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in some of the later game play, you come in contact with the jukebox from the bar.

it's crazy because you can hear it echoing through parts of the ship, then you come up

onit in some pus filled chamber....totally crazy




YUP! Prey is great, haven't tried the multiplayer yet because I have it for the 360 and I haven't bothered with a Live account. Single player is great for an FPS game, but if you don't like playing those games single player then you're not going to like it anyways. It's 3D Realms back in top form ala Duke3d.




And speaking of the 360, I've been playing the ever-loving shit out of this game, it's so awesome:
















Hopefully some of the hotlinks work. Seriously, I spent 10 hours on this game the other day. I even got the acheivement for killing 53,547 zombies (population of the town), twice, because the first time I didn't finish the game and couldn't get the Megaman gun. The Megaman gun pwns. Hard.

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it looks awesome indeed but does anyone remember the game state of emergency it kinda reminded me of that.. i havent been playing shit lately. i should get on it.




Yeah, I've heard and I see that comparison. It's really more like GTA, though. It's a continious, fluid environment with missions and mini-missions. It's like some crazy fuckin' mix of GTA and Resident Evil. And there are literally hundreds of zombies on-screen with no slowdown, and in the maintanence tunnels there are thousands. It's absolutely fuckin' wild and the only downside is that there is no "free" mode, where you can just run around and kill stuff. After you beat the game (72 hour mode, takes about 10 hours), you can unlock "infinate mode" but there are some serious disabilities, such as you lose health every 5 minutes and food doesn't respawn.


It also manages to be really, really funny while also being creepy and disturbing. Plus, you can stick shower heads into the heads of zombies and watch the blood pour out of the shower.


Also: lead pipes, bowling balls, potted plants, parasols, scythes, hedgeclippers, chainsaws, small chainsaws, machetes, cleavers, machineguns, benches, golf clubs, hockey sticks, baseball bats, katanas, swords, battle axes, rocks (sick), barbells, dumbells, novelty masks, giant lipstick bottles, sledgehammers, and many more.

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Yeah, I notice that but it doesn't really bother me. There are probably 10-15 different zombie models and when you consider that games like Half-Life 2, Prey, or Doom literally throw the exact same enemy model at you hundreds of times, there is a lot of variety in the zombies. It's more-so amazing that you do not notice the repeats too much even with a couple of hundred of them on your screen.


What does bug me is how every character/zombie is the same height.

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yes everyone is the same height but they did a really good job at making each zombie somewhat different, there should be children that would make it awesome.... i dont know if you just suck or what but that game is fucking EASY the only hard part is some of the psychopaths and the times for the missions, i started playing on a lvl40 character and had no problem killing thousands and thousands of zombies without dying, food is readily availible and zombies are plentiful.... oh god its awesome, im just a little let down by the 360 theyre rendering is kind of crappy like the clows chainsaws? they could of made the blades not look like 4 inch thick flt non moving pieces of metal honestly its a 360 its a super computer.

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Yeah, I notice that but it doesn't really bother me. There are probably 10-15 different zombie models and when you consider that games like Half-Life 2, Prey, or Doom literally throw the exact same enemy model at you hundreds of times, there is a lot of variety in the zombies. It's more-so amazing that you do not notice the repeats too much even with a couple of hundred of them on your screen.


What does bug me is how every character/zombie is the same height.


speaking of.. how does HL2DM sound next weekend?

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i dont know if you just suck or what but that game is fucking EASY the only hard part is some of the psychopaths and the times for the missions, i started playing on a lvl40 character and had no problem killing thousands and thousands of zombies without dying, food is readily availible and zombies are plentiful....





I'm not sure you understand exactly what a "learning curve" is, but I'm going to lay it out for you. "Learning curve" is a term used to describe the amount of learning that has to be done before you begin to cut down time or difficulty on a task. Basically, an "early learning curve" means that at first, it's difficult, but EARLY ON you can overcome that difficulty. You said it yourself, you started on a level 40 character. Now try starting on a level 1 character, like everyone else did, and see how easy it is. Except you'd have to do it for the first time. I level'd up and now the game is fairly easy but still takes skill, I've beat the thing 3 times already and started from the ground up, so no I don't suck.



For more about learning curves, read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learning_curve

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.Hate to admit it but this game has a negro hooked, i never knew my fingers could move so fast


i'm thinkin about gettin this cuz of all the commotion i hear. i told myself never to venture outside a regular controller. i don't want to nerd it up with guitars and dance machines and drums and shit in my house. for one it feels fraudulent. why not just play a real guitar, takes more skill and you'll end up getting more satisfaction out of it. but i gotta see what people like so much about it

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