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$45 steak..... WELL DONE


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beyond just annoying, it's more of a disappointment when a person lacks the sophistication to accept and appreciate any item of value and its intended state.


Whilst I'm a medium rare guy myself I do get a little irked at chefs that refuse to cook something a particular way. Taste is in the tongue of the beholder. I was taken to a seafood restaurant one day when I really didn't feel like fish and they had a venison dish that I wanted but itwas on the menu as bleu. Not much of a bleu meat fan myself I asked for it to be at least rare/medium rare. The waitress said she'd ask the chef whether he would do that and apparently he did but he wasn't happy about it.


Arsehole, you aint eating it and I know how I enjoy my food so just shut the fuck up and let me do that. Yes you are a signature chef and I respect the pride that is taken in creating food the way you intend/want it to be. But I'm paying the bill and the guy that employs you wants you to sell product. I'm no food critic and I won't be writing anything in a fucking food-wank column next week. So feel free to tell me that it's not the way you feel the dish will be best enjoyed if that is your professional obligation but stick your displeasure of my decision right up your petulant, self-righteous ass!!!






[not aimed at anyone in particular, using the term 'you' in general terms]

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i learned something from cooking in restaurants....90% of blacks order beef well done. whats up with that? and how come so many of them don't eat pork?



anyway, i never had a problem making a well done steak, in fact it's easy for a chef cus it's pretty much fool proof. it's the one temperature that's basically impossible to fuck up. i'd say in most cases, any chef that refuses or gets pissed off about making a steak or something well done PROBABLY has an ego problem.

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^ this. After working in a restaurant for years, people order shit ALL day. Litterly all day, that's what you do in a restaurant is make food. I know it maybe hard to believe but if you order it and its on the menu I would make it. Fuck it, if it isn't on the menu but simple modification ill make it.


The only time shit was way super annoying was when people have allergies or weird diets and they want to know every last damn spice or ingredient. And on the side.

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Actually, I think I could say that I like outside of my steak well done and salty and the dead middle red and bloody.



Oh yeah, and a well done steak at Denny's?! Ha, I Think you got it all ass about. $45 for a steak is fancy food snobbery, it's normal when you want a good cut of meat cooked exactly the way you order it in a clean restaurant with well trained floor staff. That's normal, Denny's is not. It has it's place, a joint to throw a quick cheap feed in your guts before you fill it with beer, but do not try and pull that shit off to us like it's something to covert.

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Whilst I'm a medium rare guy myself I do get a little irked at chefs that refuse to cook something a particular way. Taste is in the tongue of the beholder. I was taken to a seafood restaurant one day when I really didn't feel like fish and they had a venison dish that I wanted but itwas on the menu as bleu. Not much of a bleu meat fan myself I asked for it to be at least rare/medium rare. The waitress said she'd ask the chef whether he would do that and apparently he did but he wasn't happy about it.


Arsehole, you aint eating it and I know how I enjoy my food so just shut the fuck up and let me do that. Yes you are a signature chef and I respect the pride that is taken in creating food the way you intend/want it to be. But I'm paying the bill and the guy that employs you wants you to sell product. I'm no food critic and I won't be writing anything in a fucking food-wank column next week. So feel free to tell me that it's not the way you feel the dish will be best enjoyed if that is your professional obligation but stick your displeasure of my decision right up your petulant, self-righteous ass!!!


[not aimed at anyone in particular, using the term 'you' in general terms]



the jury's still out on which is worse, the entitled guest or the pandering chef.


the remedy is really as easy as just not ordering a steak. everybody knows it's criminal to order well done, and really, at a middle to low spot, you get a pass and we can all laugh at you for that one. in an upscale setting, please roll with the romans. pick something else off the menu that won't need to be fucked with/up, seems a common courtesy to me.


I wouldn't be surprised if kitchens keep shitty cuts around just for the well done folks.

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Whilst I agree with you for the most part I don't understand how courtesy comes in to the deal when you are paying a bill. No one is doing anyone any favours here, it's a basic business transaction and whilst higher end chefs do put a lot of themselves in to their work, they are usually paid quite well and the bottom line is that they are supplying a service and a product. When either party loses sight of this basic aspect I think that's when things start getting irrational and wanky.


I think the best way for these mattes to be dealt with is for the chef to speak to the guest (time constraints permitting, of course) and advise them that this is not the way the dish should be cooked in his opinion and maybe offer an alternative dish the diner may prefer. If the diner sticks with the original order, just fucking cook it I say. If the diner complains or isn't happy, that's their problem as they were advised against the order.


When you're in a nice spot I don't think it that is too much to ask. Part of being a nice spot is catering for particular guests. Refusing to do so I think crosses the line of self-righteous egotism and wankery.


That being said, the instance above of the bleu venison is the only time I've ever asked for something contrary to the menu and I NEVER do anything over medium.

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the jury's still out on which is worse, the entitled guest or the pandering chef.


I have eaten at many upscale establishments that list rare-well done as options. I never go past medium, but still.


If it's on the menu as an option, then maybe the chef should be cooking somewhere else if it gets him that upset. There is nothing entitled about ordering directly from the menu.


However, in the same breath, I do think if a dish is described on the menu as being cooked a certain way, it shouldn't be fucked with.

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cool that they have it on the menu. certainly takes the edge off though.


sure, I'll 'go there' with this. I just think it crosses into another realm at a certain point. where it's not just 'I'm giving you money for some food, give me what I want' to signing a sort of social contract in which you acknowledge and accept someones expertise. you're purchasing an experience, at a place that you otherwise wouldn't even know about if it weren't for their rigid dedication to craft. when I say common courtesy, that really means respect.


obviously that kind of fu-fu attitude rarely truly applies, but it doesn't hurt to exercise it at all times.

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