hours ago, mr.yuck said:

@cancelculttouristthat's smart man. You're already headed in the right direction by narrowing your focus of what services you offer. I made that mistake early on doing the jack of all trades shit. I found some stuff I was more proficient in than others. There's a big difference between being able to do something well and being profitable at something. Right now I offer drywall repair, trim carpentry and paint. They all kind of go together. 


I recently within the past year got kicked off of Google. I'm not sure why and there is no way to call and talk to anyone directly. But for a free service of being listed on Google and a free Google page, it made my phone ring a little bit.


Internet advertising was an expensive nightmare for me. The thing with online advertising is in the construction industry you are competing with the advertising budgets of angies list, home advisor, houzz and such. I spent 1000s of dollars a month pissing in the wind. @NightmareOnElmStreethad good results with online advertising though I think.

Currently in no real place to be giving out advise but agreeing with what my man yuck said start with narrowing it down bro and go from there. Sounds like you kinda are doing that already but do it more. Depending on your area I’d definitely focus on the shit that’s a little less competitive. As for advertising I wouldn’t say I did a ton online but kind normal minimum since I was fresh in my area and had zero word of mouth it’s just logic you gotta put yourself in the race somehow. 4+ years later I’m still here but slacking heavily on marketing. Thumbtack helped me a lot in the beginning and straight to google. Yelp is trash. Angies is trash. FB, IG, and Google are everything. Provide a superior experience for any clients big or small and stack your reviews and you’ll be ahite. 

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8 hours ago, Fist 666 said:

Be better, be cleaner, be more thorough than your competitors, and don't be the cheapest


To piggy back off of this, there are 3 big players in drywall around here. I worked for 2 of them. The first was mostly commercial and the second was residential that does 90% of the new construction around here. This second company sold themselves as the best value in drywall. 


They said we aren't the cheapest, we aren't the most expensive but we are the best value for your money spent. Be that guy and be a million dollar company.

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2 hours ago, mr.yuck said:


To piggy back off of this, there are 3 big players in drywall around here. I worked for 2 of them. The first was mostly commercial and the second was residential that does 90% of the new construction around here. This second company sold themselves as the best value in drywall. 


They said we aren't the cheapest, we aren't the most expensive but we are the best value for your money spent. Be that guy and be a million dollar company.

Are you the third player, playa?

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5 minutes ago, LUGR said:

Are you the third player, playa?


I wish. I've never had good luck hiring people to expand. I'm not a blip on anyone's radar but my name gets passed around quite frequently amongst general contractors. 

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22 hours ago, mr.yuck said:


I wish. I've never had good luck hiring people to expand. I'm not a blip on anyone's radar but my name gets passed around quite frequently amongst general contractors. 


So basically, you're the Specialist.  That's actually a great thing.  Capitalize on that.  Use that as a sales pitch, "why should I higher you, and not the other guy", thats what separates you from the comp.   Sounds to me you're the guy they call when a job requires white glove services/finishing touches so to speak. 


Like I said this is a good thing.


@cancelculttourist @NightmareOnElmStreet looping back around and revisiting the SEO conversations.  If you're into writing reviews on Google, then I would suggest using your Google business account.  It may not seem much of an impact but marketing can get very expensive very fast.  And quite frankly, 90% of flyers are tossed in the trash with out being looked at.  


Think about it, how many times do you throw away flyers that you glance at and may read, but do not need at this time.  This happens a lot to, and not only residential but commercial is even worse, more than 90% of fliers never make it past the mail rooms or receptionists.  If it's a small company then perhaps maybe it gets in the hands of the intended target.   Think about it, I know I do, but how many times a flyer you got in the mail right to the trash.  That's money someone spent that I just tossed, as well as 900 neighbors did around me.


I  am not saying marketing doesn't work.  Look at what Kering Group did with Gucci.  Nike doesn't consider themselves as producer of products, they firmly consider themselves as a marketing company.  This is true, I know someone who works for Nike, this is what they are and believe.   


So marketing works.  But these are two corporations that have the finances and resources that make marketing work where we stop and look at their advertisements.  


But we and our companies are not on that level.  Most of us are One-Man-Bands trying to build up enough clients to keep us busy daily, possibly higher a helping hand or 2 and make better money than we did yesterday.  


This is why marketing is very tough for us do to finances and scale.  We have to be strategic and concise in how we market, target, and execute. 


Take @mr.yuck for example.  His is pretty straightforward and concise.  His marketing foundation is The Speacialist.  He may cost more, but you are hosting an event, funeral, or gathering of some sort and you need an emergency repair, or a room, sundeck completed in 3 weeks, but you have specialty fixtures or things need to be done specifically. 


Who are you going to trust the most, big company a, or the specialist??


Anyhow, so going back to my Google reviews.  It may sound small at first, but when people read reviews and they see your company name, that does many things, one being negative backlash, but you would have to purposefully do something to get that.   But what I am talking about are the things that will make small impacts.  1, your advertising/marketing yourself for free.  2.  Your company is the first thing they see in the review.  This will do 2 things.  Get the reader side tracked and check out your company website or at least look you up and see what you're all about.  Potentially, getting business immediately all while taking your reviews more serious over individuals.  Specially if it's something they agree on with your review.  So now you are building trust.  3. You're self employed,  a business owner, your company should always put infront of you.  Company name should always the first thing out of your mouth.  


Don't get me wrong not every marketing tactic is one size fits all.  In other words for me Facebook is the last place I need to be.  It's not the clientele I am trying to market to.  I do not fo go to Facebook or insta looking for business.  I don't even go to Angie's list.  I go to Google like everyone else. Google maps to be specific.  If I was on easy then yes, FB, Instagram, and a few other social media outlets would help with my Swiss army knife of marketing.  But I do not and I do not offer personalization services as the forefront of business, nor do I want to due the amount of people who already do and not to mention the profit margins are a joke.   Not that I do not do it, I just offer it to my customers and companies in need.  All others are individuals that are in the know.   


I operate by word of mouth.  No amount of marketing material can beat word of mouth.  If I ask someone, a friend, coworker, family member, or if someone knows someone who offers this?   Someone says yeah, I know a guy, Cancel. He is really good at what he does.  Then a flyer or paid ad words can't beat that.  But that also can go the other way too.  So hone your skill, find your place and do it well so you don't end up on the other way.  


And if you do make a mistake, don't think it's done, it's not, they may write a bad review. But they won't because this is the perfect opportunity to beat your competition with the best customer service.  This part is easy, think what the competition would do, think about how you would feel if it happened to you and what would make you feel impressed on how the issue was corrected.  It sucks,  it happens, it costs money, there's losses, but nothing is worse than bad word of mouth.  Same effect on good word of mouth. 


Build this reputation first.  This is value.  Once you get to that, then if you'd like to or need to scale up and have took into marketing options you have a foundation to start from.


I wish you luck, I hope you succeed, you have a prosperous 2024 and better years to come.

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2 hours ago, ndv said:


So basically, you're the Specialist.  That's actually a great thing.  Capitalize on that.  Use that as a sales pitch, "why should I higher you, and not the other guy", thats what separates you from the comp.   Sounds to me you're the guy they call when a job requires white glove services/finishing touches so to speak. 


Like I said this is a good thing.


@cancelculttourist @NightmareOnElmStreet looping back around and revisiting the SEO conversations.  If you're into writing reviews on Google, then I would suggest using your Google business account.  It may not seem much of an impact but marketing can get very expensive very fast.  And quite frankly, 90% of flyers are tossed in the trash with out being looked at.  


Think about it, how many times do you throw away flyers that you glance at and may read, but do not need at this time.  This happens a lot to, and not only residential but commercial is even worse, more than 90% of fliers never make it past the mail rooms or receptionists.  If it's a small company then perhaps maybe it gets in the hands of the intended target.   Think about it, I know I do, but how many times a flyer you got in the mail right to the trash.  That's money someone spent that I just tossed, as well as 900 neighbors did around me.


I  am not saying marketing doesn't work.  Look at what Kering Group did with Gucci.  Nike doesn't consider themselves as producer of products, they firmly consider themselves as a marketing company.  This is true, I know someone who works for Nike, this is what they are and believe.   


So marketing works.  But these are two corporations that have the finances and resources that make marketing work where we stop and look at their advertisements.  


But we and our companies are not on that level.  Most of us are One-Man-Bands trying to build up enough clients to keep us busy daily, possibly higher a helping hand or 2 and make better money than we did yesterday.  


This is why marketing is very tough for us do to finances and scale.  We have to be strategic and concise in how we market, target, and execute. 


Take @mr.yuck for example.  His is pretty straightforward and concise.  His marketing foundation is The Speacialist.  He may cost more, but you are hosting an event, funeral, or gathering of some sort and you need an emergency repair, or a room, sundeck completed in 3 weeks, but you have specialty fixtures or things need to be done specifically. 


Who are you going to trust the most, big company a, or the specialist??


Anyhow, so going back to my Google reviews.  It may sound small at first, but when people read reviews and they see your company name, that does many things, one being negative backlash, but you would have to purposefully do something to get that.   But what I am talking about are the things that will make small impacts.  1, your advertising/marketing yourself for free.  2.  Your company is the first thing they see in the review.  This will do 2 things.  Get the reader side tracked and check out your company website or at least look you up and see what you're all about.  Potentially, getting business immediately all while taking your reviews more serious over individuals.  Specially if it's something they agree on with your review.  So now you are building trust.  3. You're self employed,  a business owner, your company should always put infront of you.  Company name should always the first thing out of your mouth.  


Don't get me wrong not every marketing tactic is one size fits all.  In other words for me Facebook is the last place I need to be.  It's not the clientele I am trying to market to.  I do not fo go to Facebook or insta looking for business.  I don't even go to Angie's list.  I go to Google like everyone else. Google maps to be specific.  If I was on easy then yes, FB, Instagram, and a few other social media outlets would help with my Swiss army knife of marketing.  But I do not and I do not offer personalization services as the forefront of business, nor do I want to due the amount of people who already do and not to mention the profit margins are a joke.   Not that I do not do it, I just offer it to my customers and companies in need.  All others are individuals that are in the know.   


I operate by word of mouth.  No amount of marketing material can beat word of mouth.  If I ask someone, a friend, coworker, family member, or if someone knows someone who offers this?   Someone says yeah, I know a guy, Cancel. He is really good at what he does.  Then a flyer or paid ad words can't beat that.  But that also can go the other way too.  So hone your skill, find your place and do it well so you don't end up on the other way.  


And if you do make a mistake, don't think it's done, it's not, they may write a bad review. But they won't because this is the perfect opportunity to beat your competition with the best customer service.  This part is easy, think what the competition would do, think about how you would feel if it happened to you and what would make you feel impressed on how the issue was corrected.  It sucks,  it happens, it costs money, there's losses, but nothing is worse than bad word of mouth.  Same effect on good word of mouth. 


Build this reputation first.  This is value.  Once you get to that, then if you'd like to or need to scale up and have took into marketing options you have a foundation to start from.


I wish you luck, I hope you succeed, you have a prosperous 2024 and better years to come.

I am not hiring you if you spell it like that you gotdang dope head.

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13 minutes ago, LUGR said:

I am not hiring you if you spell it like that you gotdang dope head.


Way are you talking about.  My phone sucks.  Auto correct may have gotten the better of me. 

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2 hours ago, ndv said:


Way are you talking about.  My phone sucks.  Auto correct may have gotten the better of me. 

You spelt hire as higher…..thought you may have been smoking that shit.




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14 minutes ago, LUGR said:

You spelt hire as higher…..thought you may have been smoking that shit.





Lolz. I probably did.  I reset my keyboard not too long ago and the phone has been auto correcting words with same soundings but out of context.  It's been driving me nuts because it appears the phone isn't relearning my words. 

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2 hours ago, ndv said:


Lolz. I probably did.  I reset my keyboard not too long ago and the phone has been auto correcting words with same soundings but out of context.  It's been driving me nuts because it appears the phone isn't relearning my words. 

Yeah, auto correct has been really annoying me lately also.

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I know the feeling, thats why i left it on, but now it seems worse.   The reason I reset my keyboard was because I noticed everything I copied, text, photos and screen shots, the content was storing in the keyboard memory.  I am not sure how many apps key log but that isn't good.   So I erase the memory periodically which constantly does something with the keyboard functionality. 

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I offered to add some plugs to power some decorative lights my mom got for Christmas on top of some built in cabinets in her living room. So far it has not gone as planned. I have got to be within inches of making contact from the attic to where I want the receptacle….but nothing I put in the existing hole that has some low voltage running through it comes out the other side. Originally I was going to try and pull power from a plug 5ft below, but with the cabinet unit there it would probably be more of a pain in the ass than getting power in the attic. Going to stick a camera in there tomorrow and try and figure out what the obstruction is.

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Ndv definitely with the mauler post I barely read through half that but idfk why you had me in that conversation lolol. Something about **fliers and **writing google reviews? Can’t tell if you were just bugged out or aiming to get invalid points across but I personally don’t utilize hand outs and leave behinds (brochures/**flyers) like I should be. They are definitely not a waste of time just depends on how and where you are leaving them and whatever you meant with the google review my business thing you can’t get/collect reviews without an account that’s kind of the whole point. If you don’t have one as a business owner you’re kinda trippin unless you’re full word of mouth which is only logical for some folks, in some stages in the game, definitely not smart moves for everyone.

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Yeah, I am not following you on that.  I may have not been clear and a little to much.  


Basically, flyers are a waste of money as far as mailers go.   What I mean about about Google reviews, is being strategic.   As in if you happen to write a review on Google about another place. Use your business profile as you account instead of personal account.  Not sure if you have Gmail or listed your business on Google maps. But if you did then you should have an account and you can use that user ID (business) as default so people will only see your business name.  It's just another small way to get you mane across your city.  People go to reviews for advertisement, its like word of mouth in a way.  


I guess our businesses our different, in different regions so perhaps what may work for you will not work for me. 


My advise was purely just suggestive.  Exactly what marketing is.  An attempt the  shot in the dark.  

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9 hours ago, LUGR said:

I offered to add some plugs to power some decorative lights my mom got for Christmas on top of some built in cabinets in her living room. So far it has not gone as planned. I have got to be within inches of making contact from the attic to where I want the receptacle….but nothing I put in the existing hole that has some low voltage running through it comes out the other side. Originally I was going to try and pull power from a plug 5ft below, but with the cabinet unit there it would probably be more of a pain in the ass than getting power in the attic. Going to stick a camera in there tomorrow and try and figure out what the obstruction is.


Doing retro electric  can get tricky as fuck. My living rooms outlets are on an exterior wall and the two existing outlets in the wall were like 14 ft apart. So in an attempt to throw a new outlet in the middle of them, I ran into so many damn problems I ended up cutting a hole in the floor to gain access under the house to figure out what was going on. I gained a whole new respect for standing around on a job waiting on an electrician muttering "what the fuck is talking so long," to myself.

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2 hours ago, mr.yuck said:


Doing retro electric  can get tricky as fuck. My living rooms outlets are on an exterior wall and the two existing outlets in the wall were like 14 ft apart. So in an attempt to throw a new outlet in the middle of them, I ran into so many damn problems I ended up cutting a hole in the floor to gain access under the house to figure out what was going on. I gained a whole new respect for standing around on a job waiting on an electrician muttering "what the fuck is talking so long," to myself.

Okay, thanks for the advice. I’ll  definitely cut hole in floor next.

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3 hours ago, ndv said:


My advise was purely just suggestive.  Exactly what marketing is.  An attempt the  shot in the dark.  

 Definitely not a shot in the dark my dog lol. You’re going to get whatever you put into it. And if you don’t have the capitol it’s all relative end of the day. It does work though. I’ve done bare minimum with my shit and it got me working for myself pushing 5 years no word of mouth so that’s something I’d say for sure lolol. 

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On 1/14/2024 at 9:37 AM, LUGR said:

After cutting holes in all the floors I was able to get a string through.


Had to bring in some big guns to get the job done.




So, when I went to pull the wire through my string almost immediately broke. I was using some 25+ year old hemp I found laying around….definitely a bad idea. Switched to 80lbs mono and that worked fine. I have one side finished and have not had time or motivation to start the other.…..maybe tomorrow…..maybe not.


This really has ended up being more of a pain in the ass than I was anticipating. Mainly due to the location in the attic I have been working from. My original plan was so easy in my head….lol.

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