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War in the middle east and intervention debate

Hua Guofang

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I think EMPs and nukes would make it a quick affair for any country opposing us. I think ground troops would be the wrong approach and I don't think it's an approach our modern military would take. War isn't fought the way it used to be. Taking out Iran's goat fucking beard stroker was a prime example. That wasn't some crazy ordeal. We just blasted that dude with surgical precision. He had no idea it was coming. 

I'll agree to disagree about this.

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Also my bravodo tells me that you can lick my choad. I almost joined the military but I got a high paying job instead. I was one drug test away from going off to do who knows what. 

my brother who did join now struggles with work and he came back a different person. So I don't need to hear any preaching about how terrible war is from anyone that's not American living in America and loving America. 

im just wondering when the USA Is going to get that sweet round of hj's that seem to be going around for other countries in this thread. 

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17 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:

The USA is tired of paying for our "poor friends" that don't help do shit.  At some point South Korea is going to have to "get good" just like everyone else is going to have to get good. 

Tell this to the trillions of dollars we owe to China, American investors, and ourselves. 

7 hours ago, Mercer said:

Overconfidence by the superior force is the classic blunder that destroys Empires and constantly repeats itself because people generally don't know/forget history. Smaller, far less equipped fighting forces constantly crush much larger forces, so much so that it's a fairly regular occurrence. Think Imperial England VS the U.S. revolutionaries, Think Mujahideen VS the Soviets, the Vietcong etc. etc. etc. going back to Rome, and as far as the first written accounts of ancient warfare. Underdogs are often the safer bet. 

Bingo. I was going to say this the other day but knew i’d rip open a can of worms i didnt care to rip open at that time. It’s better it came from you. These dudes dont come at you the way the come at some of the rest of us. 

3 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:

I think EMPs and nukes would make it a quick affair for any country opposing us.

Just because we have the big booms doesnt mean we’re right in what we do. Just because you win a fist fight doesnt mean you were the person in the right in the situation. 

Edited by abrasivesaint
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5 hours ago, abrasivesaint said:

Tell this to the trillions of dollars we owe to China, American investors, and ourselves. 

Bingo. I was going to say this the other day but knew i’d rip open a can of worms i didnt care to rip open at that time. It’s better it came from you. These dudes dont come at you the way the come at some of the rest of us. 

Just because we have the big booms doesnt mean we’re right in what we do. Just because you win a fist fight doesnt mean you were the person in the right in the situation. 

1. Helping other countries with our money and aid (costs money) doesn't put money in our pocket, it takes it away.  That means we have less to pay debt with.  Tell this to the politicians that want to give free healthcare and minimum income to everyone w/ a heartbeat.


2. Nobody comes at you any more sideways than anyone else so there's no need to play a victim.  Even if Hua's political views mean sucking off the Asian countries and constantly trashing the USA and he can "prove it" by sherrin dem fax..... doesn't mean he gets treated any differently about anything.  Say stupid things and open a can of worms, I'll give you the can opener if you want to be like Hua.


3. Are you suggesting that by having slaves, killing their civilians, and stealing technology that Iran, China, and North Korea are "right"?  That seems pretty far fetched, but I'll let you explain that in more detail so we can all understand what that meant exactly.  If you want my opinion, and I know you don't but I'll give it to you anyway, all the leadership from these countries needs to be beheaded and reset just like what happened to top kek beard stroking goat fucker dude in Iran.

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6 hours ago, abrasivesaint said:

These dudes dont come at you the way the come at some of the rest of us.

Not trying to really criticize you here, just want to share some perspective. You have a tendency to just argue with people with no point real point of your own. It can feel a little "abrasive" like you're just trolling when you're on the other end of it. Later you'll try to come off like a "saint" after you've already done the trolling, and they return your volley. When you complain you're being attacked later it comes off as super disingenuous. I think Hua might get it a little but he's at least trying to be civil most of the time and resisting the easy "troll" moves that piss people off as much as can be expected.


Personally, I wish it was a little more civil in here and there were less personal ad hominem attacks, and I've already made that point before so no need to repeat it. I just think you could help with that. If you were a little less contrarian every single time you engaged, it wouldn't feel so combative and create a better atmosphere. Like don't just jump in, and argue. Try contributing in other ways a little more. I'm really working on improving this for myself since I have these tendency's, so this isn't a diss against you. I just don't think you see the pattern you're following with your posts in the news section. It's not easy, but worth the effort if you want to engage in civil debate and get the most out of the broad spectrum of perspectives shared in here. 

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Possibly. I think a lot of it just may be the way i’m coming off, because generally it’s not how i’m intending to be. If i’m being a troll, to me, its fairly obvious, but i guess not, so maybe i’m just a natural cunt, i dont know. What some may consider me being a contrarian is genuinely how i feel, i don't generally just say things to say them. 

As far as people coming at others.. case in point: I’m not the one who just took a statement about not being right because you’re the country with bigger bombs and turned that into questioning whether or not i support slavery and killing civilians. You want to talk about far fetches.. 


I wasnt speaking as a “victim,” but again thats where it comes down to where if you dont agree whole hog with some views around here you’re a Clinton loving shill libtard fag with an antifa branded dildo in your ass. (< trolling.) Any sources produced that lean left are fake news media and lies, yet the other sources are always the truth. 


Whatever. Back to your regular scheduled programming: 

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ad hominem | ˌad ˈhämənəm | adverb & adjective 1 (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining: [as adjective] :  vicious ad hominem attacks. 2 relating to or associated with a particular person: [as adverb] :  the office was created ad hominem for Fenton. ORIGIN Latin, literally to the person.

Cause I wasn't 100% on the meaning and thinking most others aren't either.

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I've spoken to @Kultsabout this. I've gained a lot of insight on the subject from listening to particular episodes of the survival podcast, which does a pretty awesome job of simplifying these sorts of topics and providing brilliant insight. Here's two episodes that touch on this subject that I very highly encourage you guys to listen to:


Episode-2445- 14 Myths and Misunderstood Topics


Summary: Time for a bit of a myth busting show today.  There are so many things people are sure about, that just are not the way they are sure they are.  Take the argument, “America is not a democracy”, we will shred that one today.  How about “I am not an atheist, I am an agnostic”, the problem there is one of those words does not mean what most people think it means.


Some may say why bother with a show like this?  My view is one of the chief ways we are kept divided by the power elites is to make sure we have dichotomies, generally false ones.  To do this they sow a bit of disinformation, present the extreme cases on both sides, change the meaning of a few words and sit back and let us act like the fools they expect us to be.


Imagine you are tying to talk to a person, they speak say Ukrainian and you speak English.  Well at least you know you don’t understand each other.  But what if you speak Russian, a very similar language to Ukrainian.  You are not a native speaker of Russian but you are pretty good, you can talk to Russians and have almost no problems being understood or understanding them.  Now you meet a Ukrainian, he doesn’t tell you he is Ukrainian, you don’t tell him you are speaking Russian.


In time you would likely figure it out, but until then might you have some major disagreements just because a word you know, doesn’t actually mean to him what it means to you?  It is like that only worse with many of the things we will talk about today.  And it might just be if we can mean the same thing, when we say the same words, we can have more productive discussions, especially when we disagree about something.



Episode-2256- That Which You Can Change





Summary: Most people are familiar with “The Serenity Prayer”.  This prayer was actually written by the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr (1892–1971).  The long version is seldom spoken of and it is much more what you would expect from a truly religious prayer.  You can learn more about that if it interests you here.


The version most know, the one on necklaces, coffee cups and used in many 12 step programs is very simple and yet very profound, even for those like myself or are non religious people, is simply states…


"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference."


Like I said this prayer is incredibly well known and even practiced by some atheists who simply remove any higher power from the concept and consider the substance of…


"Accept what you can’t change, and change what you can."


This is the concept that led to Steven Covey’s famous circle of influence vs. your circle of concern.  I was thinking about all this recently and I realized in many instances these two pieces of wisdom often fail to work as a team, because people simply tend to focus on the first, and therefore expect the second to happen.


Such as if you simply stop worrying about or focusing on that which you can’t change, you will only be left with what you can influence, so you will have an impact on those things.  The thing is, that actually does work to a degree and that can be bad.  Why?  It can lead to not doing enough to better your lot in life.


I think the flaw for most people that consider the wisdom and apply it to a degree of simply, accept what you can’t change, and change what you can, is they fail to do enough to even identify “that which can be changed”.

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44 minutes ago, abrasivesaint said:

Possibly. I think a lot of it just may be the way i’m coming off, because generally it’s not how i’m intending to be. If i’m being a troll, to me, its fairly obvious, but i guess not, so maybe i’m just a natural cunt, i dont know. What some may consider me being a contrarian is genuinely how i feel, i don't generally just say things to say them. 

As far as people coming at others.. case in point: I’m not the one who just took a statement about not being right because you’re the country with bigger bombs and turned that into questioning whether or not i support slavery and killing civilians. You want to talk about far fetches.. 


I wasnt speaking as a “victim,” but again thats where it comes down to where if you dont agree whole hog with some views around here you’re a Clinton loving shill libtard fag with an antifa branded dildo in your ass. (< trolling.) Any sources produced that lean left are fake news media and lies, yet the other sources are always the truth. 


Whatever. Back to your regular scheduled programming: 

You do know he was talking about Dirty Habit and not you right? That's why "abrasive" was in quotes. He wasn't calling you out, but using the actual adjective.


But this is a great example of how we're all talking the same language but perhaps not always understanding the meaning of what's being communicated.

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4 minutes ago, misteraven said:

I've spoken to @Kultsabout this. I've gained a lot of insight on the subject from listening to particular episodes of the survival podcast, which does a pretty awesome job of simplifying these sorts of topics and providing brilliant insight. Here's two episodes that touch on this subject that I very highly encourage you guys to listen to:


Episode-2445- 14 Myths and Misunderstood Topics


Summary: Time for a bit of a myth busting show today.  There are so many things people are sure about, that just are not the way they are sure they are.  Take the argument, “America is not a democracy”, we will shred that one today.  How about “I am not an atheist, I am an agnostic”, the problem there is one of those words does not mean what most people think it means.


Some may say why bother with a show like this?  My view is one of the chief ways we are kept divided by the power elites is to make sure we have dichotomies, generally false ones.  To do this they sow a bit of disinformation, present the extreme cases on both sides, change the meaning of a few words and sit back and let us act like the fools they expect us to be.


Imagine you are tying to talk to a person, they speak say Ukrainian and you speak English.  Well at least you know you don’t understand each other.  But what if you speak Russian, a very similar language to Ukrainian.  You are not a native speaker of Russian but you are pretty good, you can talk to Russians and have almost no problems being understood or understanding them.  Now you meet a Ukrainian, he doesn’t tell you he is Ukrainian, you don’t tell him you are speaking Russian.


In time you would likely figure it out, but until then might you have some major disagreements just because a word you know, doesn’t actually mean to him what it means to you?  It is like that only worse with many of the things we will talk about today.  And it might just be if we can mean the same thing, when we say the same words, we can have more productive discussions, especially when we disagree about something.



Episode-2256- That Which You Can Change





Summary: Most people are familiar with “The Serenity Prayer”.  This prayer was actually written by the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr (1892–1971).  The long version is seldom spoken of and it is much more what you would expect from a truly religious prayer.  You can learn more about that if it interests you here.


The version most know, the one on necklaces, coffee cups and used in many 12 step programs is very simple and yet very profound, even for those like myself or are non religious people, is simply states…


"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference."


Like I said this prayer is incredibly well known and even practiced by some atheists who simply remove any higher power from the concept and consider the substance of…


"Accept what you can’t change, and change what you can."


This is the concept that led to Steven Covey’s famous circle of influence vs. your circle of concern.  I was thinking about all this recently and I realized in many instances these two pieces of wisdom often fail to work as a team, because people simply tend to focus on the first, and therefore expect the second to happen.


Such as if you simply stop worrying about or focusing on that which you can’t change, you will only be left with what you can influence, so you will have an impact on those things.  The thing is, that actually does work to a degree and that can be bad.  Why?  It can lead to not doing enough to better your lot in life.


I think the flaw for most people that consider the wisdom and apply it to a degree of simply, accept what you can’t change, and change what you can, is they fail to do enough to even identify “that which can be changed”.

Quoting myself to carry this over to the next page.


Carry on...

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42 minutes ago, misteraven said:

You do know he was talking about Dirty Habit and not you right? That's why "abrasive" was in quotes. He wasn't calling you out, but using the actual adjective.


But this is a great example of how we're all talking the same language but perhaps not always understanding the meaning of what's being communicated.

Nope, i did not, haha. Lost in text translation. I saw the abrasive and saint and assumed he was talking to me and  just toying with the words. Thank you for pointing it out. 

edit: wait, looking back he quoted me directly. Now i’m lost. 



Edited by abrasivesaint
  leaving my original response and adding that edit. 
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2 hours ago, abrasivesaint said:

I wasnt speaking as a “victim,” but again thats where it comes down to where if you dont agree whole hog with some views around here you’re a Clinton loving shill libtard fag with an antifa branded dildo in your ass. (< trolling.)

This genuinely made me LOL and if I could have thought of that myself I would have.

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1 hour ago, abrasivesaint said:

Nope, i did not, haha. Lost in text translation. I saw the abrasive and saint and assumed he was talking to me and  just toying with the words. Thank you for pointing it out. 

edit: wait, looking back he quoted me directly. Now i’m lost. 



Mercer was explaining to you why I responded to what you said the way I did and why you generally think people are "after you" on the forum when you say politically charged things.  I hate "at the end of the day".... but at the end of the day I don't think anyone is changing anyone else's mind here.  I find it insightful to read what you guys write whether I agree or disagree and that's the value we have here as a whole.  We have multiple perspectives.  You're not going to get to sit down in a coffee shop and have a nice cross legged conversation with your pinky sticking out about politics with a guy like me that will call the iranian leadership goat fuckers at a longer than 1" voice level.  But on 12oz we can do that.  My friends that know me personally know that I will accuse them of handing out proverbial hj's to others.  In any case (at the end of the day), this isn't about me.

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  • 5 weeks later...

So how’d those protests in Iran go?


Religious conservatives ban the moderates from running in elections, win majority in parliament and quietly arrest protesters. 

same shit as the last protest movement and the one before that (they even go over this in that Syriana movie). Welcome to IRI 1001. 

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