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Hometown Blues


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So i just moved home from Philly back to a small little town in North Jersey...everyone I grew up with is either doing the same old high school bullshit, or moved outta here. Im fuckin bored to tears. The few bars there are are filled with faggots and herb ass little kids these days. Im 25 and i feel like a old ass man. Id go paint but i think i hit every spot in a 20 mile radius when i was like 18 and the shits still running. Anyone else having this problem. Any suggestions? besides killing myself? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

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i have the opposite problem. i grew up in a pretty small city, 30,000 or so people. and when i was living there i couldn't WAIT to get the fuck out. now that im gone and living in a large city, i feel nostalgia for my old home. i love going to visit all my old haunts, and running into all my hoodrat friends in the supermarket or roaming the streets etc. but at the same time i know, if i moved there full time again i'd hate it.


it is what it is.. its easier coming from a small town to the big city because you aren't losing as much, you are gaining it. like more things to do and whatnot. if you grow up in philly with all types of things to do around you, and then you move to somewhere more down home you don't have all those ammenities at your disposal and it sucks. my advice is to just find you some real good people and party it up with them when you can, because frankly there isn't shit else to do in that situation. except leave again lol.


you will get used to the slower pace after a while though, so don't trip. maybe some occasional trips to some nearby cities? that is what we did, everyonce in a while pack up the car and head for the city and just kick it for a weekend.

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Philly got kinda wack and that's why I left. I could smoke wet or sniff glue but that's so 2000. Yea I mean I got a place to stay and shit so it's not like I'm livin on the street...I was just sayin it's a fuckin drag for me right now..that's all. I'm also realizing that most of the 25 26 year old population is hangin out in bars and shit, which I rly don't do, so it's tough meetin people right now...just sayin

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