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1700s boat found at ground zero


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They should build something new.


And at the same time, pay respect to the past.


There should be a museum dedicated to the towers within. With also a section dedicated to 9/11.


There specifically should be an area dedicated to the people who lost their lives, and a tribute to all of the city workers, and civilians who posed as city workers who rushed down, and risked there lives (a lot of whom have actually died) attempting to rescue and salvage what they could.


I'm not going to lie, I live in NYC and I have my entire life. When I look at the skyline it just isn't the same. It will never be the same, however I think something symbolizing what once was, would be better than nothing at all.


And fuck worrying about some "extremist" group coming and knocking down shit again. I don't even care to get into the debate about what happened, but that shit shouldn't even be in the discussion.

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Probably Noah's Ark.........resurrected in time for 2012.



Nahh, but I wonder how they didn't see it when they initially built the WTC


The area under excavation had not been dug out when the original Twin Towers were built in the 1960s and 1970s.

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oh my fucking god, its just 9/11, yeah it was terrible but fuck, get over it, that land is prime real estate



I was about to get mad, but I wouldn't care if a few thousand Australians died, so I guess I really can't haha.


And serious COS reading comprehension fail in this thread

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eh, they were debating the building of the new mosque on FAUX news a couple days ago.


one of the people they interviewed made a good point...


that particular group of muslims has been in the community for the past 27 years and they have been good people....if we really want to show vigilance as americans, then we should let them build a mosque there without debate.

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I mean really, it's a prime piece of commercial property in New York City. I get that people died there, but you can't mark it as sacred ground.


If I crashed my car into someone's house and died, would they move out and never allow anyone to live in that house or build on that property again? You have to realistic.


. . . and as far as a mosic goes, it's a free country. You can't start telling people where they can and can't build churches, I mean it's not something evil like a strip club.


Realistic, like you comparing you getting into a car accident and dying to the mass murder of over 3,000 people.




Mosque is a different story. Last time I checked, I thought we had the freedom to practice whatever religion we please.

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the whole argument is that its insensitive of the muslim community to build a mosque near ground zero, because the terrorists killed in the name of Allah.


but what those people fail to realize is that the muslim extremists (especially the terrorists ones) are a very very small portion of the greater muslim community.



they are like what the kkk is to white christian america.

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