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Any Pre-1906 members on anymore?


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Re: Any Pre-2006 members on anymore?


There was a lot of chatter on the forum about how the final contact attempt with Pioneer 10 received no response.


I just picked a year from around when I often posted, which was between 2003-06/07 or so. Just curious if any of those same fellas/ladies were around.

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Re: Any Pre-2006 members on anymore?


They all left when you stopped posting. The forum was a desolate, lonely place and Raven was left heartbroken. With tear stained cheeks he roamed the streets, searching for the members that had so cruelly left him. When he couldn't find anyone he almost gave up but there was a fire in his belly and hunger in his heart. He would not let his beautiful creation fade away and die. He drank a light beer for courage and with a new found determination he went forth into the world and recruited, recruited like he never thought he could...like anyone could.

Out there in vast metropolises and hinterlands he searched for the new members that would fulfil his dreams and breath life, a new life, into his source for graffiti, street art, style and culture and he found them, boy did he find them.

The new breed, well versed in nonsense and arguing with a vast knowledge of tits and ass unrivalled by even the most perverted of 4chan members. Taggers and bombers alike they flocked to the forum, a small piece of the internet they could carve out for their own...as long as they clicked ads and could put up with the complex media bar and forum downtime.


He built it and they came..both figuratively and literally. Now please check in at the front desk and give Raven your social security number and credit card details. Welcome to the future, big guy. Please don't leave us again.

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Re: Any Pre-2006 members on anymore?


Haha. He did put in a lot of effort. You do have to give a hand to the young kids these days, when they try, they do try their hardest but it just isn't good enough. But that's okay, it's not looked down upon rather just looked at as there's room for improvement.

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Re: Any Pre-2006 members on anymore?


They all left when you stopped posting. The forum was a desolate, lonely place and Raven was left heartbroken. With tear stained cheeks he roamed the streets, searching for the members that had so cruelly left him. When he couldn't find anyone he almost gave up but there was a fire in his belly and hunger in his heart. He would not let his beautiful creation fade away and die. He drank a light beer for courage and with a new found determination he went forth into the world and recruited, recruited like he never thought he could...like anyone could.

Out there in vast metropolises and hinterlands he searched for the new members that would fulfil his dreams and breath life, a new life, into his source for graffiti, street art, style and culture and he found them, boy did he find them.

The new breed, well versed in nonsense and arguing with a vast knowledge of tits and ass unrivalled by even the most perverted of 4chan members. Taggers and bombers alike they flocked to the forum, a small piece of the internet they could carve out for their own...as long as they clicked ads and could put up with the complex media bar and forum downtime.


He built it and they came..both figuratively and literally. Now please check in at the front desk and give Raven your social security number and credit card details. Welcome to the future, big guy. Please don't leave us again.





I remember GamblersGrin looking like an adult version of Dewey from Malcom in the Middle.

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