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Paying $200 for a single bolt because there are no competitors and the company knows the G will pay whatever they charge. 


$500 for a single roll of anti static tape... 


Goes on and on. 

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15 hours ago, Mercer said:


Most Keynesian like yourself acknowledge this debt ratio is a huge problem.

This is true of course but the meme is purposefully obtuse about that.  You would never run a gov't the way you run a household even with a reasonable debt ratio considered.  It just bothers me seeing purposefully obtuse memes shared on socials and then they get blindly accepted as fact and shared wide.

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7 hours ago, metronome said:

This is true of course but the meme is purposefully obtuse about that.  You would never run a gov't the way you run a household even with a reasonable debt ratio considered.  It just bothers me seeing purposefully obtuse memes shared on socials and then they get blindly accepted as fact and shared wide.

I don't think it's purposely obtuse, in the world of memes less words just = better meme. If it went into detail discussing all the nuances, and differences between personal/public debt. it would be a treatise on economics, not a meme. I don't know why this general rule for making memes isn't obvious to you.


Economics is a very complex subject by nature, and often times tedious to debate because of it's complexity. Memes about it can't be effective and use the normal language you'd read in a fancy book. This meme is excellent IMO. You might be able to express your own general displeasure with it, but you can't pinpoint anything deceptive, because it's not.

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Oh man, are we actually debating the validity and truth in memes now? Seriously, LOL!


Nearly all of them are an oversimplification that borders on disingenuous if not straight up misinformation. It's honestly a perfect reflection of where society is at these days. Most can barely wrap their brains around the dumbed down version of truth found in memes, let alone have a capacity to use it as a pointer to look deeper into whatever subject is being spotlighted. Its the natural evolution of click bait headlines and shitty news stories.

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You don't ever see "the other side" to whatever your stance is post meme's about "your side" that are blatantly off and think, "wow, they really don't have a fucking clue, do they?"


*insert any leftish gun meme here*


that is the conversation at hand. NOT, "wow, they reduced an incredibly complicated subject matter to 8 words and a silly picture and slightly missed some nuance."


Half the libertarian memes, esp. libertarian with economic focus,  I see completely ignore human life (without exception) as having value (this is not untrue of libertarian principles I would argue, but we'll save that) and they bug the shit out of me because memes like that have consequence. It's the same for the socialist memes for Bernie that are entirely consequential, memes about taxes, abortion, gays, etc...


If you look at memes (specifically in political context, but applicable across a spectrum) as inconsequential then you're not paying attention. When @christo-for @Walid Jumblator whatever the fuck his current name is said "half of these are straight up propaganda" it wasn't a subjective statement. 


It isn't about "truth." We live in a post-truth era and memes are massively responsible for getting 45 into office. 





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Not especially.



My political biases are human value and environmental protection, any serious political or economic stance that challenges either of those two things is either selfish, short sighted, or plain stupid (not localized at the right, left or within any economic school).


Vague platitudes of liberty and violation of sovereignty have little sway or appeal to me at this point. I was reading goldman, bookchin, and bakunin in high school. Anarcho and libertarian principles defined a massive chunk of my life: There is  (usually) nothing challenging about understanding differing principles. The challenge only comes in understanding how clearly intelligent people are capable of believing systems like that (you can insert any type you want for this conversation) can function at scale after decades of interacting with other human beings. Its as challenging as grasping how there are neurosurgeons and astrophysicists awaiting christ's return or why Che shirts are significantly more popular that Mao shirts... 


My empathy and nihilsm are at constant odds with eachother, so you know, whatever.


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51 minutes ago, Fist 666 said:

Not especially.



My political biases are human value and environmental protection, any serious political or economic stance that challenges either of those two things is either selfish, short sighted, or plain stupid (not localized at the right, left or within any economic school).

I know man but to construct this high horse for yourself as though your intentions are somehow more virtuous. My end goal is minimizing all forms of violence, and increasing human prosperity also, I'm not sure what you're implying here.

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3 hours ago, Fist 666 said:

You don't ever see "the other side" to whatever your stance is post meme's about "your side" that are blatantly off and think, "wow, they really don't have a fucking clue, do they?"


*insert any leftish gun meme here*


that is the conversation at hand. NOT, "wow, they reduced an incredibly complicated subject matter to 8 words and a silly picture and slightly missed some nuance."


Half the libertarian memes, esp. libertarian with economic focus,  I see completely ignore human life (without exception) as having value (this is not untrue of libertarian principles I would argue, but we'll save that) and they bug the shit out of me because memes like that have consequence. It's the same for the socialist memes for Bernie that are entirely consequential, memes about taxes, abortion, gays, etc...


If you look at memes (specifically in political context, but applicable across a spectrum) as inconsequential then you're not paying attention. When @christo-for @Walid Jumblator whatever the fuck his current name is said "half of these are straight up propaganda" it wasn't a subjective statement. 


It isn't about "truth." We live in a post-truth era and memes are massively responsible for getting 45 into office. 





I think he goes by @Donald Chumpnow.


Folk here and many other places might get what memes are meant to be. However, there is a huge element of society that have been guided by them and it's basically set in stone that they were used to significant effect during the 2016 election because they influence people's thoughts and behavior, just as Fist has said above.


Years ago, before social media and in the age of email it was those stupid chain-type emails that served the same purpose. you'd receive thse stupid extra large text rants about "global warming" or immigration with a whole bunch of easy to digest stats that when read, would boggle the mind due to the stupidity/evil of the government/greenies/insurance companies - choose your particular bias and there was some anonymous fictional shit for you to buy into and send to all of your friends (those massive long CC lists in those emails were then picked up by spammers, back in the day). I wish I'd kept access to some of my old email accounts to remind you of that crap. My old army mates and the blokes I grew up with bought that shit hook line and sinker because it fit with their biases.


Those emails then transfered to facebook rants when social media took off and have now been refined and reduced down to a meme that is made to get into your brain and reinforce your bias. Of course, most memes are just humour but many political memes are created by people for an intended outcome - there is huge amounts of research, trackers, etc. on this new form of influence. Just because you (think you) can see through it and are unaffected doesnt mean it's the same for everyone.


Exhibit A is @Mercerposts in this thread. Go back and count how many of those support in some way his professed political views and how many has he posted that would count as anti to the views he supports. I haven't done the count but Ima bet my magical third testicle.....

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Bottom line, if political memes offend you, the title spells it out pretty clearly what's in here. I think keeping it to a single thread outside of channel zero is better. I hope people can't resist clicking in, and a meme in here that challenges their views bothers the shit out them to the point they actually think.




I can start a "non-offensive political meme thread" for non-offensive mainstream views. You know, a "safe space" of sorts where nobody points out irresponsible government debt ratios, and other wildly offensive content like that. Doubt it will get much traffic but at least it won't offend someone.

Edited by Mercer
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