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I don't give a shit about getting ridiculed.

The only people that make fun of me are haters that are mad jealous of my totally sweet life.

My sister-in-law said that I am the coolest person in any given situation where cool people come together.


I really only wanted to get a Ouija board so I could contact the spirit of Ronnie James Dio.


This post is all kinds of kick ass.

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is there anyone in ch.0 who hold a genuine interest in "witchcraft" of any form?


astrology, planetary spells & rituals


ouija boards


tarot cards








I'm not religious at all, but I know a couple people who had their lives seriously fucked over due to wiccan spells.

They didn't believe in the shit either, until they were spelled upon.


Ever since then I believe that there's something to that shit, but I steer clear of anybody who claims to be into it

like as if they just told me they have the black plague or some shit.


Coincidentally, I just found out that this one bitch who put a love spell on my boy in retaliation for dumping her is a

full blown crack head living on the street nowadays.


Like I said I'm not religious at all, but apparently there's something to be said for karma.

And self proclaimed "witches" are to be steered clear of at all costs.

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Nope don't believe in ghosts either


I'm starting to believe in ghosts.

I have a mischeivious ghost in my house who does dumb shit to get attention, but fails in scaring me or my fam.

Because of this lack of instilling fear, I call him failghost.


Is anybody interested in hearing about failghosts shenanigans, or should I just keep that to myself?

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I'm starting to believe in ghosts.

I have a mischeivious ghost in my house who does dumb shit to get attention, but fails in scaring me or my fam.

Because of this lack of instilling fear, I call him failghost.


Is anybody interested in hearing about failghosts shenanigans, or should I just keep that to myself?

they too, are real


if an otherworldly spirit of higher knowledge wanted to scare you & your family, it probably could so effortlessly :lol:


i wouldnt mind updates




I dont know bout fuckin with a Ouija board, shit would be my luck first time doin it I open some netherworld portal





on a side note, i assume you are already aware of reality being stranger than fiction. moogle too, if he has seen this thread


i took way too much acid once and thought i could manipulate the thoughts of everyone in the greyhound station. does that count?

every thought counts

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I'm starting to believe in ghosts.

I have a mischeivious ghost in my house who does dumb shit to get attention, but fails in scaring me or my fam.

Because of this lack of instilling fear, I call him failghost.


Is anybody interested in hearing about failghosts shenanigans, or should I just keep that to myself?



Must spread rep

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I'm starting to believe in ghosts.

I have a mischeivious ghost in my house who does dumb shit to get attention, but fails in scaring me or my fam.

Because of this lack of instilling fear, I call him failghost.


Is anybody interested in hearing about failghosts shenanigans, or should I just keep that to myself?


Interested... what is this ghost that you speak of...

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I'm starting to believe in ghosts.

I have a mischeivious ghost in my house who does dumb shit to get attention, but fails in scaring me or my fam.

Because of this lack of instilling fear, I call him failghost.


Is anybody interested in hearing about failghosts shenanigans, or should I just keep that to myself?


yea man tell us more, I might not believe in them but I imagine this shit might be pretty funny.


I used to work ith this Aussie girl, she was well into her pagan stuff and witchcraft, she used to talk about it all the time but I wouldn't really take it in.


I have read about it before though, I think peoples perceptions of withcraft are completely diffrent to the reality of it. To me it comes across more as doing rituals and spells etc asking for things you want to happen and hoping the spirit or magic grants it. More following traditions like the solistices and the natural elements rather than turning people into frogs etc.


I dont live that far from stonehenge so have seen plenty of druids n shit like that.

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Shall we sacrifice a virgin down the Gorsedd stone circle in Tredegar House Decy? It's lovely weather for it.



My old flatmate used to tell me you weren't allowed to ask for things for yourself or bad things would come upon you ten fold, something to that effect. From what I could gather from her coven they were all a bit odd, liked to be naked in the woods and they spent an awful lot of money on candles.

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If you really are interested in this shit you should dl a whole buncha books on the occult. If you have a demonoid account there is a heavy list of that kinda shit.


Personally? I like reading bout the shit cuz its uncanny and the uncanny scares me if I let it. Sure I can compartmentalize all this shit and chock it up to pseudo-science bullshit but, it's scary just thinking about it all.


Thoughts fuck you up when you let em.

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I don't know if failghosts shenanigans are going to live up to the apparent hype, but since you's asked.


Let me preface a couple of these stories by stating that I'm the type of person who keeps everything in it's place. If my cellphone isn't in my left side pocket of whatever pants I'm wearing that day, then it's on the nightstand. Keys are always in my back pocket, wallet always in my right side pocket. And my pilot marker is always in my left side pocket where my phone is. This is whether I'm wearing my pants or not, and these items do not leave my pocket unless I'm either using them or changing pants.


So this first instance involves the disappearance of my Pilot marker. At first I assumed it must of fell out of my pocket while I was ducking behind some air conditioning unit whenever a car would drive by while I was doing a fillin the night before. So I went there looking for it, and it wasn't there. So I just chalked it up to it fell out somewhere else and oh well I'll just get another one.

So then a couple days later I'm in my computer room/graff shit storage room/whatever. Lets just call it my man cave. And I see my pilot marker on top of a stack of graff mags on the top shelf (out of reach of my 4 year old). It wasn't laying down either, it was standing up like as if failghost was telling me "hah! I know what this thing's for you hoodlum". I wasn't spooked, I just laughed.


Another instance that involves shit missing from my pants pocket was when my wallet disappeared. I thought for sure that I had left it on the counter at the store the night before while I was buying beer, or that it somehow (though not very likely) fell out at the skate spot that I was at the night before.

I made the drive back there to check the skate spot and the store but of course no luck.

Now I have to go to the bank and have them change my account numbers and shit just incase some dick who finds my wallet decides he has a buddy who looks like my ID picture and wants to wipe out my bank account with the bank card that's also in my wallet.

So I do all that, then while I'm driving to work my wife calls me and says "guess where your wallet was?" It was in this cardboard box that she used to put the recyclables before taking them out to the blue recycling trash can outside. And it wasn't sitting on top of the cans and plastic bottles and shit, it was actually deep down in there. Also the morning that my wallet went missing, my wife remembers seeing my keys on the floor next to my pants. When I woke up they were in my pants pocket, but in the wrong pocket.

This shit with my wallet failed to spook me, but it did piss me off.


My wife was grabbed by the leg while she was sleeping. She thought it was me trying to wake her up, but when she looked nobody was in the room. Now you'd think that would spook most people, but she just shrugged it off and went back to sleep.


And another time it turned down the water pressure in my house to where the water was barely coming out of the faucets. I had to go outside with a wrench and turn it back up.


I'll update this thread if anything else happens.

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The thing with Sabrina is she had a kids show before she hit puberty... That does not deter me at all. I'd smash sabrina no question...the olsen twins on the other hand? Full house just ruined that shit for me.


haha what was that show called? Clarice Always Knows or something. I like Melissa Joan Hart.

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