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shitty customer service? unleash the ASSHOLE.


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I guess I only have myself to blame, I took my car to PEP BOYS(walmart for cars) to get some work done. Being a mechanic, I usually like to support small business mechanics but in this case I was hoping to get same day service that PEP BOYS offers.


My car failed smog inspection because of a burned out check engine light.


That was about a month ago.


So I've been driving around with a temp reg which expires tomorrow.


My only goal for today (my first day back in the states) was to solve this problem. I woke up, called PEP BOYS and told them my problem. The guy in the phone sounded competent enough... He told me to take my car in so they could look at it.


I took my car in and talk with the 'Service Advisor' and tell him my problem. Right away he starts explaining how 'difficult of a job it is... We have to remove your entire dash and yadda yadda yadda...." I call him on his bullshit right away! "It's only a few screws and the stereo you have to remove. Not very DIFFICULT at all really." :/


Then this little shit (looks as though he just got outta high school... Zits and all) proceeds to try to convince me that "we can't just replace a single bulb, we have to replace the entire dash cluster. The bulbs are real hard to get to..."


Once again I call the little twat on his bullshit. "that's not true, all I need is a bulb. I've talked with a mechanic I know personally and he explained everything that needs to be done. I only came here because you offer same day service."


Then he walked away and spoke to some other dude


Came back and told me "well we don't have a job code for that so we'll have to run it on strait labor. Our guys run about $100 an hour and it's about a 3 hour job so you're looking at $300 bucks. PLUS THE DASH CLUSTER. "







I walked away - grabbed the bulb I needed off a rack in one of the aisles, and left the fucking store.


This fucking guy, didn't even ask what make/model/year my car is.

Didn't punch anything in on his fucking computer.


Is he just trying to talk away business?? Or is he so used to lil old ladies coming in and paying for whatever he says.


Fuck this little shit and his shit customer service.




Like I said, it's my own fault for taking my car there. I KNOW BETTER.

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I work a bar job.

And I'm all about customer service.

I always try and have a laugh with whoever is or is trying to buy a drink. Although it might get the tips in beyond that in my view a good bar is a bar where you can have some rapport with the staff and feel relaxed.

Having said that, some customers are FUCKING ASSHOLES. Particularly the rich ones I might add. People acting like they own the place and acting like I'm doing them an honour by serving them. People who don't understand that they're too drunk to get home, let alone get served.

People who are so rude when they order a drink, that in any normal situation they would get thrown out of the place of business for talking that way.


Basically what I'm saying is, I totally understand where you're coming from, but it goes both ways.

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I can understand.


Even when working at a department store I would get customers who were having a bad say and wanted to pass it on to me.


Must be even worse at a bar.


People having a bad day. In a bad mood. Tryin to drink away the anger.




Only passing it on.

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i've been in the car business pretty much my whole life. i have an idea what the advisor was trying to do. it's the end of the month, he's just probably tryna get his numbers up, and up-sell tons of shit. he probably gets about $2,500/month plus 2% - 5% of his total monthly sales.


on the other hand, i work in sales, and a lot of times, customers come in with the "im always right attitude" and in the car business that shit doesn't fly. but i actually go ahead and show the customer why they're wrong. if that still doesn't work, i send them on their way. or let someone else take a shot at them while i help a customer with common sense.


i don't like wasting my time and my customer's time.

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Dude. You say youre a mechanic and its so simple, so why dont you do it yourself? Or why did you not call a local shop and say "i need this done. If i bring it in now how long will it take?"


Sounds to me like youre just a salty dude. Could have just walked out and gone another route and been done with this shit in no time. You blew it going to pepboys. Thats like me saying im a chef and going to jack n the box and getting angry because the didnt properly season my meal.

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Dude. You say youre a mechanic and its so simple, so why dont you do it yourself? Or why did you not call a local shop and say "i need this done. If i bring it in now how long will it take?"


Sounds to me like youre just a salty dude. Could have just walked out and gone another route and been done with this shit in no time. You blew it going to pepboys. Thats like me saying im a chef and going to jack n the box and getting angry because the didnt properly season my meal.


He's a different kind of mechanic. Like a sick ass mechanic.

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I'm all about customer service, working retail I don't mind having a chat if it's gonna leave someone happy and with something to think about. I've gained a few regular customers who will come back and spend $5000 in the month buying from me.

I give everyone the time of day but there are so many cunts who think you are there to shine their shoes and bow to them.

First day of December and Christmas shopping rush today and I already could have killed at least 6 customers.


I won't be in retail again after this job, no way.

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For some reason, the mention of customer service reminds me of the horrifying months I spent working for a telemarketing company. I know they're not the same but fuck you. Worst job I've ever had.


Either way, that place was a shithole. All types of degenerates and weirdos, although a few very cool people and a whole lot of drugs.

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Dude. You say youre a mechanic and its so simple, so why dont you do it yourself? Or why did you not call a local shop and say "i need this done. If i bring it in now how long will it take?"


Sounds to me like youre just a salty dude. Could have just walked out and gone another route and been done with this shit in no time. You blew it going to pepboys. Thats like me saying im a chef and going to jack n the box and getting angry because the didnt properly season my meal.


I worked in the same field as boats, and let me tell you the last thing I wanted to do when I got off work was even SEE a wrench, let alone turn one. Fuck that shit. I have had to call bullshit on a few mechanics over the years, you wanna talk about somebody getting salty in a hurry. Just because I don't want to do it doesn't mean I don't know how.

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customer service truly is a dying art

the worst part of it, is that consumers hold all the power

but they won't band together to wield it


i've told people, if everyone cancelled their cable tomorrow, cable would get a lot cheaper, and the reps would be more prompt. but who the fuck is going to cancel their cable that still has it? i don't pay for that crap anyway, just an example.

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My girl once dropped our car in to service, she gets a call an hour later saying that we needed new break pads. She calls me because I'd just changed them myself a few months earlier. So I go in unannounced to see WTF these clowns were on about. When I got to the desk (it was a Ford dealership) and got the shop manager I told him it was my car, showed him the key and asked to see the break pads. He became visibly nervous.


Of course when we checked the pads they were just fine, so I looked at him and asked him why the hell they would change those pads. His response, "Yeah, we saw that they were almost halfway worn, so we thought it would be best to replace them now to save you from having to do it later".


The thing that gets me is that if I cracked him one in the mouth for his troubles it's me that would land in the shit.



Another doozy is from China. I ordered a sizzling plate piled with mushrooms from a picture in the menu. I was delivered a plate of sizzling onion with a sprinkling of mushrooms on top. I suggested they'd bought me the wrong dish and showed them the picture in the menu and they said that it was right. I pointed out that the dish was totally different (and obviously a cheaper, shittier reality than the menu picture). The response was that the picture in the menu was just a guide. So I said that they could take it back as I was not interested in a plate of onion. They said that it was too late as they'd already served it so therefore I had to pay for it.


Best part was that they were acting as if I was being unreasonable and overly critical.


Shit, I could go on for days about customer service in China..., give yourself cancer thinking about that shit.

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I work a bar job.

And I'm all about customer service.

I always try and have a laugh with whoever is or is trying to buy a drink. Although it might get the tips in beyond that in my view a good bar is a bar where you can have some rapport with the staff and feel relaxed.

Having said that, some customers are FUCKING ASSHOLES. Particularly the rich ones I might add. People acting like they own the place and acting like I'm doing them an honour by serving them. People who don't understand that they're too drunk to get home, let alone get served.

People who are so rude when they order a drink, that in any normal situation they would get thrown out of the place of business for talking that way.


Basically what I'm saying is, I totally understand where you're coming from, but it goes both ways.



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I hate it when I'm shopping and motherfuckers are on your nuts about everything...sheesh....just let me shop in peace...



if your like me and that happens its because they're trying to make sure you don't rack anything from the store.


customer service is the only part of my job that i pretty much hate but then sometimes it makes me have a half ping of smug knowing i helped the shit out of a person and they appreciated it.


when people get really rude and start yelling because they fucked up is when i start to have to count to ten and breath and not talk until there done. but then i usually tell them not to talk to me like that and they look at me like i'm crazy but then usually chill. i just hate these cheap bastards that think everything is free. my time is not free, your paying me for a service, not just the product.

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When I get someone who's in customer service who clearly doesn't give a fuck about anything besides texting whoever, I usually grin and bear it unless they're directly rude....they're not making me look bad, but I'll definitely think twice before spending money there again.


Personally, I don't know if I'm cut out to deal with the public anymore. My last job where I dealt with the public was as a bike mechanic, and you wouldn't believe the kind of shit bike geeks will try to pull.


Surly Bike Geek- "I need to fix (something somewhat complicated), give me a wrench."


Me- "Sorry, I can't loan tools out."


G- (whining) "Come on, it will only take a second..."


M- (sighing) "All right, look. You didn't even say please, then you start whining like I owe you something and I'm holding out on you. If you try to fix it and fuck it up, I'm responsible since it's my shop so then I'll have to fix it....and since you wanted to try to fix it, you probably don't have any money, right?"


Geek pushes bike away, and I lose another "potential customer" (which is a blessing in disguise).


If they had been polite and reasonable and could tell me why and how they could do it in five minutes without killing my tools, no problem.


However, I get where Boats is coming from, he just wanted to get his tags straightened out and it was over a burnt out light. That sucks. But...there's always the manager, they'll usually bend over backwards to keep you coming back if you state your case and know what you're talking about.

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that was the best thing about working on the phones was I would just sit there and doodle all day long while taking calls


Definitely...that part was cool, although for me it was eclipsed by wanting to eviscerate almost every single person I spoke to.


There was a girl who worked there who's grandfather patented the cherry flavor that's in Luden's cough drops and a bunch of other candies. She had access to an enormous trust fund and did the job "for fun." She was nice, but fuck I hated hearing her say that.

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I took my car to PEP BOYS



^Never do that.


One time my ride overheated on me, so since I have free towing on my insurance I had it towed to pep boys.

They said it would be $1,000 because they had to replace the entire cooling system.

I more or less told them to go fuck themselves and used that free towing to have it towed back to my house where I had a mechanic friend take a look at it.

Turns out there was absolutely nothing wrong and that my thermostat must have just got stuck and that's why it overheated the one time.

It would have been like 10 bucks to replace the thermostat, but it never over heated again so I never even bothered.

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