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Shit that makes you feel old.


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Well, as no paramters were set in the thread title, I feel able to post in here what makes me feel old.


Also, age 14 does not lay out my birthdate, does it? I could be 76 for all you know. My point was at 14 I thought I knew the world, at my age now I know I don't. It's a fair few years later.


Pretty entertaining though. I'm glad you know 14 year olds with kind of insane mental flexibility. Maybe the human race isn't doomed.

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working around /with people of every age...


i always say there are three levels of gettin old.


you know you officially hit it when you complain about what kids are wearing/the music they listen to.


then-when you discuss aches and pains and methods to help you along.


then when ya talk about your bowel movements like people talk about the fucking weather.



personally-when i realized 19 was too young for me.

they at least have to be 25.




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Saturday night I punk'd a crew of 20+ teenagers having a party & violently speeding down my street.


DAO would have been proud, the thing that set me off was this Honda full of kids doing a lap around my block (screeching tires & fish-tailing,) when the driver got out of his car I yelled at him & called him "a tight pants wearing hipster faggot" .... he broke the fuck out as fast as he could.


I walked up the block to a driveway full of kids and went off about how they need to keep their crew in check.

Instead of curb stomping me (which they should've) they politely apologized and called me "sir"... at that point I paused and laughed, and said I can't believe you just called me sir.


My how the tables have turned.

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