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2020 U.S. Election


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Noam Chomsky is a socialist.... no wonder he's publishing that kind of crazy talk, and I'm not too terribly surprised to find that you're reading it either. @abrasivesaint


The USA doesn't want socialism.  Only naive people think that it's a good idea.  I don't care if they're linguistic "experts" or not.  Anyone can publish a book, teach a class, get up in front of people and wave their finger around.  Not surprised to see Amazon selling that book either.  The quicker people in leadership positions can put the country into socialism they quicker they can start taking advantage of every aspect of your life.  I live here because I'm free and I intend to keep it that way forever.


The world has enough failed socialist countries already.

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3 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:

Noam Chomsky is a socialist.... no wonder he's publishing that kind of crazy talk, and I'm not too terribly surprised to find that you're reading it either. @abrasivesaint


The USA doesn't want socialism.  Only naive people think that it's a good idea.  I don't care if they're linguistic "experts" or not.  Anyone can publish a book, teach a class, get up in front of people and wave their finger around.  Not surprised to see Amazon selling that book either.  The quicker people in leadership positions can put the country into socialism they quicker they can start taking advantage of every aspect of your life.  I live here because I'm free and I intend to keep it that way forever.


The world has enough failed socialist countries already.

Let me break my original post down: 


- Chomsky is referencing Walter Lippmann.

- The idea of people electing officials is the definition of a Republic, and what we have here in America, a Democratic-Republic. 


- I was saying i can see some correlation to our current (and also last, 2016) Democratic Presidential race and our elected Democrat officials using this idea of the “bewildered herd” and the “specialized class” in reference to the DNC rallying against Sanders. First in the propping up of Hillary Clinton and now in support of Joe Biden, regardless of how much support there is for Sanders (bewildered herd,) and how much shakey support there was for Clinton and now Biden. They don’t want to hear it anymore than you do. The argument is that this is done through media controlled propaganda by the elected Democratic officials (specialized class) to put the people THEY want in power, because the people are too stupid to know what’s good for them.. 

I don’t believe the majority of people believe in Biden. I believe some people don’t like Trump, and maybe they want things to be how the were under Obama.  I believe some people are generally scared right now because of things like COVID-19 and how the economy is in question. So they default to what they knew, or know. I also believe some people don’t know their ass from their elbow when it comes to Presidential candidates and vote for who their political party tells them through their news outlets. 

Now to address the rest: 


I’ve also read “The Conscience of a Conservative,” does that mean i’m one of you? I’ve read the Communist Manifesto, am i a Communist? Am i a Marxist? If i read Mein Kampf, am i a Nazi?

All of these books can also be found on Amazon. It is possible to read something and not believe in the ideology. 


Our leaders already want to take advantage of every aspect of your life, whether it’s the left wanting to control your right to firearms, or the right wanting to control your right to have an abortion..


Call it what you will, but in the end all the “isms” result in a few people having power over the many. 


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I deleted it in an attempt to not be a twat but i was too late apparently, haha.


For that, i apologize @Dirty_habiT


edit: not for nothing but you throw snide comments around just the same my dude. Moving on..


double edit: also, you are insinuating that by what i said meant Tucker Carlson videos are unintelligent. I was simply saying you post a lot of them in your woke thread, leading me to believe you watch a lot of his videos, haha. Thats all i meant by that. 

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8 minutes ago, abrasivesaint said:

All of these books can also be found on Amazon. It is possible to read something and not believe in the ideology. Try it out..

I don't have time to spend reading "literal shit" that won't enable me to make more money.  Being "an intellectual" <coughoucocugogugouchchoughg> while hanging out in a flat w/ "muh roomies" isn't a thrilling idea to me.


I don't think people want to be tricked by a president into going into trillions in debt like Obama did.  Obama made more debt for our nation than every other president before him combined.  Let that sink in for a bit.


I wouldn't read any of those books.  There are some things worth reading, and others not.  I don't need to get brainwashed or have some inside perspective into shit heads that have already been crowned king shitheads.  Noam falls under that description.


You know how people say "just because it's on the internet doesn't make it true"?  Same goes for books.  Just because someone made a book doesn't mean that they have any clue about anything.... including whatever it is that they're calling themselves an expert on.  I think swallowing down "mass info" is for people with no gag reflex.  Just my opinion though, doesn't make me right about that.

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6 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:

I don't have time to spend reading "literal shit" that won't enable me to make more money.  Being "an intellectual" <coughoucocugogugouchchoughg> while hanging out in a flat w/ "muh roomies" isn't a thrilling idea to me.

I may be a smug cunt from time to time, but i by no means would refer to myself as an “intellectual.” There’s plenty of people here who can run circles around me on certain topics. I like to educate myself on various shit, learning is good for you dude. How do you expect to discuss, debate or explore ideas if you don’t try to learn the tenets? 

6 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:

I don't think people want to be tricked by a president into going into trillions in debt like Obama did.  Obama made more debt for our nation than every other president before him combined.  Let that sink in for a bit.

.. and Donald Trump has furthered it still, let that sink in..

6 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:


I wouldn't read any of those books.  There are some things worth reading, and others not.  I don't need to get brainwashed or have some inside perspective into shit heads that have already been crowned king shitheads.  Noam falls under that description.

Barry Goldwater, this author of The Conscience of a Conservative, is a pretty prominent name in Conservative ideology. Something i assume you would be interested in.. 


6 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:


You know how people say "just because it's on the internet doesn't make it true"?  Same goes for books.  Just because someone made a book doesn't mean that they have any clue about anything.... including whatever it is that they're calling themselves an expert on.  I think swallowing down "mass info" is for people with no gag reflex.  Just my opinion though, doesn't make me right about that.

It’s also for people who want to learn. It’s possible to read something and not be brainwashed by it. It’s possible to read the NY Times and also understand an article about “Trump-virus” is utter nonsense. 

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4 hours ago, abrasivesaint said:

I may be a smug cunt from time to time, but i by no means would refer to myself as an “intellectual.” There’s plenty of people here who can run circles around me on certain topics. I like to educate myself on various shit, learning is good for you dude. How do you expect to discuss, debate or explore ideas if you don’t try to learn the tenets? 

Your brain only has so much capacity.  If you put your head in the trash can enough eventually the whole world looks like trash.  I have high standards.


4 hours ago, abrasivesaint said:

.. and Donald Trump has furthered it still, let that sink in..

Oooh got 'em!  Every president has added to the debt, but you are trying to glaze over the fact that Obama created more debt in one sitting than EVERY single president before him COMBINED.  I don't think you let that sink in very much.


4 hours ago, abrasivesaint said:

Barry Goldwater, this author of The Conscience of a Conservative, is a pretty prominent name in Conservative ideology. Something i assume you would be interested in.. 

Never heard of the guy and you're assuming a lot from someone that you only know one persona of online.


4 hours ago, abrasivesaint said:


It’s also for people who want to learn. It’s possible to read something and not be brainwashed by it. It’s possible to read the NY Times and also understand an article about “Trump-virus” is utter nonsense. 

I agree.... but see point number 1 above.  It's better to be ignorant of some subjects.  Like it's probably not impressive to know the ins and outs of smoking crack.... sure that's something you can learn, but is it "worth knowing"?

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  • 4 weeks later...
52 minutes ago, KILZ FILLZ said:

After Sanders concedes today

Bitch bai.


I didn't expect to be replying to this thread today..... I can't think of anyone that is coherent and awake honestly voting for this dude.  Btw, these aren't just "gaffes" and goofs... and little screw ups.  This dude's brain is literally short circuited, fried.  He also has no plans or policy on anything that is worth talking about.


How will Biden fix immigration issues in our country?

How will Biden fix our economy?

What will Biden do to return jobs to USA soil and make us not reliant upon other countries for things like medicine?


I'm not asking you specifically Kilz, I'm just saying these are the questions that go through my mind when people bring up other candidates.


I'm really not worried about 2020 election.  I'm MUCH more worried about who we will get in 2024.  Maybe I'll own a yacht or an island.... or both by then.



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  • 2 weeks later...

From what I’ve seen on Twitter today (@kilzfillz) ol’trumpy may have stolen a large chunk of dem voters with this direct deposit

any of you guys fuck w Twitter? Seem like it’s where news ‘breaks’ these days then the other outlets/sources reference twitter. Especially w sports. 

Black twitter gave trump a hood pass for the direct deposits this wk lol

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So the Republican led committee agrees with the US Intelligence Community that the Russians did interfere with the 2016 election


Read for yourselves (lol!): https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Report_Volume4.pdf


And the FBI never wanted to include the Steele Dossier but were told by the Pres. that everything had to be included:





Question now becomes as to why Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham and colleagues keep blocking measures to stop Russia from interfering with the 2020 election.


When does continuing to permit a foreign and unfriendly nation to interfere in your own governance become an act of treason?





(yeah, yeah, I know, only when war has been declared, by you get the hyperbolic drift here....)

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The USA and Russia have been meddling in elections for decades. It’s not even conspiracy that they have steadily been doing this for ages. Odd that it’s being presented like some new revelation and suddenly outrageous. I can only suspect it’s simply being recognized as yet another tool for politicians to wield when shit isn’t going their way. 

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9 hours ago, misteraven said:

The USA and Russia have been meddling in elections for decades. It’s not even conspiracy that they have steadily been doing this for ages. Odd that it’s being presented like some new revelation and suddenly outrageous. I can only suspect it’s simply being recognized as yet another tool for politicians to wield when shit isn’t going their way. 

Oh fuck yes, the difference is that it's happening to America this time, and that it was successful.


I just tried to find one of my copies of Foreign Affairs, the whole issue is about US coup attempts during the Cold War. Three of those countries were Congo, Iran and Argentina. Can't recall what the other countries were but you can also read about Allan Pope, the CIA pilot that was shot down in Indonesia as he was backing the PERMESTA rebellion against the republic of Indonesia.


In saying that, though, the US is not equivalent to Putin's or Soviet Russia. America's hands have blood on them, fo sho, but nothing even close to Russia's.


@KILZ FILLZ- it was a lot more than that. The Meuller report has the best detail about the operations but some of the other things they did was to build up whole online profiles like real people, join or start their own social movements, set up protest rallies, sometimes setting up rallies by opposing sides (racist groups and BLM groups) so they would come into contact and physically clash, etc. Look up Jade Helm and see how Russia was able to turn online activity into real life behaviour by the rubes, with actual real world consequences.


The trick is to take something that has an element of truth - which is often that you can't trust the govt and that govts and the elite lie and break the rules for their own benefit. They take these truths and use them to lead you down the garden path, they give you a story that's believable for people already of a particular persuasion, that's remains ambiguous enough that the receiver can find ways to fit it into their own mental schemata of the world and that counter-arguments can be answered with "but what ifs...". It's the power of conspiracy theories, they can never actually be proved wrong because they force the counter argument to prove a negative and for the theorist, that counter-arguments exist is even more proof that the conspiracy must be real.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/24/2020 at 7:59 PM, Hua Guofang said:

Seeing headlines that the President has a debt of tens of millions to the Bank of China.


That cannot be good and likely, at least one of the reasons he refused to release his tax returns.



^Edit, maybe, maybe not:





Just because Trump didn't publicly release his tax records doesn't mean that the NSA and other security agencies didn't thoroughly look into him. This is just more shit that really will have no more meaningful effect than rile up the two halves of the division. There's all kinds of fucked up shit that is out in the open and it goes nowhere except MSM and social media as the new topic of the day. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I know that there is a bunch of folk on here that disagree with the system of governance, believe that the US has totally lost its way, tyranny, liberty stolen, etc. etc. I understand your position, and that this situation is just par for the course for you. In that case, this post is for people who aren't convinced by that and still see some value, at least in the current system:


You cats have got some serious shit going down over there. The current leadership has been sacking all the folk that are supposed to give impartial information to the leadership so they can make informed decisions. They are replacing them with their supporters, people who are highly politicised and that have no experience in national security.


Even worse, they are sacking the IGs and people in oversight roles and replacing them with cronies. There is apparently an investigation into Pompeo and the State IG was just sacked.


Nixon did some wild shit in his final days, but I don't recall any American government that has done stuff like this. It's the kind of thing you see in places like Venezuela and Russia. This actually is a deep state being set up, right in front of you.

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I'm annoyed that I can't find the exact quote, but I read one yesterday about, "America for generations has inspired a range of emotions throughout history, from fear and respect to awe and gratitude, only now is it inspiring pity." 


Real quote is obviously better, but relevant to the conversation. 


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3 minutes ago, Fist 666 said:

I'm annoyed that I can't find the exact quote, but I read one yesterday about, "America for generations has inspired a range of emotions throughout history, from fear and respect to awe and gratitude, only now is it inspiring pity." 


Real quote is obviously better, but relevant to the conversation. 


That was in a WaPo article. I never read it but I saw cats discussing it.

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Word. Thanks.



The phrase “American exceptionalism” has always meant different things to different people — that this nation should be admired, or perhaps that it should be feared. Not until now, at least in my lifetime, has it suggested that the United States should be pitied.


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1 hour ago, Fist 666 said:

This reminds me of a recent conversation on an entirely separate subject...


Honest question... Do you really believe that suddenly there’s an energizing swell of people that truly feel this? Or could it be that due to current tech and our ability to be aware and also chime in at near real time, to virtually everything in the civilized world, that people are simple exposed to more nuance and able to react to things that are far outside their real life, day to day realities?


Going back to the quote, I’ve come to see America not as being defined by its leadership, but by its people (as it was intended at its inception). If you look at it from that revised point of view, it’s hard to make an argument that it isn’t exceptional. From some of the people I know locally (and no doubt most of you guys likely know locally) through to obvious innovators and brilliant people like Elon Musk, what other country has the ability to steer humanity in as many profound ways and profound directions as the United States? 

Not sure man, but seeing a SpaceX launch and then realizing that we’ve commercialized space travel as a first step towards colonizing Mars as anything other than exceptional makes me think people are either hating or not paying attention. 

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