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Damn, brother sorry to hear about the rough times.


I know it sounds cliche, but remember that everyone has their lows and that nothing is ever truly that bad. The world will keep spinning and tomorrow is a new day. No doubt that it doesn't help your situation and don't mean to trivialize it in any way, but I myself can sometimes lose sight of that fact and truth is I've hit lows myself where I wonder why even bother to wake up tomorrow. Sometimes shit seems so overwhelming you can never pull out, yet given time... You end up past it one way or another.


You don't need me to tell you that ingesting shit that throws off your biology or chemical balance is likely going to make things a lot worse, but yeah... Best to not do it man.


Take it a step at a time. Focus on what directly in front and then take another step after that. Maybe just trying to cook yourself a nice healthy meal, getting a good nights sleep, perhaps building up to an opportunity to just sweat it out for an hour by going for a run. Changing your routine and seeing if you can engineer a different perspective for yourself...


Once you're in a better frame of mind, assemble a manageable plan and then prioritize the tasks that will enable progress. Understand that you'll stumble and take steps back occasionally but its 100% on you to get back up and take another step forward. It's worth it and truth is, most of the joy is the journey, not the destination so rearrange yourself and your environment towards what matters to you.


Don't hesitate to post here, to DM and if shit gets real dark, go find help in real life man. 


Best days are always aheads of you, because you can actually affect it. Past is behind you so just learn and build from it.

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Yo Decy - I have suffered from chronic depression in the past, it took a big overhaul to change things. You can do it.


This is partially the alcohol and drug counselor in me but....you’re doing yourself a huge disservice with the alco/drug bit lad. When we have a tendency to be more depressed/anxiety prone, those things just become fuel for the roller coaster. Trust me when I say that for a long time all I cared about was getting loaded. 


Getting sober has really helped me to get traction and clarity in life. Give it a thought bro - it’s a game changer. Everything I have that I really value is a product of my sobriety - believe that it’s all right there it just takes some time to get. 


PM me if you want man - I’m here to talk about things.




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Thanks for the words guys

I'm stopping booze and drugs.

I need to find a new job something I can do as I'm living day by day and barely have any money ever.

I'm considering even moving back to my mum's (if she will have me) just to get myself clean and straight in a safe environment. Living in this bedsit is driving me crazy just the same 4 walls on my own most the time.

Just need to try n get some money for food for the next few days.

Got an interview for an office assistant for a footwear company this week, and I love sneakers so fingers crossed. 

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Fuck, if I could live at my moms I’d be doing it. 


Had this conversation recently... If I could go back and redo things, I’d probably have skipped college and instead interned. Would have triple timed the work for a year and gotten a little land somewhere worthwhile and used Airstream. Would have lived on the cheap, worked and setup a business or two. Any extra money would have gone towards buying more property as rental investments. 


Could have been stable and likely wealthy by 30. 


Anyhow, point is... Fuck social perceptions. Do what you gotta do to put yourself in a position of advantage. Don’t be afraid to lean on friends and family when you need to, but don’t forget to contribute back to those same people when you’re able. Use any advantage you have so long as you aren’t fucking people. Lot of those people you see on your way up, might be the same that you see on your way down. 

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  • 1 year later...

God dammit I hate this shit. It’s so much more of a drag when you’re older and see the impact it has on everyone around you. Especially the close ones. Even worse....Your fucking kids/kid.


I deaded medicine for short of a decade. Well 7 years to be exact. Between this shit and being bi-polar I came to the realization I have no other choice but to medicate. 


FORCING yourself to get the fuck up and be active is makes a world of difference though.

I personally think it’s the key to not doing anything stupid. Sure, going to work and doing normal shit is something but I’m talking about taking a ride or a good long stroll someplace you wouldn’t normally go. Anything out of the dark shit but still comfortable. 


I should keep taking my own advice. Continue therapy. Stay focused. Peace, brehs. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whole lot of everything is trash right now. I could go on and on about it but I'll spare you all. I'm finding that getting a new therapist, a psychiatrist, new meds, and trying to stay semi productive in this time of unemployed desolation hasn't quite been enough time to see effects. It's a lot at once and only a couple of weeks but I'm still barely getting out of bed in the morning. I have spurts of clarity and energy to go for a hike or clean the house or get in the studio and try to make some shit happen but most of all I still feel trash. Sometimes I wonder if all of my shit isn't based off situational status. I know for a fact it didn't used to be back when I dropped out of college a million years ago. Had a solid life then but went into the darkest of days. These times, shit luck and life shit just add to the pot so much it starts to overspill like a foaming pint pour. Only the glass is full of problems and the head of the beer is internal depression. Feels weird typing this shit out. Feels better even better that I'm typing this shit out to a bunch of fuckin weirdos I don't even know. ✌️

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I suffer from depression fairly regularly but unsure if I have enough context to know whether what I feel is simply part of the human condition or something exceptional to it. Generally, it comes on the tail end of massive anxiety. This leads to a period of depression and I've learned that if it persists it generally transitions to anger that ends up fueling a recovery from all of it. I would guess it isn't an issue since my own experiences are somewhat manageable, but I also put a lot of effort into managing it. I started a couple other threads that relate, so anyone reading this should check those out as well, but a couple things that help, as cliche as they are... Eat properly, try and get some exercise as often as you can motivate yourself to do and try and get quality sleep, even if its not entire nights worth of it. Again, super cliche advise but also helps a great deal, which I assume is why its the first suggestion usually made. I believe that to build something, it needs a foundation and this is the foundation to a healthy life, so put real efforts to tackle those if you can't readily acknowledge you're already doing all three pretty well.


Other things that have helped me are taking time to assess your efforts as objectively as you can. Be honest about the good things and the bad things. Consider how you can improve the bad and how you might work the good into a string of events and accomplishments that improve your situation. Start being strategic about the path you're on. Even if its just getting out of bed by a certain time, whether you like it or not. Starts with that. Maybe force yourself to make your bed. Military forces this partly because you got a grip of dudes living together, but more so because they're conditioning people to string together small efforts to successfully accomplish larger goals. Getting up and making your bed starts that process in motion before your brain is even fully awake, which helps you carry the momentum into your day. Same reason some prisons do the same. Also, keep a journal or at least create lists. Goals, accomplishments, pros / cons... Next to talking about things with someone trustworthy and receptive, its pretty cathartic. Sometimes it lends clarity that is otherwise hidden behind the gloom. Other times it allows for closure... And talk to people, or at least a couple someones. Don't bottle that shit up. Pretty awesome if you can afford therapy and actually found a good therapist, but at least find people in your life you can talk to. People that are able and willing to shoulder your ranting, complaining and thoughts as well as provide feedback and occasional suggestions. They don't need to be experts, they just need to be good listeners and have a decent head on their shoulders. Lot of times it's not about unraveling a solution, but just letting out all that negative shit you're bottling up and hanging onto.


Most important thing is to remember to not give up on yourself. The idea of it should make you angry. Harness that and fight your way through the obstacles.


The power of positive thinking, meditation and crawling out of the pits of dispair



CBD and other homeopathic remedies



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The overflowing glass is a good analogy on 2 points.  The mind is like a glass, and if we fill it with emotion without the occasional emptying it will overflow and spill from time to time, likely when we don't want it to.  So it's in our favor to find things that are meaningful/productive/healthy to do to empty the glass on a regular basis.  Sometimes you do have to make yourself go.  I've found that I tend to be rewarded for my efforts more than not.  Plenty of the flix I've posted over time were because I made myself go.  The glass or cup analogy is also a beginning zen meditational to help people learn meditation, mindfulness, and mastery over your emotions.  Basically says your mind is an overflowing cup, how can you learn until you first learn to empty your cup?  Other thoughts are that when a tap is giving a shitty pour you might need to switch to a different beer or wait for the keg to be changed.  


Shit's interesting.  You can win all with a shit hand if you play it right, although you may have to bluff a lot to get there.  Shit's also the fertilizer out of which many good things grow.

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I’m feeling better this week and I know exactly why. Aint had a lick of booze in 9 days (that’s a first for me.) I have zero interest in sobriety. However, I am not retarded and I know for a fact how much destruction heavy drinking can put on the ol depression train. Goals to give the brain a shot of booze free clarity for the month and see how I’m feelin. 

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